Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 209 Do you believe in magic?

Wade did not plan to go out for the remaining two weeks of this holiday.

He copied more than a dozen magic books from the Black family, and Dumbledore generously lent Wade a box of books, all of which he thought were worth reading.

Professor Flitwick suggested that if you occasionally put down your wand and read the magic theory in depth, you will find that it becomes more handy when you pick it up again.

Learning magic is fun, but no matter what subject, theory is always boring.

Even if Wade is better at these things than ordinary people, he has to eliminate all distractions and calm down to read those difficult magic books one by one.

Of course, he actually has holiday homework. But this is the least worrying part, Wade finished it all the day before the holiday.

While immersed in the sea of ​​books, the Christmas holiday was unknowingly coming to an end, and Fiona also began to prepare Wade's luggage to go back to school.

On this day, when Wade went downstairs for breakfast, he saw that his father seemed in a good mood. He even took out a bottle of rum from the wine cellar.

——You know, Fiona usually doesn't allow him to drink before dinner.

"Get ready, your Uncle Johnson is coming." Ferdinand said happily: "Remember their youngest son Carlile? You played well with him when you were a child."

Wade skipped the topic about the naughty child and asked:

"Uncle Landon Johnson? I remember you said that their family moved to the United States."

"Yes. Before... oh, that is, half a month before you received the Hogwarts notice, their family moved to the United States and have been out of contact since then."

Ferdinand adjusted his tie in front of the mirror and said:

"Landon also said before that he wanted Carlile to go to the same school as you. school! I said no, our Wade's grades are good enough to go to St. Paul's, Caryl is probably a little short..."

"How can Caryl be a little short? He is still a lot short!"

Fiona brought out the fried eggs and pouted, saying, "Fortunately they moved. Otherwise, Mrs. Johnson would definitely ask questions when she saw that Wade didn't go to St. Paul's."

"Don't say that, dear." Ferdinand said flatteringly, "Mrs. Johnson has no ill intentions, she just likes to compare a little. And Langdon is a generous and kind person, you know."

Fiona snorted a few times and said nothing.

Wade certainly knew Landon Johnson, who was once his father's business partner.

Although they later separated and developed separately, Landon took the initiative to give up some of his interests, and their relationship was not affected.

It is better to say that without the involvement of interests, their friendship has become purer.

But Caryl Johnson, in Wade's opinion, is really hard to describe.

Perhaps because his mother is American, Caryl also has obvious American characteristics - enthusiastic, open, exaggerated, and carefree.

Ferdinand always thought that Wade and Caryl were good friends, but in Wade's view, he was just tolerating a naughty child and helping to take care of the elders when they were not convenient.

When he thought of Caryl coming, Wade couldn't help but frown slightly.

Fiona knew that Wade had a bad impression of Caryl, and she couldn't help but smile and said, "You don't need to be too enthusiastic, just don't be rude."

After the Gray family had breakfast and cleaned up the house, Wade put all the magic-related things into the closet space and locked his bedroom.

Otherwise, with Caryl's habit of rummaging around, he might turn out magic books or something. At that time, not only Wade would be in trouble, but the Johnson family might also be hit by a forgetfulness spell from the Ministry of Magic.

According to Wade's understanding, the Ministry of Magic will only be amazingly efficient when enforcing the "Statute of Secrecy".

After finishing the cleaning, Ferdinand returned to the living room on the first floor. He was so tired that he sat on the sofa to rest. After a while, he heard the sound of a car.

"It must be Langdon and the others."

Ferdinand immediately stood up to greet them. When he looked up, he met a pair of bean-like green eyes.

"Dolls!" Ferdinand shouted: "Fiona, your dolls are still wandering around in the living room!"

The doorbell rang.

"Oh my God! I forgot about them!"

Fiona hurriedly grabbed Coco who was sticking her head out and hurriedly stuffed it into the bookshelf.

"Don't move, don't make a sound!" Fiona whispered: "Do you know? This is very important!"

Coco covered her mouth with both hands and nodded her little head seriously.

Fiona breathed a sigh of relief, and just as she stood up, she saw that the other two dolls were actually wiping the vase next to her.

"Stop wiping." Wade knocked on the shelf and said, "Stay still and don't move."

Ali and Lena, one holding a rag and the other holding a small broom, plopped down on the shelf, motionless, like two exquisite ornaments.

Ferdinand's enthusiastic voice came from the hallway:

"Landon, long time no see... are you... are you okay?"

Fiona and Wade also went to the door.

Ferdinand hugged the person outside the door tightly, then patted his back and welcomed him in.

Gray and his son were both stunned.

Landon Johnson used to be a fat businessman with two delicate mustaches, a gray hat in any weather, and a lovely, cheerful smile on his face.

But now, he looked so thin and haggard, with drooping corners of his mouth and deep dark blue under his eyes. It was obvious that he had not slept for a long time.

Only the familiar gray hat was still on his head.

His wife, who always liked to talk endlessly and smiled too ostentatiously, did not come with him, and Caryl was nowhere to be seen.

"Good morning, Fiona, Wade."

Langdon took off his hat, greeted the two, and then handed over the things in his hand:

"Merry Christmas, Wade. This is a gift for you. I'm sorry it's a few days late."

Wade took his old suitcase and said confusedly: "Then... thank you?"

Langdon then noticed what he gave to Wade, snatched the suitcase away, and said awkwardly:

"Sorry, I made a mistake."

He turned his head and left the room, opened the car door and leaned in to look for a while, found a huge gift box, took it out, and handed it to Wade.

"This... this is the gift." He seemed to have just remembered it, and said: "Congratulations on your admission to St. Paul's School. School life must be very happy, right?"

Wade took the heavy gift and found that it was a particularly expensive model car, but it was not suitable for him.

Wade suspected that Langdon probably only paid attention to the price when he bought it, similar to the nouveau riche speech of "give me the most expensive one", and didn't pay attention to what he bought at all.

He thanked me politely and said, "I actually go to another school. Although my school is different from St. Paul's, school life is really interesting."

"Really?" Langdon nodded absentmindedly. "St. Paul's is great! You are also very good to go to that school. I wish Caryl could be like you."

Wade blinked.

Ferdinand held Langdon's shoulder and asked, "Langdon, are you having any trouble?"

Langdon looked at him and suddenly burst into tears.

"Ferdinand, my friend, do you believe in magic in the world?"

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