Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 210 The Forgetfulness Spell is Real

The Gray family was startled at the same time, Fiona and Wade looked at each other.

Ferdinand's face was tense, and his palms instantly increased their strength.

After pausing for a few seconds, he asked in a deep voice: "What's going on?...Why do you ask this suddenly?"

Langdon sat on the sofa holding his head, and after a while he said, "Do you know why we sold all our family property and moved to the United States last year?"

"I remember... you said it was because your wife's uncle in the United States passed away... and he left all his property to you..."

Ferdinand said no more. It now seems clear that what the Langdons told them was all lies.

"I'm sorry, I lied to you."

Langdon said decadently: "There is no inheritance... The reason why we moved is because Khalil received a letter... an acceptance letter..."

"Admission notice!"

Fiona exclaimed. After several people looked at her, she quickly added in a covert manner:

"What kind of notice can allow your whole family to move from the UK?"

Langdon smiled bitterly: "It's an acceptance letter...from a magic school...it seems to be called Hogwarts..."

The expressions of Vader and others changed to varying degrees, but Langdon didn't notice. He was immersed in telling his story——

About a year and a half ago, one morning, Khalil found a strange letter in his mailbox at home, an acceptance letter from someone claiming to be "Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

There was no stamp on the envelope, so no one knew how the letter was sent. The usual thought was that someone secretly stuffed it into their mailbox at night.

In Langdon's opinion, although the letter stated that a professor from the school would come to visit in two days and explain the admissions matters, this must be a scammer's method, or some novel propaganda method, just waiting for those who are not smart enough. People are fooled.

That's what he thought, and he told his family to ignore it, but Khalil had a different opinion.

The eleven-year-old boy took the admission letter and ran to show off to his friends - he was special! He is about to become a powerful wizard!

The children naturally laughed at his whims and were completely unfazed by it.

But that night, a man in a black robe knocked on Johnson's door.

"He said that magic really exists. He showed extraordinary means in front of us... He made us float in the air without using any props. He also turned our coffee table into a A spider..."

Langdon said in a daze, as if still immersed in the initial shock.

"Then what?" Ferdinand asked: "He said he was the professor at Hogwarts? Come to prove magic to you?"

After he finished speaking, he realized that he was wrong.

If things had developed this way, the Langdon family would not have fled England in a hurry.

Sure enough, Langdon shook his head.

"No...he said...he said magic is real, but Hogwarts is more than just a school...it is a base that trains soldiers and brainwashes little wizards..."

Wade's expression suddenly became strange.

Who is that guy? The brain circuit is so consistent with Fudge.

If the Minister of Magic could hear these words, he would definitely consider him a confidant, right?

"Then what? What else did he say?"

Ferdinand pressed.

"He said..."

Langdon struggled to remember the words that changed his family's life.

"Hogwarts is not as beautiful as you think. It is not only responsible for teaching magic, but also a base for training soldiers. All young wizards must go through brainwashing education there."

"At the same time, Hogwarts also pursues the law of the jungle. If you are not strong enough, even if you are killed by your classmates, no one will hold you accountable."

The man in black robe looked at Khalil with pity.

"I think you can understand that a child like you who has never been exposed to magic will not have any advantage when he goes to that school and faces students who come from wizarding families and have started learning magic since they were young."

"Children born in such non-magical families are called 'Mudbloods' there, which means they are as lowly as mud and can be trampled on at will."

"So Mug students are the ones who are bullied by everyone in school. Generally speaking, not even one tenth of them survive to graduation."

"Then... what should we do?" Mrs. Johnson hugged her son in panic: "We won't go to school! Isn't it okay if we don't go to that school?"

The man in black robe shook his head: "I'm afraid not. Hogwarts does not allow any talented little wizard to wander outside - even a mudblood. If you refuse, the school's professors will take Khalil away forcibly, and Let you completely forget his existence.”

In a panic, Langdon was completely unable to think about the unreasonableness of this, and he pled urgently as if grasping at straws:

"You are also a wizard. You must have a way to save us, right? Otherwise you wouldn't show up to tell us this!"

"Of course." The man in black robe showed a mysterious smile: "Of course I will save you - that's why I'm here."

"You have to remember that what makes one magic school fearful is of course another magic school!"

"As long as you write back to Hogwarts and say that your family is preparing to move to the United States, and that Khalil will attend Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the United States, Hogwarts will naturally give in. They will not settle for just one person. Mudblood, go to war with Ilvermorny."

"Is this...is this enough?" Mrs. Johnson said anxiously.

"Of course not!" said the man in black robe: "If you say you want to move to the United States, you must move there, and you must move there as soon as possible! If you are still staying in the UK before school starts, Hogwarts will definitely know! By then, there will be no way I can save you!"

"Then...does Khalil really want to go to...that Ilvermorny?" Langdon asked.

The man in black robe shook his head: "Ilvermorny is no different from Hogwarts... It's best for you to remain anonymous from now on and not be discovered by anyone. Khalil also needs to hide his talents and be an ordinary person. That’s the safest way.”

"But I don't want to hide!" Khalil clenched his fists and said loudly: "I have the talent of a wizard, why should I be an ordinary person? If I can't go to a magic school, I...can't I learn magic from you?"

"Caryl!" Langdon quickly stopped.

But the man in black robe said: "Of course you can...why not? I was originally the same person as you...Thanks to the mercy of my mentor, I became what I am now..."

"But kid, this road is not easy. It is destined to be enemies with all the major magic schools. If you join us, you will face countless powerful enemies in the future. Are you really ready?"

No passionate young man can resist such a provocative approach and the temptation to be "different".

Of course Khalil can't either.

"As soon as we got off the plane, the man in black robes appeared. He was traveling with an old witch and picked up Khalil."

Langdon covered his face and said painfully: "Since then, Khalil has never come back, not even a message... I realize that we may have been deceived, but there is nothing we can do about it. …”

"My husband and I went everywhere to ask about Hogwarts, Ilvermorny, and the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry... No one could give us an answer. Suddenly one day, Anne forgot everything..."

"The Forgetting Curse turned out to be real... She forgot about the magic school and even forgot that we have a son..."

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