Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 21 Ravenclaw's Flying Lesson

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students walked to the lawn where flying lessons were held. Standing here, you can see Hagrid's hut and the Forbidden Forest in the distance. Sometimes you can hear strange sounds coming from There was a sound over there.

Unlike Gryffindor, who loves adventure, and Slytherin, who likes to stir up trouble, Ravenclaw knows how to protect himself wisely, and usually only explores within the rules; Hufflepuff students are all well-behaved, and more They will not actively violate the rules. Most students in these two colleges will not take a step into the Forbidden Forest until they graduate from seventh grade.

About twenty broomsticks were neatly arranged on the ground, and Mrs. Hooch was already waiting there in advance. She stared at the students with alert and scrutinizing eyes like a hawk, and said sharply: "I guess you have heard about yesterday's accident! Fortunately, Mr. Longbottom of Gryffindor only broke his wrist, but if you are reckless It won’t be surprising if someone breaks his neck!”

The little eagle and the little badger nodded in agreement.

"Okay! Now everyone stands next to a broomstick!"

Under the watchful eye of Mrs. Huo Qi, everyone moved quickly without fighting or grabbing. It’s just that the school’s broomsticks are old, and each one is very worn. The branches are spread out in a disorderly manner, and the oak handles are uneven. Sweeping the floor is uncomfortable.

But they're going to sit on this thing and fly.

Wade suddenly felt that flying on a broomstick might not be friendly to the tailbone.

He heard Michael mutter under his breath: "Meteor - the cheapest broom..."

Wade took a look and saw that Michael's broom was a little more worn out than his. It looked like it was made of weeds.

Mrs. Huo said loudly: "Stretch out your right hand, put your hand on the broom handle, and say - get up!"

"Get up!" the students shouted together.

Wade's broom rolled on the ground twice before jumping into his hand. He reached out and held it, feeling that he didn't need to use much force because the broom would float in the air on its own.

He turned to look at the others. Some people succeeded immediately, and some people - like Michael, the broom bounced on the ground like a dehydrated fish, and it took a long time to reach his hand.

After all the students held the broom, Mrs. Huo Qi taught everyone how to ride the broom so as not to fall off, and severely corrected some students' wrong sitting postures.

Vader originally thought this would be simple, because he remembered that in the movies, Harry Potter always just jumped on his broom and flew away. But after actually riding it, I realized that this kind of thing is not that simple. After all, a broom handle is just a thin stick, and balancing on it requires some skill.

Fortunately, the pressure on some fragile bones was not as great as expected, and there was some kind of spell cast on the broom that made riding on it feel like sitting on a chair. Not too comfortable, but not that uncomfortable either.

Until everyone's sitting position satisfied Mrs. Hooch, she allowed the students to proceed to the next step - flying.

"As soon as I blow the whistle, you guys will kick hard to the ground." Mrs. Huo Qi said, "Hold on to your brooms, but don't lift them too high, unless you want to fly into the clouds! Lift up a little, and slowly rise a few steps. feet high, then slowly slides forward, then slowly returns to the ground."

Mrs. Huo Qi said Slowly three times in a row, and then said: "Pay attention to my whistle - three, two, one!"

When the whistle sounded, the students immediately appeared in different layers - some flew too high, some plunged to the ground, and two students failed to maintain their balance and rolled off their brooms with a grunt.

Mrs. Huo Qi frowned and waved her wand in time. Finally, no one was hurt.

Suddenly, another scream was heard - a girl from Ravenclaw House rushed towards the broom shed on a broomstick!

"There are many obstacles!" Mrs. Huo Qi shouted.

The girl stayed in the air for a moment, and then although she still hit the wall, the force had slowed down, but her broom was knocked apart.

Mrs. Huo Qi did not scold her, but used the flying curse to summon another old broom and asked the girl to continue practicing.

Vader rode his broom and hovered at a higher place, and then tried to increase his speed little by little. There are only five or six students like him who can gradually control their own brooms, and most of them are ordered by Mrs. Hooch not to fly higher than the height of the broom shed.

Even so, accidents continued.

For example, two students' broomsticks were crooked, and then collided in the air uncontrollably; for example, there was a Hufflepuff boy who flew very well at low altitude, but as soon as he raised his broom to a height of less than five meters, he blinked. Kwan fell off his broom - the poor student was afraid of heights.

The first flying lesson can be said to be chaos. Mrs. Huo Qi was "putting out fires" in all directions like an octopus, waving her wand with a swishing sound, constantly rescuing students from various crises that might break their necks. She herself was hit by a reckless student, which made Mrs. Hooch look livid with anger and deducted a full five points from Hufflepuff!

Wade finally understood why Mrs. Huo Qi always had a bad look on her face and looked very angry. Any experienced driver who is teaching a novice driver to drive and sees that the novice driver keeps making some low-level and stupid mistakes will probably be like Mrs. Huo Qi.

Finally, the flying lessons were over, and the students went to the school infirmary in droves to see Madam Pomfrey for treatment of various scrapes, sprains, and falls. Wade and Michael were intact, and they returned to the auditorium for dinner together.


Hermione, who was eating, saw them and immediately waved to say hello. Wade saw that she was sitting alone at one end of the long table, so he simply walked over and sat at the Gryffindor table.

Hermione glanced at them and asked, "Did the flying class go well?"

"Too tired." Michael said tiredly. He felt that he needed to replenish a lot of energy. After taking two pieces of bread with butter, he put a roasted chicken leg on the plate.

Wade first poured a glass of juice and drank it all, and then said, "Everyone is flying for the first time, very unskilled, more than half of the people were slightly injured, and some people fainted."

Hermione nodded, "I have to say, I'm not surprised at all. Flying in the air without any protection, it's natural to get injured!"

She obviously didn't like riding a broom or Quidditch at all.

"This is a skill that requires diligent training to master! A good Quidditch player can fly more flexibly than a bird."

After a flying class, Michael finally regained his energy. But Wade remembered that he had been hovering in the air during class. If he flew a little higher, the broom - or Michael on the broom - would start to tremble.

He was a typical novice who loved to play.

But Michael convinced him with just one sentence.

"Think about it, Wade." Michael said in a bewitching tone, "We can fly directly to the dormitory on a broom, and we don't have to climb the stairs anymore! I saw the students on the Quidditch team do this!"

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