Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 22 Umbrella House and SSC

That day, until he went back to the dormitory to sleep, Wade's mind was full of flying brooms. At night, he dreamed that he was flying on a broom, as free as a bird - he flew over Hogwarts Castle, over the stadium, over the Forbidden Forest and the Black Lake -

He circled on the grass and passed through the corridor of the castle. Everyone looked up at him in surprise. Michael was hanging on the stairs half dead, his eyes were dull with exhaustion. But Wade was far away from those damn stairs - he drew a graceful arc in the air, and finally passed through the window lightly and landed directly on his bed.

After waking up, Wade still had the wonderful feeling of flying freely in his mind. He looked at the ceiling with a sense of loss and couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

But first-year freshmen are not allowed to bring brooms to school... and a Nimbus 2000 costs at least one thousand gold galleons...

Gray's father Ferdinand opened a toy factory, and the products can be sold to the United States, so their family is relatively wealthy among ordinary people. Wade also has a lot of pocket money, which allows him to buy all kinds of snacks at will. But anyway, asking parents for a thousand Galleons to buy something like a "toy" is something that Wade couldn't do.

It would be nice if he could achieve financial freedom by himself - Wade couldn't help thinking.

If he was in the Muggle world, he could quickly accumulate wealth with his understanding of the future. But as a student in a boarding school, how can he make money?

Wade couldn't help but imagine.


Saturday was a day off, and when Wade arrived at the practice room in the morning, he found Hermione was already there.

Among the few people, Hermione spent the longest time in the practice room. Wade sometimes read in the common room or dormitory of Ravenclaw because he didn't want to go downstairs, but Hermione spent almost all her free time in the practice room. Wade was sure that the girl didn't have any friends in Gryffindor College except for Neville, and the girls in the same dormitory didn't seem to have a good relationship with her.

The girls always acted together, went to the classroom together, ate together, and went to the toilet together, but Hermione was always alone.

However, Wade did not persuade her to get along well with her classmates - emotional intelligence is something that is innate, and Wade himself is not the type who is good at dancing with long sleeves, and he does not like to compromise himself to please others.

But today, the girl was not studying, but "ping-pong-pong" nailing something on the wall.

"What is this?" Wade leaned over to take a look.

The rectangular wooden board was decorated with simple patterns and a line of cursive characters on it.

"Umbrella room?" Wade's expression was a little strange. He thought of Umbrella Corporation, a company that made biochemical viruses and destroyed the world.

"Yes." Hermione nailed the last nail and said, "There are many practice rooms, but this is the only one that belongs to us. I think it should have a special name. In this way, when others hear us say "Umbrella Room", they don't know where it is."

"Okay." Wade didn't care much about such trivial matters. He took a book from the shelf and sat down to start writing homework for yesterday's Herbology class.

Today's practice room - or umbrella room, has changed a lot compared to the original. Each of them occupied a space against the wall, with bookshelves placed against the wall, and arranged the table around it according to their own preferences.

Hermione's shelf was full of books, many of which were borrowed from the library and had not been returned. She also had a thick stack of brand new parchment, two bottles of ink and seven or eight quills - these things of hers were consumed very quickly. Since parchment was more expensive, Hermione usually took notes in notebooks bought from Muggle stores. The Granger family was not short of money, but the girl's character was somewhat thrifty and would not spend money on unnecessary things.

In addition to textbooks, Wade's shelf also had all the notes he had sorted out so far. Michael and others often borrowed them. According to them, with Wade's notes, even if they didn't attend class, they could pass the final exam. In addition, there were many props for transformation, such as buttons, matches, chess pieces and other commonly used things. After the flying class, a miniature model of a flying broom was quietly added to his desk.

Michael's place was much more fancy. He put all kinds of messy things such as perfume, mirrors, gift boxes, chocolates, etc. on the wall. There was a poster of a Quidditch star on the wall. On the table was a model of a dragon, cookies that were not finished yesterday, and badges collected from somewhere. Michael proved with his own actions that not every Ravenclaw loves learning.

Theo from Hufflepuff is very much loved by Professor Sprout, and he is also very good at herbology. There are two rows of fist-sized small flower pots on his shelf, which are all plants cultivated by Theo himself, including common white moss, mint, marjoram, yarrow, etc. There is also a pot of Mibu Mibao on the table. This plant looks like a diseased internal organ, covered with boils, and will spray sticky and smelly liquid to attack others. In order to avoid accidental injuries, Theo put a hemispherical glass cover on it.

Neville likes Theo's arrangement very much. He also wants to get a similar one, but because of the limited pocket money, he currently only has three or four pitiful flower pots. He also prepared some fertilizer, and everyone was asked to put it in the corner of the umbrella house so as not to affect breathing.

Ryan is also good at herbology, but his favorite is astronomy, so there is a set of planetary models on his desk, and the large and small planets will slowly rotate around the sun in the middle. In addition, Ryan also collected various quills and inks of different colors, neatly placed on the bookshelf.

Several other people came to the umbrella house one after another. They noticed the new name of the practice room and praised it. Michael also clapped his hands on the table and praised Hermione for her cleverness and surprise.

Although she knew that this guy was just habitually praising women, Hermione's cheeks were still slightly red with joy.

Theo put down his schoolbag and said, "If you ask me, not only should the practice room have a new name, we should also have a name to show that we are a whole."

"Yes." Ryan nodded: "If you always think that I am a Hufflepuff, he is a Ravenclaw, and you are a Gryffindor, there will always be a gap. We should be a collective that transcends the differences between colleges."

"Suddenly it feels formal!" Michael said excitedly: "Then what should we call it? Wade?" He looked at his friend.

Wade was suddenly called out, and was stunned. "Uh... after-school tutoring interest group?"

"--You'd better not give any suggestions." Michael turned his head expressionlessly: "Hermione?"

"This--" Hermione was suddenly a little nervous for some reason: "Magic Lovers Club?"

Michael sighed: "Hermione, what's the difference between this and Wade's after-school tutoring interest group? What about Neville?"

Neville stammered: "I--I can't think of anything for the time being."


Theo said: "How about the Sunflower Club?--Sunflowers symbolize hope, sunshine, loyalty, determination and growth, isn't it very suitable?"


Michael began to struggle.

Indeed--it is very suitable in all senses, but it feels a bit ordinary for some reason. If he were to name it himself, he couldn't say anything better.

"Lian?" Michael looked at the last person, and decided that if he didn't have a good idea, he would call it the Sunflower Club.

Ryan fiddled with the planetary model on his desk, thought for a while and said, "How about Starry Sky Chaser? SSC for short."

Michael clapped his hands and praised loudly, "Cool!"

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