Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 216 Age Reduction Agent [Two-in-One]

Harry stood there motionless, with his mouth open and his eyes following the eagle, and his brain could not react for a while.

——Isn’t Remus’ patronus a wolf... Why did he become an eagle again? Could it be that the patron saint can still change...

Until he saw the eagle landing on Vader's shoulder, turning into silver mist and dispersing.

"Excellent! Vader, excellent!"

Lupine clapped happily and said, "I have never seen anyone succeed on the first try. No, I should say I have never even heard of it!"

Vader smiled and looked down at his wand, still recalling the feeling just now.

The Patronus Charm... is really amazing magic.

This spell seemed to bring him back to that time. Even though the patron saint had disappeared, the emotion of joy and happiness was still lingering in his heart.

Lupine noticed Harry's expression and said immediately:

"Of course, Harry is also very good. I saw the silver mist on the tip of your wand. This is a very outstanding performance."

Harry suddenly felt ashamed and panicked. He unconsciously hid his wand behind his back and said enthusiastically:

"That's great, Vader, that's amazing!"

He realized that his praise was like a poor actor reciting his lines, so he quickly adjusted it and said:

"How cool!"

His voice sounded much more real.

"It's so cool that the Patronus is an eagle! It's really cool, Vader!"

Wade also had an unconcealable smile on his face.

The success of the Patronus Charm is on the one hand, and on the other hand, both the Animagus and the Patronus are reflections of the wizard's inner strength, so the images of the two are often not far apart, or even exactly the same.

He could finally let go of some unnecessary worries.

In addition to his joy, Wade did not hesitate to share his successful experience with Harry.

"Except for stimulating happy emotions for yourself, it's no different from other spells."

"It's important to be confident, to have a firm belief, to know where your happiness comes from, and to know why you are waving the wand," Wade said.

At his encouragement, Harry raised his wand again.

He searched hard for happy memories, and his experiences before the age of eleven had nothing to do with happiness.

After entering school, he felt that he was quite happy, but then he suddenly discovered that there were not many purely happy times.

Harry recalled the first time he rode a broomstick...the first time he caught the Golden Snitch...and earned the winning points for Gryffindor...

"Call the gods to protect you!"

The tip of his wand sprayed out streams of silver mist, vaguely forming a huge animal.

Harry struggled to hold his wand with both hands, feeling exhausted.

"Faith!" Vader emphasized: "The Patron Saint is not a prop to show off. You want it to protect you. This faith is the source of our strength."

After practicing intermittently until evening, even though Harry's Patronus had not yet been fully formed, he could already tell that it was an animal that looked like a horse.

It is tall and muscular, with its four hooves and tail clearly distinguishable.

Lupine praised Harry again and again, and said that Harry's father, James, had practiced for a full week before he reached Harry's current level.

This made Harry feel better about his frustration, and he secretly made up his mind to practice a few more times after returning to school.

While Harry was practicing spells, Vader also became more familiar with his Patronus. He tried to use his patronus to send a message to Lupine, and it actually succeeded.

But when the distance is far away, his magic power cannot sustain the consumption, and the patron saint will dissipate halfway, which also means that the patron saint cannot be as convenient as a phone call.

Fortunately, conveying messages is only the most insignificant role of the patron saint. Most of its functions are to resist black magic spells and creatures.

Not only Dementors, but also other creatures, such as the Acromantula, are actually afraid of the Patron Saint, but wizards generally do not use such advanced magic to deal with them.

After dinner, Sirius also came back.

"How disgusting!" He shouted at Lupine as soon as he entered the door: "The more we check, the more we investigate! The official sent by the United States Ministry of Magic doesn't care about the missing Muggle students at all..."

"Sirius!" Lupine stopped him hastily.

Sirius also saw the two little wizards next to the dining table at this time.

"Hey, Harry, Vader! How are you learning the Patronus Charm?" Sirius raised his hand and said hello.

"So-so." Harry asked hurriedly: "Sirius, are you going to investigate Khalil's disappearance?"


The tired Sirius originally planned to change clothes, but after hearing this, he did not go upstairs and directly pulled up a chair and sat near the dining table.

"We don't know if we don't investigate. After investigating, we found out that this matter is bigger than we thought. At most, one or two Muggle-born students are abducted at Hogwarts every year, but other countries..."

"Sirius!" Lupine said disapprovingly: "Children don't need to know this!"

"Don't be too rigid, Remus." Sirius waved his hand and said, "Vader and Harry are not ordinary children. They have even seen Voldemort. There is no need to hide this kind of thing."

"..." Lu Ping had no choice but to warn them: "You can tell them the basic investigation results, but don't forget the part that Dumbledore asked you to keep secret."

Sirius' expression flashed with a trace of unnaturalness. It was obvious that he had actually forgotten just now, but he responded with: "Of course, I remember it all!"

Lu Ping: "..."

He gave up on cleaning up the room and sat silently beside him.

Under his gaze, Sirius forgot what he wanted to say for a moment. He thought about it for a few seconds before speaking, but it was a topic that had nothing to do with the disappearance case.

"Harry's name was on the Hogwarts roster from birth, but Vader..."

He looked at the quiet young man next to him and said:

"It is said that you have never demonstrated your magical powers before receiving the admission notice. Why would Hogwarts know that you have wizard talents?"

"Yeah, why?"

Harry couldn't help but ask, and then turned to Vader:

"Isn't it true that nothing out of the ordinary has happened to you? Like letting your hair grow or suddenly jumping up the chimney on the roof."

Wade shook his head: "No."

Lupine explained: "This is sometimes the case for young wizards who are calm and have relatively stable magic power. Vader has never shown the power of magic, which means that there are no problems in his life that require magic power to solve, so he always follows ordinary people. People are no different.”

"But Hogwarts screened him out from countless people...how was this done?" Harry asked curiously.

Vader actually knew the reason, but at this time, like Harry, he looked at Sirius who was about to announce the answer.

Sirius grinned and said, "I only learned about it recently - Hogwarts has the Book of Admission and the Pen of Acceptance. They have been around longer than this castle."

"The Pen of Acceptance will detect all newly born children with magical talents, and then write their names in the Book of Admission. The Book of Admission will judge the child's talent very strictly to ensure that no Squib is accidentally Admit it."

“The Book of Admission and the Pen of Acceptance never make a mistake, ensuring that all those children with magical talents in this land are recorded, so only a very small number of young wizards are taken away from the British Isles. "

"But in other magic schools, they select students differently."

"Some are done through divination or dreams, which is prone to errors or omissions;"

"Some magic schools use detection networks similar to the Ministry of Magic. If there are obvious fluctuations in magic power, they will rush to investigate quickly. But children like Vader are easily ignored."

"Others...such as Durmstrang, which only accepts young wizards from wizarding families. Even if Muggle children show magical power, no one accepts them, and no one explains magic to them."

"Dumbledore speculated that Muggle wizards over there may have the largest number of missing people, but what did that guy Karkaroff actually say... What does the disappearance of Muggle wizards have to do with him? He is not willing to cooperate with the investigation at all!"

Sirius became angry as he spoke and cursed sincerely:

"I hope those dark wizards can take Karkaroff away. Even an idiot in that position would be more enthusiastic than him..."

"Igor Karkaroff is the headmaster of Durmstrang."

When Sirius complained inanely, Lupine explained to the two young wizards.

"If you meet him in the future, be careful. Igor Karkaroff was once a Death Eater, but he betrayed the names of other Death Eaters and was finally exempted from punishment."

"So that guy is not trustworthy at all. Durmstrang will definitely be finished if it is handed over to him."

Sirius then said:

"Most of the missing children are like that Khalil. They showed their power unintentionally, and soon a black-robed wizard came to contact them."

"Under the coaxing and deception of the man in black robe, the family quickly decided to move to a new place, but halfway, they forgot their child. And where did the child who was said to have moved go? No one knew have no idea."

"Dumbledore contacted all the magic schools - Durmstrang in Northern Europe, Beauxbatons in France, Ivermorny in the United States, Castello Busch in Brazil, the Magic Institute in Japan, and Kodo in Russia. Storiz..."

"There are no results. None of them have more students than planned, and there are still a few missing. Several schools and the Ministry of Magic decided to jointly investigate, and we must find out those guys who kidnapped the little wizards. !”

Sirius finished the rest in one breath, drank a glass of water, and then asked: "Knowing this, what did you think of?"

"Will the missing people be captured by the government or some big company?" Harry recalled similar TV plots he had watched and said, "Maybe someone is using underage wizards to conduct cruel experiments."

"As much as I hope this is not the case, it is certainly possible," said Sirius.

"Those guys may be rooted within the Muggle government, or have bribed some high-ranking Muggle officials."

Wade said: "They must have a huge intelligence network to get information about those little wizards - there is no one more convenient than the local government."

At this time, the Internet had not yet developed to the extent it later did, and people did not always hold a camera to take pictures of interesting or strange things and post them online anytime and anywhere.

Therefore, timely attention to these "strange events" should mostly rely on the power of word of mouth.

"It's very likely." Sirius showed an admiring look: "But we can't determine who is the problem yet, because there are too many Muggles. So the Aurors made a plan..."

"Knock knock!"

Lupin knocked on the table hard.

Sirius immediately realized that he had said too much, and he immediately shut up.

"What plan?" Harry asked.

"Okay, okay, you should go back to school and sleep!" Sirius began to drive people away rudely: "You have to go to class tomorrow, have you forgotten?"

The two had to go upstairs and go to the bedroom where the wardrobe was placed. After returning to Hogwarts, Harry was still muttering:

"I don't know what the plan is..."

"... Bait?" Wade suddenly said.

"What?" Harry asked.

"Find a wizard to pretend to be an underage Muggle girl, make a magical riot and make some strange noises, and then see if those people will show up."

Harry was silent for a while, and asked: "What wizard can pretend to be a little girl under the age of eleven."

"Have you forgotten the age-reducing potion?" Wade said: "There is also Polyjuice Potion... Magic will always find a way."


Several wizards raised their heads together and took a big sip of the strange-colored liquid in the cup.

"How does it feel?" said the young wizard who had distributed the potion.

Several wizards were speechless, and they soon showed painful expressions, and their bodies began to shrink like deflated balls.

With a "puff", the eyeballs retracted into the head, followed by the nose, mouth, and ears. The hands and feet suddenly retracted, becoming fat and small, and then the clothes slipped off and were held up like a tent.

A small hand came out from the pile of clothes, it touched to the left, and then to the right, and finally grabbed the wand and retracted it.

After a while, the wand came out again and tapped the clothes around. The clothes shrank immediately, but also became inconspicuous.

It seemed that in just a moment, there were several more children on the ground, with disgust or innocence on their faces. Some of them asked blankly: "Are we bait from now on?"

"It seems so."

A girl with violet hair said enthusiastically, took the potion in a can and distributed a bottle to everyone.

"Wait until the effect of the potion is about to pass before using it." The Auror in charge of brewing the potion stood by and said in a hoarse voice: "Repeated drinking will shrink back to the embryonic shape."

But seeing the laughter of the crowd, it seems that they didn't take his words to heart.

Then, they dispersed in all directions.

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