Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 218 Harassment Flies and Pets

"Stop being weird," Vader said, "How was your date with Padma? Did it go well this time?"

"Wha, what date?" Michael was shocked, blushed and stammered: "We are not dating... just, uh, just discussing issues..."

Vader looked at him like he was a fool.

Michael finally stopped arguing. He scratched his hair and asked tentatively: "Who knows?"

"rest assured……"

When Michael's expression softened, Wade continued: "Everyone found out except for a certain dull guy."

Michael's expression froze, and his eyes gradually became desperate.

"Then, during this period..."

"Yeah. Everyone thought it was funny how you tried so hard to hide it, so they didn't say anything... But since last time, we all thought you had made it public! Is there any result yet?"

Wade pretended to say: "Ah, I'm sorry...you must have forgotten what I just said."

"How could I forget!" Michael complained and stood up immediately: "No, I have to ask Terry... I don't believe everyone knows it!"

Terry is Michael's roommate.

Wade couldn't help laughing when he saw him hiding his embarrassed expression and running away.

"You don't seem very happy."

A somewhat ethereal voice suddenly sounded not far away.

It turned out that Luna was sitting on the sofa not far away. She was holding a magazine and reading it. The cover covered her entire face.

At this time, the girl lowered the magazine a little, and her foggy eyes stared at Wade over the top of the magazine.

The smile on Wade's face suddenly froze. That look in his eyes made people feel like their skin was being pierced, which was uncomfortable.

After a moment, he put away his smile and nodded: "Miss Luna Lovegood? You seem to have knocked down your magazine."

"It doesn't matter." Luna said in that slow tone: "It needs to be read backwards... Do you need help?"

"...Help?" Wade struggled to understand what she meant: "Where do you think I need help?"

Luna took out a pair of weird pink glasses from somewhere and put them on, looked at Wade carefully, and then nodded in confirmation.

"You're trapped by gnat flies... Do you need me to help you get rid of them?"

"...harassing the horsefly?"

"Invisible bugs that float into your ears and mess with your brain," Luna affirmed.

Vader suddenly remembered that he believed that some imaginary creatures really existed. This seemed to be a characteristic of the girl Luna.

He was silent for a while, not wanting to argue with a little girl about the existence of mole flies, so he asked in a coaxing manner: "Okay...how do you get rid of them?"

"Oh, this is easy."

Luna put down her book and walked over to Vader. She stretched out her arms and made slapping and chasing motions. She looked like she was doing a strange dance because there was nothing around her.

The sounds of other students laughing could be heard not far away.

But Luna didn't seem to hear Ben. She conscientiously helped Wade drive away the "harassing flies". Sometimes she would jump a little, causing the cork of the wine bottle on the hair tie to bounce up and hit her on the back of the head.

Wade felt that she was both weird and cute, and he, who was sitting next to her, was also wandering between "embarrassing" and "interesting", and his mood strangely improved a lot.

Ever since he heard about the decoy plan, some of the bad emotions in his heart immediately dissipated.

Luna stopped and turned her head to look over.

"Look, all the harassing flies have been driven away. Isn't it very effective?"

"Yes." Wade smiled and said, "Thank you, Miss Lovegood."

"You can call me Luna, I don't care."

After Luna finished speaking, she returned to the sofa and showed no intention of continuing the conversation. Instead, she continued to cover herself with the magazine.

Wade sat next to her for a while, until Luna returned to the dormitory, he got up and walked to the boys' dormitory.

Suddenly, a brown-haired girl was pushed in front of him, and several girls behind her giggled.

The brown-haired girl glanced back, then looked at Vader, and mustered up the courage to speak: "That... Vader Gray, I... uh... I..."

She stammered and couldn't finish her sentence for a while.

Wade looked down at her and asked, "I remember...you seem to be Luna's roommate?"

"Yes, yes!" The girl pushed her hair behind her ears, raised her eyes to look at him, and asked warily: "What is your relationship with Crazy Girl... your relationship with Luna..."

"She should be considered a friend, right?" Wade smiled: "In other words, she is like a considerate sister. I am very happy that she can have a roommate like you who seems to be very kind."

"No...nothing either..."

The girl looked a little unnatural, and her fingers were playing with her hair unconsciously. The girls behind looked at each other with embarrassed expressions.

Wade seemed not to notice and said gently:

"Luna has a bit of a gregarious personality. Fortunately, you are willing to tolerate her. If she occasionally says something unpleasant, don't tolerate it, just tell her directly. She is not a bad child, but she just doesn't know how to get along with others. ”

"No, no, in fact, everyone is used to it... After all, we are... friends! Haha..."

The brown-haired girl tried to put on a "kind and friendly" smile.

Wade's eyes swept over the girls behind him, and they all showed the smiles that "the sister's best friend" should have.

"Thank you. She is really lucky to have friends like you."

Wade took out a handful of mini magic pets from his bag, handed them over and said, "These are some small toys I usually make, you can play with them."


Several girls covered their mouths in surprise.

In his thin palms, there were several magic pets such as cats, dogs, rabbits, and chickens as big as fingernails. Some were lying down, some were playing together, and some seemed to be looking for food. Their short claws and chubby bodies looked naive.

Each one was so cute that people couldn't take their eyes away.

Counting the number, they could get one more after each of them took one.

The brown-haired girl was a little embarrassed to accept it. Her companions had already picked out their favorites, so she had to take a kitten and then hold the last bunny in her hand.

"I will pass this to Luna... Did you forget to give it to her just now?"

She said gently.

Wade smiled and said, "Yes. I'll trouble you then."

Watching the first-year girls leave excitedly, Wade smiled and walked into the spiral staircase.

At the same time, some of the words that Marchionne repeatedly instilled in him echoed in his mind. Now that he thought about it, it made sense.

In some things, the power of words is stronger than violence.

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