Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 217 Harry: I hope they are okay

At night, Harry and Vader return to Hogwarts through the disappearing cabinet.

Their other classmates would at most take advantage of the Hogsmeade weekend to play in the wizarding village for an hour or two, and then come back before the students all returned to school.

Michael and others are sometimes recognized by students in third grade and above who are eligible to go to Hogsmeade. Everyone thinks that they have found a secret passage that has not been discovered by Filch.

Considering their relationship with the Weasley twins, this kind of thing is really not surprising——

The brothers had the feat of sneaking into the Forbidden Forest when they were in the first grade, and they also wandered around Hogsmeade when they were not old enough.

Most of the senior students smiled tolerantly, or made some friendly jokes, and sometimes advised them not to go to the Three Broomsticks for the time being, because several professors were drinking and chatting inside.

But there were also some unruly students who would secretly complain to Filch - everyone felt that Slytherin must have done something good.

During the last Hogsmeade weekend, Michael and Padma went on a date at Mrs. Puddy's Teahouse, and were almost caught by Filch——

The administrator actually went to Hogsmeade on the weekend!

You know, he was usually reluctant to get close to this wizarding village, but in order to catch a few sneaking students, Filch went from store to store.

Fortunately, Michael was very popular. Some students found Filch and hurriedly ran to tell them. Several students returned to school in a panic, thus avoiding being punished.

Filch was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

As we all know, breaking school rules at Hogwarts is not a violation of school rules as long as you don't get caught.

But since then, they have moved up the time to return to school by an hour.

Today, only Vader and Harry were left behind because they had to learn magic.

When there are no classes, the main building of the castle always seems more deserted. When it is close to curfew, there is no one in the corridor.

Even Filch and Mrs. Norris won't come here, because on weekend nights, they are either scrambling to see which students have not returned to the lounge on time, or they are watching the students in the foyer to prevent them from bringing muddy water into the castle. .

Coming out of the Room of Requirement, Vader habitually glanced at the portrait of Silly Barnabas first, and then heard Harry say:

"Sirius will tell us after the decoy operation has the results, right?"

The young savior said sincerely: "I hope those missing children are okay."

Wade shook his head: "This kind of action will not have results in a short time... it may even have no effect at all."

"Why?" Harry asked in surprise.

"Because wizards have to disguise themselves as Muggles, especially Muggle children, just like huskies blending into a pack of wolves. No matter how similar they look, you can tell them apart with a little more care."

"Are they familiar with local slang and dialect? Do they know the latest video games? Do they know how to ride the bus and the subway?" said Vedder.

Harry couldn't help but feel speechless, thinking of Mr. Weasley who asked him about the plug.

Then he retorted: "But they can choose wizards who are Muggle-born...or wizards who marry Muggles. They will definitely not make those basic mistakes."

"They might be able to pretend to be Muggles, but it's hard to play Muggle kids well."

Vader said: "The ones who are really suitable for the bait plan should be children like you and me who still maintain close contact with Muggle society."

When Harry heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little moved and eager to give it a try.

"You said that if we suggested to Professor Dumbledore..."

"Impossible, don't think about it! Unless all the adult wizards are dead, it will be the twelve-year-old's turn." Vader said decisively.

If this matter was completely controlled by Dumbledore, Harry's idea was still somewhat possible. But when the dominant component becomes more complex, risky strategies are less accepted.

Harry suddenly felt a little frustrated.

The two of them reached the corner of the corridor and stopped at the same time.

Although Gryffindor and Ravenclaw are both in the tower, the two towers are far apart. Apart from the courtyard, there is only a corridor on the third floor connecting them.

So they had to separate when they reached the end of the corridor.

Harry steeled himself.

"Dumbledore and the others must have considered the issue you mentioned, and they will definitely improve the plan...so there is still a possibility that the decoy plan will be effective, right?"

Wade hesitated and nodded.

Harry laughed.

"Think optimistically, Wade. Maybe when we wake up tomorrow morning, we will hear the good news!"

He waved his hand, opened the door and stepped onto the stairs. The moving stairs slowly turned in a circle, sending Harry in another direction.

Behind him, Vader walked to the balcony, raised his wand, and used the Flying Charm to summon his broom.

The old broom passed through the Ravenclaw tower and stopped in front of Vader with a swish. As it was used for a longer time, the broom became more and more spiritual.

Vader turned over and rode on his broom. Instead of returning directly to the dormitory, he flew twice over Hogwarts.

The castle looks even more majestic at night, and the spire where the principal's office is located is like a strawberry dotted on the cake.

The headmaster's office still exudes a soft glow tonight - the magic candle never needs to worry about the electricity bill, but Dumbledore himself is definitely not in the office at the moment.

Wade thought of Harry's optimism and denied it again in his heart.

When there are more participants and stakeholders, not only will the speed of response become slower, the procedures for doing things will become more complicated, and even the executors will usually not choose the most suitable one.

It's not that Dumbledore can't see the problem... It's just that the headmaster never seizes power, which causes him to often have to endure some idiots shouting in front of him, and then do more stupid things.

So the bait plan failed, which is the best thing for Wade.

If there is a harvest... He will only wonder if it represents a plan to hunt wizards.

The broom passed through the night wind and landed on the roof of Ravenclaw Tower. Wade smoothed his hair that was messed up by the wind, picked up the broom, answered the question of the eagle-shaped door knocker, and returned to the common room.

Michael was sitting in front of the common room reading a book. When he saw him come in, he immediately waved his hand.

"How is learning?"

He winked and didn't say the name of the Patronus Charm when there were other people in the common room.

"Very smooth." Wade said.

"How long did it take to succeed?" Michael asked with great interest.

Wade did not hide it and said directly: "Once."

"Cool!" Michael said excitedly: "If I didn't know how difficult this was, I would probably think it was as easy as the Cleansing Spell! They really should give you an Order of Merlin!"

He was so happy that he seemed to have learned it himself.

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