Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 219 Professor and Student [Two in One]

In the first month of school, magic pets became a new trend in Hogwarts and quickly replaced all the popular things in the past.

Even Quidditch and maze games are not as popular as people's love for magic pets-of course, due to weather reasons, these two activities were originally in a semi-stagnant state.

Originally, because of the incident of Peter Pettigrew disguised as a mouse, many students had to send their pets back home. This can certainly make people feel more at ease, but loneliness also comes with it.

The appearance of magic pets quickly filled this emotional gap. For some children, they are closer friends than family and classmates.

In school, students can be seen everywhere with exquisite and cute pets.

Most of them can be put in pockets or schoolbags. They have a certain degree of intelligence. They never make trouble during class and can even help students a little.

For example, remind them that the class time is about to end, or help pass the quill pen when doing homework.

Although these little things are not really helpful to the students, they feel extremely happy when they see their pets struggling to carry the quills that are too long for them, or when they are woken up by the little ones in the morning.

Moreover, when they are sad or upset, or when they quarrel with their friends, the magic pets will comfort them attentively - students basically will not buy pets with bad personalities or even those who like to curse.

Therefore, their little things never distinguish between right and wrong, but only stand from the perspective of their owners, laugh and cry with them, and even fight with other people's pets for their owners.

So the owners also show off their pets like stupid parents showing off their children. They even break up with their friends because of disagreements.

As Marchionne expected, students... including adult wizards, are keen to buy comfortable houses, furniture, and clothes for their pets, and some even want to dress up completely differently every day.

Because the magic pets have not violated school rules at all, the school does not prohibit students from bringing magic pets into the campus or even the classroom.

In fact, except for Professor Snape who strictly prohibited any thinking and moving objects other than living people from entering his classroom, other professors were very tolerant of this, and even they themselves were pet lovers.

For example, Gilderoy Lockhart.

He spent a whole class to show off his new pet, the pink bottlenose dolphin Victoria.

This was a Christmas gift given to Lockhart by a foreign female fan also named Victoria. She spent a lot of money and went to Aslan Magic Workshop to customize it.

This Victoria dolphin not only has a round pink body and a pair of big watery eyes, but also has the ability to praise Lockhart for hours. Every pearl-like witty words it spits out are the fans' surging love for Lockhart.

Lockhart was so proud that in every subsequent class, Lockhart would bring his baby dolphin and let it sing a hymn written for him by a lady named Gladys during the break.

He even gave the students an assignment, which was to listen carefully to Victoria's praise of Professor Lockhart, and to write a paper of at least thirteen inches, analyzing why Professor Lockhart was so great.

The students racked their brains to get enough words, and although the content was empty, Lockhart was very satisfied. He read his most satisfactory paper aloud in the classroom and generously gave Hermione another twenty points.

Hogwarts' teaching career was extremely pleasant, and there was only one thing that bothered Professor Lockhart, who had a charming smile.

He planned to take a photo with Wade, the inventor of magic pets, every day, and write about him in his next book. Professor Lockhart had already thought of the content-

[Young Wade Grey looked at the wise Professor Lockhart with his innocent eyes, admiringly, thanking him for his support and encouragement in difficult times.

"There is no doubt that the invention of magic pets cannot be separated from your help, Professor."

Ved Grey said sincerely: "Your talent and creativity are amazing. I just think it's a pity that you use all your great talents in writing, otherwise you will become a great alchemist."

And I smiled and said to him:

"Don't feel sorry for this, dear Ved. I admire those alchemists who can promote social progress, but children also need the encouragement of words. I know my article will inspire them to pursue a better self."

Ved's eyes were full of gratitude and touching, and tears flowed down uncontrollably. He said affectionately: "Professor Lockhart, you are the best professor I have ever met!"】

Lockhart looked at the text, put down the pen with satisfaction, and waved his wand to let the ink dry quickly.

Now there is only one photo as evidence.

He is not worried that Ved will expose his lies, because Lockhart knows that Ved Grey is also his admirer, and he answered the test questionnaire very well-of course, it is still not as good as Hermione Granger who scored full marks.

And other professors said that he was a child who loved learning and respected professors. For this kind of nerdy good student, the affirmation and encouragement from the professor would only make him happier, and he would not regard a little bit of "literary adaptation" as a lie.

But Lockhart rarely saw Weed Grey on campus.

Lockhart also wanted to let Wade perform his great drama during class, but for some reason, every time he stepped into the classroom, there were always some other thoughts occupying his attention. It was not until the end of the class that he suddenly remembered his original plan.

Unfortunately, by then, the elusive student had often disappeared from his classroom.

"...What a lonely and shy child! But it doesn't matter, he will know that his Defense Against the Dark Arts professor actually appreciates him very much, and a little fame and the Order of Merlin should not be an obstacle to the communication between our teachers and students."

At the breakfast table, Lockhart said to Professor Flitwick:

"Of course, I don't have any objection to your teaching methods, dear Professor Flitwick. It's just that I think that in addition to teaching, we should also guide children to actively show themselves and make more good friends, rather than having nothing in their heads except knowledge."

Professor Flitwick was so angry at his words that his beard was about to stand up He said in a shrill voice:

"Thank you, Professor Lockhart. I think I know how to teach my students well!"

"Of course, of course, you must be very experienced!"

Lockhart smiled and comforted the angry Professor Flitwick, patted his arm, and then added:

"But I suggest you read my book carefully - "Spending Weekends with Werewolves". In the book, I mentioned seven ways to quickly and effectively improve interpersonal communication skills, as well as many conversation skills that will work immediately. I believe it will be helpful to you."

Professor Flitwick didn't want to pay any attention to him at all.

The short professor cut the apple pie on the plate viciously, silently scolding Lockhart in his heart, and at the same time a little bit of gloating.

In fact, after listening to Lockhart's doubts just now, he guessed what was going on, but he was surprised that Lockhart had never thought of the possibility that the student would use the Ignore Spell or even the Exorcism Spell on him.

Professor Flitwick didn't intend to expose his student, but only thought about having a good talk with Wade later - how could he use these spells on the professor casually?

If he was found out, it would not be as simple as violating curfew.

Even Lockhart could not...

Even... Lockhart could not... Even...

The conversation had not lasted for five minutes, and Professor Flitwick had changed his mind.

What Wade did was absolutely right.

As a professor, he was not as smart as his students, which was really wrong.

Professor Flitwick quietly blocked his hearing, and the breakfast finally became delicious.


Lockhart was not really that stupid, he just built an image of a nerd in his mind first, and then used this image to understand Wade's behavior.

But after the same "forgetfulness" happened dozens of times, Lockhart naturally understood the reason.

- This student was not as lonely and well-behaved as he thought.

But it didn't matter...

He was a professor, and Wade Grey was just a student.

The gap in the status of teachers and students determined that the other party could only secretly use some small tricks to avoid attracting his attention, but could not refuse the reasonable request made by the professor in person.

Look at Harry Potter!

Even if he was the savior, wouldn't he still have to play the role of a stupid vegetarian vampire and eat half a head of lettuce in Professor Lockhart's class?

Lockhart adjusted his plan confidently and found a helper for himself -

his pink dolphin, Victoria.

The effect of magic will be affected by the caster's consciousness, so magical pets are not only different in appearance, but also in individual abilities and personalities.

For example, dogs are very enthusiastic, while cats are more curious, elephants have strong load-bearing capacity, and dolphins are good at hearing.

"Vicky, you will definitely find Wade Grey earlier than me, so remember to remind me when the time comes!"

Lockhart held his little pet and exhorted.


Victoria nodded her chubby head and said softly.

Lockhart smiled with satisfaction.


The weather has started to get warmer recently, with temperatures reaching more than ten degrees. The snow on the campus has melted, and some impatient weeds have broken through the hard soil and stretched out their tender green bodies.

Students are staying outside the castle more and more, especially Slytherin and Hufflepuff, who always walk in groups on the grass.

"If I don't get some sun, my bones will get moldy."

Wade heard Pansy and Daphne complaining that several girls stayed outside the corridor, raising their faces to allow themselves to receive more sunlight.

Of course, Slytherin would not say this when seeing students from other colleges.

They always seemed to describe the wonderful scenery of the bottom of the lake that could be seen in the lounge, the sound of waves splashing in their dreams at night, and the occasional giant squid passing by the window.

Wade also saw Draco Malfoy. He was always with a few senior Slytherin students, and Goyle sometimes wanted to get close to him, but was ignored.

During the break, there were always some students sitting on the lawn, cheering or cheering, and the atmosphere was full of excitement.

And between them, there was often an enlarged parchment or a torn net dotted with small decorations.

The Weasley twins have recently invented a series of new games - such as pet climbing competitions, pet maze races, and the like.

A hand-drawn maze map painted on parchment was sold for a high price of three silver Sickles; the minimum price of the climbing frame was five Silver Sickles, and the supply still exceeded demand.

The twins also secretly opened a gambling bureau. They also knew that the professors would never allow this, so they all worked secretly and even made a magical contract.

At the end of a game, Fred poured a small bucket of Copper Nuts and a handful of Silver Sickles into his purse, listening to the jingling coins inside and smiling with satisfaction.

A demon puppet Xiu Xiu poked his head out of the money bag, picked up a copper nut that accidentally fell outside, and then showed the same satisfied smile.

It was Vader's Christmas gift to him, and George's was also a Niffler.

By the way, Ron's magical pet is a teacup dog. He was so surprised when he saw the package that he didn't expect that he would also receive a gift.

In fact, this was just a courtesy gesture from Wade. SSC members, as well as the Weasley brothers and sisters who went to 12 Grimmauld Place in those days, each received a magical pet. For example, Percy got a lion, while Ginny got a white lamb.

"Seriously, Vader. As long as you keep the numbers in check, there's no harm in it at all."

Fred also said: "It only takes one copper nut at a time. Even if you lose every time, who can you hurt?"

"Is it true?" Wade said calmly: "How did I hear that Ron has lost all his pocket money?"

George showed a mysterious smile: "No way, our youngest brother seems to be a little unlucky."

Fred also laughed: "Let him realize this early to avoid suffering losses in the future!"

Vader shook his head helplessly.

He knew it was the two brothers who were causing trouble.

However, apart from bullying their younger brother, the Weasley brothers were very trustworthy at other times and were generous in losing money. Otherwise, their business would not be possible.

"Seriously, Vader, as the inventor of magical pets, how come you have never seen your pets?"

George said as he held down the Sniffer trying to get out of his pocket.

"I have a lot, but I put them all away." Wade said: "For now, the only one I can call a pet is Ava..."

"Oh, Wade, you little naughty! I finally caught you!"

An enthusiastic voice sounded from behind, and before he could turn around, his arm was grabbed forcefully.

Lockhart looked at him with a smile on his face and said in a joking tone:

"I heard you want my autographed photo? You're welcome, take it! I can even take a photo with you! Isn't that a surprise?"

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