Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 228 New Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Defense Against the Dark Arts classes were finally becoming a bit more normal, it was just that each professor preferred to teach students in their own way.

For example, Professor Flitwick teaches various spells, Professor McGonagall teaches them how to use transfiguration to deal with dangerous creatures, Professor Sprout likes to teach students to identify various dangerous plants, and Professor Snape always says:

"If you have a bottle of XXX magic potion by your side, you can solve this problem without any effort."

Defense Against the Dark Arts class seemed to become an extension of other classes.

Moreover, when Lockhart was in class, he liked to leave some irrelevant homework. As long as students made up some flattering sentences, they could easily get high marks.

But after switching to other professors, their homework seemed to have suddenly doubled, and no professor's homework was less than one foot in length.

"You have been delayed in learning too much in this class!"

Almost every professor said this: "You need to work harder in order to at least pass the final exam!"

The mountain of homework came down, and every student was cursing Lockhart. Even though the blond professor had the award for the most charming smile in Britain, he also lost all the female fans of Hogwarts.

What is even more painful for students is that the books they bought at high prices have become garbage, and there are no new textbooks.

The professors agreed that it was up to the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professors to decide what textbooks they should use.

So in every class, the professor presented the knowledge points on the blackboard, and the students not only had to copy them all, but also had to go to the library to look up information and write papers after class.

Finally, on the weekend evening in early March, the dinner was more sumptuous than usual. Professor Dumbledore, who had not been seen for a long time, also appeared on the teacher's bench, with a strange witch sitting next to him.

The man wore black wizard robes with dark blue and gold stripes on the edges. She is about thirty years old, with dark skin, rough and thin facial features, and a wild beauty.

The students all attracted their attention and started talking about her. The witch did not avoid everyone's scrutiny at all, but looked at the many students with interest.

Her eyes scanned the auditorium like a hunting lioness. She saw the excited Weasley twins, then looked at Harry Potter beside them, then turned around and looked at Vader. For a moment.

After dinner, Dumbledore tapped his wine glass with his fork. The clear sound spread throughout the auditorium, and all the students fell silent.

"Good evening, kids. I hope you've all had your fill."

The students all responded with approval, and Fred said loudly: "Today's strawberry cake was great, Professor!"

"Thanks, Mr. Weasley, I thought so too."

Dumbledore smiled happily and said: "Please allow me to introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor - Professor Serra Abigail from the United States."

The students applauded enthusiastically, and some whistled hard several times.

But Professor Abigail had no intention of speaking. She just lazily raised her hand and waved to everyone.

The students began to feel that the professor was a bit difficult to get along with.

"in addition--"

Dumbledore continued: "The Board of Governors generously donated funds to purchase a batch of Defense Against the Dark Arts textbooks for all students..."

"Really?" one student asked in surprise.

"Of course." Professor Dumbledore said, "The new textbooks have been delivered to the common room and will be distributed by the prefects. Well, what are you waiting for? Go back and see what you are going to learn next!"

There was a ping-pong-pong sound of chairs being pulled out, and students walked out of the auditorium one after another. Many people couldn't help but turn around and look at the new professor when they left.

"She's really attractive, isn't she?"

Michael couldn't help but tell Wade while looking around.


Padma's cold snort suddenly came from the side. She pushed Michael away with all her strength, and strode out with her roommate with her head held high.

"I dare say that this is the most charming professor in Hogwarts!" Terry also said: "I really hope we can take the Defense Against the Dark Arts class tomorrow."

"Our class is on Thursday." Wade said, "Just wait patiently."

"Oh, no..." Terry said exaggeratedly: "Vade, you don't have to remind me."

Everyone returned to the lounge laughing and joking, and then got the new textbook from the hands of the prefect.

"Defense and Deterrence Spell".

Opening the cover, there was a line of large characters printed on the title page——

"Offense is the best defense!"

"It seems that our professor is really different, doesn't he?" Michael murmured.

There are almost excited expressions on the students' faces - the new professor's style is already obvious from the selection of textbooks.

Before Vader's class, there were classes for Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. Of course, other age groups also started taking Defense Against the Dark Arts classes.

Students who have taken the class have mixed reviews.

“Best defense class I’ve ever had!”

"She's just crazy!"

"Can Professor Abigail keep teaching us Defense Against the Dark Arts?"

"How could Dumbledore allow her to teach like this? It's worse than Lockhart's drama!"

Students who have taken the class have more or less injuries. It was said that Madam Pomfrey even had a fight with the new professor, and then stormed out of the professor's office angrily.

Padma asked Hermione timidly about her feelings about the class.

"Well... how should I put it?" Hermione thought for a moment and said, "It's very interesting and dangerous. Anyway... bring the white moss spirit with you to class."

"Great!" Harry strongly recommended the new professor's class: "I really hope she taught us from the beginning."

"Harry, your nose is bleeding." Padma reminded him in a low voice.

"Oh, damn, it's happening again."

Harry hurriedly stopped the nosebleed, and then Wade gave him a healing spell, which finally stopped the bleeding.

"Thanks, Wade," Harry said, and then explained sullenly, "I bumped my nose."

"We all saw that." Michael said, "So, what did you learn?"


Harry smiled happily, "A real wizard duel."

"It's a bit too exciting, to be honest." Fred grinned, "But for us, it's heaven!"

"What are you afraid of?" George put his arm around Michael's shoulders and said, "Think about it, you've been through the maze so many times, why are you afraid of the dueling class?"

Michael felt that it made sense, but he also felt that they seemed to be fooling him.

Thursday finally arrived amid the anxiety of the Ravenclaw students.

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