Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 227 Sirius's Revenge

"What about our Defense Against the Dark Arts class?" Hermione asked worriedly.

"I thought Dumbledore might be able to find a substitute teacher for you - don't worry, it's happened before."

Professor Flitwick comforted him: "Everyone just needs to wait patiently for a few days, and a truly outstanding wizard will teach you Defense Against the Dark Arts."

The students were relieved.

But Flitwick knew it wouldn't be that easy.

Over the years, Hogwarts has had more Defense Against the Dark Arts professors than all other teachers combined.

There are not many wizards who are excellent...at least with reassuring moral character and are currently unemployed, and the rumors of the curse make most people wary.

Only Snape had always wanted to teach this class, but Dumbledore never agreed to his application.

The media reporters were more efficient than Professor Flitwick expected. The next morning, they saw Lockhart's photo in the newspaper.

The blond wizard was escorted into the Ministry of Magic with his hands tied, and Scrimgeour pushed away the camera with a fierce look on his face - this scene was repeated repeatedly in the newspapers.

"I informed my father!"

A Slytherin student proudly said to the people around him: "When I saw Lockhart being taken away by the Aurors, I knew it must be big news and immediately sent a message to my dad! He was the one who took this photo. !”

"Okay, that's smart." One of their prefects asked, eyes downcast, "But why did you say it?"

He gestured to the side and saw many girls with red eyes from crying staring at the boy fiercely.

"It's over, he's going to be in trouble." Michael gloated.

Vader turned to Harry: "If they knew you were the trigger..."

Harry quickly "shushed" and said with a grimace, "Please, don't mention it."

They were chatting in the friends room last night, and Sirius proudly told them that it was he and Lupine who reported Lockhart.

[Sirius: This is a return gift for that guy! Let him know that he should respect other people's arms from now on! 】

The words he wrote on the paper were very vigorous, as if he was still angry after so long.

[Remus: Michael told us that Lockhart often made things difficult for you, and Sirius was really angry. 】

Lupine's words contained a hint of reproach: [Harry, why didn't you tell us? 】

[Harry: I don’t think he’s making things difficult for me... Professor Lockhart just likes to let me perform in shows and take photos with me. He always seems to think that I like to be in the limelight as much as he does. 】

[Remus: So you want to perform? Want to take a photo with him? 】

Harry quickly replied: [Of course not! 】

It took a while for Lupine's reply to appear word for word.

[Sirius: Silly boy, this is a dilemma. 】

[Remus: Harry, even if he is a professor, you can refuse him. This is your right. 】

The news about the two people appeared almost in no particular order, and Vader seemed to be able to see their helpless and distressed expressions through the parchment.

Harry was silent for a while, wondering if he was reflecting on his bed in the dormitory.

Wade interjected:

[Vade: Someone saw a few guys who looked like dark wizards in Hogsmeade last weekend. Could it be you and those Aurors? 】

[Sirius: Haha, it’s us. 】

[Sirius: That Scrimgeour guy originally planned to invite Lockhart out and take the opportunity to arrest him. But I heard he was ordering flowers for Valentine's Day, so I convinced Scrimgeour to wait until Valentine's Day. 】

[Sirius: Isn’t it his favorite development in the novel to usher in a dramatic turning point in full view of the public? 】

Wade suddenly felt that Sirius and Michael must have something in common, and their revenge was long-lasting and cruel.

To some extent, they also have some Slytherin qualities.

On the third day after Lockhart was arrested, I heard that the Auror office in the Ministry of Magic had been flooded with letters, and Scrimgeour himself had received a lot of howling letters.

Witches throughout Britain seemed to be fans of the con artist, writing countless letters to prove that Lockhart was incapable of committing a crime and angrily complaining that Scrimgeour had no right to treat him so harshly.

The violent reaction prompted the Ministry of Magic to review Lockhart's case more quickly and publish the evidence in newspapers.

Most ordinary people have natural trust in the government, and the wave of opposition quickly weakened. Except for a few die-hard fans who are still running for Lockhart, the vast majority of his fans have begun to accuse Lockhart of using despicable means to deceive everyone's feelings.

After the Defense Against the Dark Arts course at Hogwarts lost its professor, other professors who did not have classes could only take turns teaching for several grades for the time being. But when they opened the textbook, they were all silent.

The books in the seventh grade are all Lockhart's novels and autobiographies, and less than one thousandth of them are nutritious.

"Okay... okay..."

The person teaching Vader and his friends was Professor Flitwick. He took a deep breath and said:

"Close the books, children, we don't need this for our Defense Against the Dark Arts class. You should be learning how to use magic to protect yourself and protect yourself from dangerous creatures."

The students, who had long been tired of drama performances, happily stuffed their books into their desk cabinets and looked at Professor Flitwick expectantly.

"Let me think about it..."

Professor Flitwick touched his white beard, frowned and thought for a while, then said: "According to the progress, you should now learn how to drive away pig monsters... Does anyone know the characteristics of this creature?"

Several hands went up.

"Miss Greengrass." Professor Flitwick named someone casually.

Daphne Greengrass stood up and said: "Dwarf pig monsters look like piglets. They will sneak into the pig pen and pretend to be ordinary piglets, bringing diseases to the farm."

Ravenclaw's Terry added: "Piglets are fast and difficult to catch."

"Very good, one point each for Slytherin and Ravenclaw." Professor Flitwick nodded with satisfaction and asked, "Then does anyone know how to deal with them?"

The students fell into silence for a moment.

A few seconds later, Malfoy's voice sounded: "Pure white dogs can drive them away - the Department of Creature Management and Control of the Ministry of Magic also keeps a dozen albino hounds for this purpose."

He looked around slowly and said, "My dad also provided a batch of funds last year to feed those picky eaters."

"Yes, pig monsters are afraid of white dogs. Slytherin adds one point."

Professor Flitwick ignored Malfoy's words, looked at the students and said, "There is a simple spell that can help us discover pig monsters in time to prevent them from causing greater losses..."

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