The bed in the school infirmary is not big, but for a wizard of Vader's level, the size of the space is not a problem at all.

His wand was placed next to the pillow, and Vader easily made the bed bigger, so that five or six people could lie down without any problem. The three of them woke up after a nap, and it was already dawn.

Madam Pomfrey came over with the potion, staring at Vader with a stern face as he drank the medicine, checked it again, and signaled that he could go.

The three of them didn't dare to breathe. After Madam Pomfrey left, Ryan whispered: "Madam Pomfrey seems to be angry."

"Of course! She hates students who don't take care of their bodies the most." Theo was also surprised and said: "I'm surprised she didn't scold you."

"Maybe because I'm a patient?" Vader said casually.

In fact, he knew that because Professor Snape often asked him to deliver the potion he brewed for practice, Madam Pomfrey was more or less lenient with him.

At least she didn't scold him harshly in front of everyone. Compared with the treatment of others, Vader actually felt a little touched.

The three of them packed up the beds, took their things, and Wade opened the curtains. With a "swish", many pairs of eyes looked at them.

Wade now fully understood the feelings of Theo and Ryan to stay and accompany him.

There were about ten beds in the whole ward, most of which were Slytherins, and they were the students who had attended class with him yesterday. Wade also saw Goyle, who had been stepped on by him.

In the wizarding world, the damage caused by spells recovers much slower than flesh wounds. So Wade can be discharged this morning, but many students will have to stay here for two days.

They stared at the culprit silently... at least one of the culprits. No one spoke, but no one jumped out to attack them.

Despite being accidentally injured, most Slytherins have a higher sense of identity with Wade.

He is not a pure blood... not even a half-blood... so what?

The Slytherins of the same grade combined are not his opponents.

The only reasonable response they can give is not to talk to him.

When the three of them walked out of the school infirmary cautiously, Michael was actually outside the door, secretly looking inside.

"Why are you like this?" Ryan asked curiously.

"I'm worried that Madam Pomfrey will see us. We were scolded by her yesterday."

Michael looked inside carefully again and noticed the expressions of those Slytherins. He chuckled and said:

"Wade, believe it or not...even though they are as cold as ice now, as long as you are willing to reach out, almost all Slytherins want to be your friends."

"Forget it." Wade said, "Did you see Dumbledore this morning?"

"No." Michael said, "But I guess he should still be in school-I saw an owl carrying a package and flew out of the window of the principal's office this morning."

Theo asked: "Wade, do you have Dumbledore's friend list?"

"Yes, but I want to talk to him in person." Wade said.

Even when talking face to face, he found it difficult to see Dumbledore's thoughts, but at least he could detect something from his expression and body movements. Through the parchment, nothing could be seen.

Dumbledore did not appear at the breakfast table, but Wade sent a message to ask, and Dumbledore quickly replied:

[I think we can meet at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. I remember you should not have classes at that time - by the way, the password is strawberry ice cream. ]

So this morning's spells class was a bit long for Wade.

Professor Flitwick probably heard about what happened in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. He spent half a class telling students stories about his duels when he was young and some tricks for dueling.

"Move quickly, children! Don't stand there stupidly like a troll, waiting for the enemy to hit you!"

Professor Flitwick waved his wand vigorously and said loudly. He also demonstrated it in public, asking several students to besiege him together, and he easily dodged all the spells without doing anything except defending.

Of course, everyone agreed that Professor Flitwick's agility was closely related to his small stature. They firmly refused to admit that they were the trolls or gorillas mentioned by the professor.

"Okay, okay, take a break."

Professor Flitwick panted a few minutes later.

After the students stopped, he said: "Remember, it is more important not to be hit by the opponent's spell than to knock him down! No matter who you fight with, don't rush to pursue the fruits of victory. Protecting your own safety is always the first priority!"

Then he gave a few more examples, such as a careless wizard was hit by a Tarantella dance spell in the battle, and while dancing wildly, he also lost the opportunity to fight back and was easily subdued by Professor Flitwick.

Neville raised his hand and asked, "But...if you don't know the Shield Charm, how can you resist the opponent's spell?"

"There are many. But the simplest and fastest way is to use another spell to collide with it."

Professor Flitwick said, "There is an invisible attraction between spells. If two people cast spells at each other at the same time, there is a high probability that the spells will collide with each other, and then deviate from the original direction or even rebound."

"This is explained in detail in Chapter 3 of "Basic Theory of Spells". So take this topic as today's homework and write a 15-inch paper."

"Oh, no..."

This was obviously what he had just thought of, and the classroom was suddenly full of wailing sounds.

After the students all started practicing in pairs, Professor Flitwick arrived in front of Vader.

"Vade, do you remember what I just said?"

The short professor asked in a rare serious tone.

"Yes, Professor." Vader lowered his head slightly and said, "My own safety is the most important thing. I shouldn't get angry and continue to challenge Professor Abigail."

Professor Flitwick nodded and smiled happily.

"There's nothing wrong with being impulsive once in a while. You're only a teenager after all."

As soon as Vader admitted his mistake, he began to excuse his student. Then Flitwick added: "But in the future, you still have to remember that you should stop in time when you should stop. There is no shame in running away."


"Even if someone calls him a coward or a coward, you have to know that the guy who impulsively commits suicide is the fool. If you can use your wisdom to defeat the enemy, why do you have to hit him to death with your head to prove your courage?"

He blinked, and Vader couldn't help but smile.

I don't know who passed Professor Abigail's words to Professor Flitwick... He probably thought that Vader couldn't stand the excitement, so he would behave differently than usual.

No wonder that during breakfast today, several professors at the teacher's bench had serious faces. I wonder if Professor Abigail, who was enjoying his meal, noticed the dissatisfaction of others?

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