After an unknown amount of time, Wade's heart suddenly twitched, and he suddenly woke up. The surroundings were completely dark, with only a faint light filtering through the gaps in the curtains.

He felt as if his whole body had been stepped on by an elephant, and there was almost no place that was not in pain.

Wade checked the time, and it happened to be sunset. He finished reciting the Animagus spell as usual, and his voice seemed to alarm the people next to him, and then he heard someone say:


A soft white light came on, illuminating this corner of the ward, and Wade saw two familiar figures sitting beside the bed.

"Theo, Ryan?"

Wade sat up on the bed and asked, "Why are you here?"

"I heard that you were injured and unconscious. Let's keep watch at night to prevent those Slytherin guys from taking the opportunity to do anything against you."

Ryan said, raising his chin to the side and said, "The people lying over there are all Slytherins."

Wade looked over and saw a thick curtain blocking his view.

Theo suppressed a laugh and whispered: "And at least half of them were sent in by you."

"So it's natural for them to take revenge, right?"

Ryan said as he lit the candle next to him.

"Michael and the others originally wanted to stay here overnight, but they were also injured and there wasn't enough room, so we advised them to go back and rest."

Vader sighed helplessly: "Forget it if you can't beat him, you can't even block the rebounding spell. Can you blame me?"

"You can't use our level to consider other people!" Theo said: "I heard that those fifth grade students haven't learned to use the Iron Armor Curse yet!"

"Want to eat?" Ryan asked, "We left dinner for you, including barbecue, sausages, sandwiches, mashed potatoes and carrots, and hot chocolate."

Wade shook his head. He now felt nauseous when thinking about food. He held his stomach and said uncomfortably, "I just want to drink some water now."

Theo stood up immediately and poured a glass of water. Wade took it in his hand and found that it was still the slightly hot temperature that he was most accustomed to.

He took a few sips slowly and finally felt better.

Hot water is to Vader what chocolate is to Harry, it has a wonderful effect on eliminating all diseases.

Then Wade noticed that his two friends were watching him silently.

After Wade put down the water glass, Ryan said: "Vade, how could you fight the professor to the point of unconsciousness?"

"Yeah, weigh the pros and cons and act within your capabilities. Don't you always emphasize this to us? Why didn't you leave with Michael and the others during the day?" Theo also asked.

"Hmm..." Wade tilted his head and thought for a moment, then said, "A little bit over the top?"

"Oh...that's it..."

Theo and Ryan both curled their lips and lowered their eyelids, silently expressing - 'The reason I made up is really bad, I just pretended to believe it. ’

Wade couldn't help but smile, and then his expression became slightly serious: "Actually, it's because... I think Professor Abigail is different from traditional wizards. She seems to have received some professional and military training."

Theo understood for a moment: "You mean, she might be... um... Auror from other countries?"

Vader shook his head.

"No, the training I'm talking about is the Muggle kind - it has nothing to do with magic, but training in physical fitness, fighting, reconnaissance, various weapons... and shooting."

Ryan understood: "You mean, she might have served as a soldier in the Muggle army? Then I understand why she teaches like that - she treats the students as her soldiers?"

"Do all Muggle armies have this style? It sounds cruel." Theo asked curiously.

Ryan thought about the scene he accidentally saw on TV, nodded affirmatively and said, "Yes, that's it."

"Then Professor Abigail's hobby is really special." Theo said in disbelief: "As a wizard, he actually went to the Muggle army to suffer hardships."

Ryan looked at Wade: "In order to confirm this, you took this beating?"

Wade was silent for a while and said: "She seems to be carrying a gun... I'm not sure, and I haven't found a chance to get close."

He used all the plant magic that Professor Sprout taught him, and he didn't shoot the thing that looked like a pistol from Professor Abigail's body.

Theo was quiet for a moment, with a bit of confusion on his face, and asked: "What is a gun...?"

Vader was speechless for a moment.

It was Ryan who explained first.

"A metal wand," he said firmly, "a weapon used by Muggles to kill each other."

"...Dangerous?" Theo asked next.

"...If you get hit in the vital part, you'll die."

Ryan tried to remember what his Muggle relatives had told him: "But if you hit the hands, feet or stomach, it should be equivalent to making a hole in the body?"

"It doesn't sound any more serious than when Harry broke his arm last time," Theo concluded.

"It's very dangerous." Wade said seriously: "The gun is very dangerous, and it's very fast. After firing, there is almost no chance to dodge."

Both Hufflepuffs looked serious.

"Can the Iron Armor Curse be blocked?" Theo asked.

"I don't know." Vader said, "Besides, different types of guns have very different powers."

Ryan took a deep breath: "It's not... someone like Quirrell again, right? He was sent by a mysterious person or some other force to cause trouble in the school..."

"But there is no Philosopher's Stone in Hogwarts now!" Theo said.

"The Philosopher's Stone is not the only thing that people covet in Hogwarts." Vader said, "But Dumbledore must have known about it when he hired her. I think maybe I can find time to talk to him. …”

I just don’t know if the principal will still be in school when I wake up tomorrow morning.

Abigail is a character not mentioned at all in the original plot. Vader doesn't understand her at all, so he can't let go.

Perhaps Dumbledore knew her details, but in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Vader felt that he could not trust the principal's vision at all.

——Dumbledore always seemed to be able to pick out the most problematic person among the crowd.

Even Remus Lupin, despite Vader's trust in him and fondness for his older friend, believed that werewolves were a ticking time bomb for the average young wizard.

Who is Abigail? What was her purpose in entering Hogwarts? Vader was very concerned about this.

Of course, her "battle mage" style and straightforward "aesthetics of violence" are equally attractive to Vader.

Skill and strength are written on that body, written on the tight muscles, like an elegant cheetah, intuitively showing its power.

Wade squeezed the muscles on his arm and sighed slightly.

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