Professor Flitwick took a look and said, "Oh, a very clever way of guiding - although it is a shortcut, it can really help you master this spell faster. Wade, this must be your idea."

Wade bent his eyes and showed a bright smile.

Professor Flitwick, who was originally serious, also smiled. He waved his wand and copied the parchment ten times, so that each group could have one, and warned: "This is a reference, but you must really master it. I will take back the parchment in ten minutes. I hope that you will have mastered the levitation spell by then! Students who can make the feather float - why don't you try to make it turn in the air?"

The students in the classroom started practicing again, and Professor Flitwick walked around to guide.

Wade directed his feather to draw a circle in the air for a while, and then drew a square, and then began to recite the poem. Anthony looked at it with envy, but he didn't aim too high, but continued to practice the levitation spell over and over again.

After class, the Gryffindors rushed to their History of Magic class. The Ravenclaws had no other classes in the morning, and Wade went to the library as usual. Michael was going to go with him, but he was stopped before he got up.

"Hi, Michael." His roommate Terry put his arm around his neck and asked, "You haven't been seen every time after class recently. You went to study with Wade, right? I heard that Granger and Longbottom from Gryffindor went with you?"

A circle of little eagles looked at him with bright eyes.

Michael raised his hands in a gesture of surrender: "That's right, I didn't hide it from you! Why is there such a scene?"

"So Longbottom can master the levitation spell, which is the result of your self-study?" Lisa asked hurriedly, "I thought you were just doing homework together."

"Michael, can you spare some time to teach me too?" Padma asked, "I'm not very proficient in the fire spell."

Padma is a very beautiful Indian girl, and Michael has always been fascinated by her, but when it comes to learning spells, Michael will not steal the credit of others.

"Although I am happy to teach you the spells I have mastered, Padma, it is Vader who is good at teaching, not me - we are all learning from Vader." Michael said honestly.

"Vade -"

Everyone was silent for a moment.

In their eyes, Vader Gray was particularly cold, handsome but serious, talented but isolated from the crowd. Obviously, he was the same age, but he didn't like to joke, play games, attend parties, or even talk about Quidditch. He always disappeared after class and didn't return to the tower until curfew. Usually, other students were used to chatting and doing homework in the lounge, but Vader rarely appeared in the common room. The little eagles felt that they were all unilaterally isolated by Vader.

In short, he was a very distant person.

This is also the reason why few people usually talk to Vader - the little wizards are a little afraid of him.


The library was deserted, and Madam Pince didn't stare at the students, but took a book and slowly opened it. Seeing Wade coming in, she just glanced at him and lowered her head to read again.

Two months after the start of school, Madam Pince has become familiar with all the first-year students who often come to the library. She knows very well which students can be allowed to stay in the library without worry and which students need to be watched all the time, otherwise they will make noise, destroy books or even fight.

Wade is the kind of student that she can be completely assured of.

Wade came to the area of ​​alchemy books with familiarity - he recently began to take time out to study alchemy.

Alchemy studies the composition, structure and magical properties of the four basic elements, as well as material changes. It is closely related to potions, spells, ancient magic runes and defense against the dark arts. At Hogwarts, only those who have achieved "good" or above grades in these subjects in the ordinary wizard level examination can choose to practice alchemy. It is a very difficult subject. If low-grade students do not have the corresponding knowledge reserves, it is difficult to master this subject through self-study.

In fact, their lives are full of the shadow of alchemy - the candles in the hall that never go out, the 142 moving stairs in the castle, the portraits on the walls that seem to be alive, the door knockers that ask different questions, as well as the flying broom, the golden snitch, the sorting hat, the wizard chess, the memory ball, etc.

Basic alchemy is not that difficult to get started, but alchemists always like to use all kinds of uncommon words, obscure expressions, and exaggerated words mixed with fantasy, which invisibly raises the difficulty of learning.

Wade's reading comprehension ability has been cultivated and trained for more than 20 years in his previous life, and he has enough knowledge reserves and vocabulary. Therefore, although it is difficult, he still reads the books on alchemy one by one.

Some time ago, he read the books published by Nick Flamel many years ago - "Alchemy Begins" and "Analysis of Alchemy". Recently, Wade started reading "The Book of Nature's Mysteries: The Fifth Element".

This is written by the 12th century alchemist Raymondes Luller. The so-called fifth element is the Philosopher's Stone.

"This book is actually a bit outdated, because Nick Flamel made the Philosopher's Stone, and he proved that many theories in this book are inconsistent with the facts."

A voice came from the side suddenly, and Wade looked up in surprise, and saw the Weasley twins standing next to him, and the one who spoke was George Weasley.

"Are you a freshman?" Fred simply pulled up his chair and sat across from him, saying, "It's too early to learn this now."

"But I have to say, you are very discerning! Alchemy is the most fascinating subject in magic! - Close your ears and listen." George said, waving his wand to prevent Mrs. Pince from rushing over.

"But Hogwarts isn't available until sixth year—"

"It's a really stupid decision. Why can't we offer alchemy courses in first grade?"

"Then most students don't dare to go home during the summer vacation." Fred said pretending to be serious: "Because they are destined to get a 'T' (extremely poor) in their final exams."

"Except us-"

"We're naturally good at this—"

"So I started studying by myself a year ago!" George said: "As a senior, I give you a suggestion, little Ravenclaw, you should start with "Alchemy Preliminaries"! Nick Flamel is still alive now The greatest alchemist! His books are worth studying."

Wade spread his hands: "But I've already finished reading that book."

"Wow!" Fred raised his eyebrows, "What about "Analytical Alchemy"?"

"seen it already."

"What about - 'On the Diversity of Species'?" George asked.

"The works of Thomas Aquinas in the twelfth century?" Wade hesitated and said, "I have seen it, but I have not read it carefully, because his book does not seem to involve the application of magic."

George said: "Actually, it was because of the constraints of the environment at the time that he had to entrust the books to Muggles for publication. The content related to magic was very obscure. Of course, we recommend the 18th-century book by Esner Vargas. In the revised version, he added more than two hundred magical creatures and thousands of magical materials, making it more comprehensive and accurate."

The Weasleys have read at least twenty or thirty books on alchemy, and have studied them in depth, and they can talk about them all like they are familiar with them.

Vader felt like he had found a treasure, so he simply took out the parchment and wrote it down. If he didn't have classes to attend in the afternoon, he wouldn't even want to let them go. The few people were chatting so happily that they didn't even notice when they parted - they didn't ask each other's names.

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