"Today we are going to learn simple biological deformation, which is more difficult than ordinary object deformation. I need you to pay special attention-"

Professor McGonagall was lecturing in front, and the chalk automatically wrote the key points on the blackboard.

"——Okay, does anyone know the dangers of biological transformation?"

The classroom was quiet, and there was no hand raised impatiently like usual. After a while, someone raised his hand hesitantly.

"Miss Mandy Bloch?" Professor McGonagall looked at her encouragingly and said.

Ravenclaw's Mandy Broghe stood up: "There are four points in total. First, incomplete transformation will cause great irritation to creatures and then attack wizards; second..."

Wade raised his head and looked around the classroom. He didn't see the brown-haired figure, but the other Gryffindor students were there.

He asked Michael next to him: "Have you seen Hermione?"

Michael also raised his head and looked around, guessing: "Are you feeling unwell and resting in the dormitory? Professor McGonagall didn't say anything."

This made sense, but Vader felt uneasy for no reason.

At this time, Professor McGonagall glanced sternly at this side, and the two of them immediately shut their mouths, not daring to speak any more.

When get out of class was over, the students swarmed out. Vader walked through the crowded corridors and found Harry and Ron.

"Excuse me, Potter, Weasley."

Looking at Vader walking straight towards the two of them, Ron took a step back inexplicably, "W-what's the matter, Gray?"

"Have you seen Hermione?" Wade asked, "Why didn't she come to Transfiguration class?"

Harry subconsciously looked at Ron, who had a trace of uneasiness on his face and said guiltily: "How do I know? We are not familiar with Granger!"

Wade narrowed his eyes slightly and looked directly into Ron's eyes.

Ron lowered his eyes to avoid his gaze, grabbed Harry next to him, and said in a bluffing tone: "If you have nothing else to do, we are going to have a rest!"

He pulled Harry away, but suddenly a voice came from behind him——

"Harry Potter!"

Harry looked back and saw Vader staring at him seriously: "Do you really not know what happened?"

Against his gaze, Harry felt as if he had been dragged out into the sun, and his mouth felt dry.

He wanted to defend his friend, but he couldn't lie.

"Hermione, Hermione, she cried, after Charms class." Harry finally whispered: "We didn't see her again after that - I'm sorry."

He was finally dragged away by Ron. Wade stood there, motionless, frowning and thinking.

However, time has put a lock on his memory. He tried hard to recall, but he couldn't remember anything.

"Did they have a quarrel?" Michael said clearly: "Hermione's character is a bit too serious, so it's not surprising that she would quarrel with those Gryffindors. Let's go, she won't miss the Halloween dinner together. We’ll ask what’s going on later.”

Vader nodded.

Not far behind the two of them, Padma tapped her fingers thoughtfully, then quickly caught up with her twin sister, talking to her in a low voice.

In the evening, the auditorium hall has been decorated, with a huge jack-o-lantern suspended below the ceiling and colorful skulls decorating the walls. Countless bats circled and danced in the auditorium, sometimes gathering together and whizzing past like dark clouds, and the flames in the jack-o'-lanterns also flickered.

The dinner has not yet started, but students from the four colleges have almost filled all the seats, and professors are also arriving one after another. Dumbledore also deliberately changed into a Halloween-themed costume - he wore a pumpkin-colored robe with a small bat pattern on his hat, and talked to Professor McGonagall next to him with a smile.

Vader glanced at the long Gryffindor table, but the lions were too noisy. The Weasley twins were running around with several boys, and there were exclamations and laughter from time to time. Wade stared for a long time, but couldn't find where Hermione was.

At this time, someone suddenly tapped his shoulder. Before Wade could turn his head, he smelled a faint aroma.

Padma pushed Anthony aside who was sitting next to him, leaned closer and said, "I know where Granger is."

Wade asked: "She didn't attend the dinner?"

"No." Padma brushed the hair on her temples and whispered: "Pavati said - Oh, you should know, Parvati is my sister, she is in Gryffindor House - she said After Charms, that Weasley guy said something bad about Granger - said she was a nightmare and all that."

"——Ron Weasley?" Michael stretched his head over and asked in surprise: "He is so talented? -I mean, didn't Hermione give him a curse immediately?"

"She cried. She cried in the toilet for a long time." Padma emphasized: "She was very sad and refused to let others comfort her. Parvati asked for leave for her in the afternoon Transfiguration class. I just went to the toilet. After turning around, Granger is still inside."

"I'll go take a look." Wade stood up immediately.

Padma said enthusiastically, "I'll take you there."

"——But the dinner is about to start. I didn't eat much at lunch just for this meal." Michael muttered. Seeing Wade striding quickly out of the auditorium, he finally stood up with a sigh and trotted to follow. Go up.

As students arrived at the hall one after another, a few people who went against the flow stood out. At the Gryffindor table, Harry accidentally saw Wade walking out of the hall. He was originally immersed in the joyful atmosphere of Halloween and had completely forgotten what happened before, but at this moment, it was as if a basin of cold water was poured over his head, and his memory was instantly revived.

"Ron!" He grabbed his friend's arm and asked, "Is Hermione not back yet?"

Ron, who was looking forward to a feast, didn't care much: "It seems so - what's wrong?"

"I just saw Gray and the others go out - are they going to find Hermione?" Harry said.

"Maybe, Granger has a good relationship with them. Well, they're going to find them anyway, so don't worry." Ron said indifferently.

He was really fed up with Hermione's preaching - although he felt a little guilty when he saw the girl's tears, after so long, that guilt had long disappeared, and instead, the disgust brought by Hermione's condescending "instructions" was even deeper.

"But..." Harry hesitated: "They are all Ravenclaws, but Hermione is Gryffindor like us!"

A bat controlled by Fred's wand landed on Ron's head, and there was a burst of laughter around. Ron was busy driving the bat away and didn't pay attention to what Harry said.

Harry hesitated for a moment, and finally left his seat before the dinner started and ran out of the hall. Dumbledore and Snape turned their eyes almost at the same time and watched him leave.

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