In the girls' bathroom, Hermione was immersed in sadness when she heard two gentle knocks on the stall door.

"Hermione, is that you?"

"Who are you?" Hermione choked, "Are you here to laugh at me too?"

"I'm Padma Patil." Padma said softly: "The Halloween dinner should have started, Hermione. Vader and Michael are waiting outside - they are worried about you."

"You, you go to the dinner party, don't worry about me! Let me stay by myself for a while." Hermione said stubbornly, wiping away more and more tears.

Originally, she had been crying for so long and her tears had long since been shed. She was still hiding here just because she felt sad and didn't want to go out and face other people's eyes. But when I heard my friend's concern and was comforted by someone's gentle words, tears welled up again.

Padma put her hand on the door panel of the cubicle and said softly: "Hermione, I know what bastard things Weasley said. But I don't understand why you should be sad because of the unfair evaluation of a stupid boy, but ignore it. A friend who really cares about you? Everyone says you are the smartest witch in the whole grade. Can’t you tell what is really important?”

Hermione's sobs stopped and she didn't speak for a long time.

"Tell me a secret - people who slander you behind your back are often motivated by low self-esteem and jealousy. If you are smarter than others, better than others, and better than others in every aspect, they will want to hurt you by saying bad things. If you really If you are heartbroken over this and push all your friends away, then the bad guy will succeed." Padma said, "The best way is to ignore those who slander you, shine your light, and don't focus on the corners. If you don’t feel happy enough, punch him in front of him! After all, you are the lion of Gryffindor, right?”


After a while, the compartment door was pushed open.

Hermione walked out with red eyes and a cry in her voice: "I am not the smartest witch - Padma, you are really smart."

Padma smiled and gave her a hug.

Wade and Michael had been waiting in the corridor for a long time and finally saw two girls coming out of the bathroom. In fact, they also heard Padma's advice to Hermione, but no one mentioned it.

Michael opened his arms and joked with a smile, "Would you like me to give you a warm hug, Hermione?"

The brown-haired girl wiped her eyes, hugged Michael with a force that would break his ribs, let go when he was dazed, turned around and hugged Wade hard again.

"Thank you - sorry," Hermione whispered.

Wade rubbed her head without saying anything.

"No need to apologize, but I can't wait to go enjoy the Halloween dinner now. I hope they haven't finished the dessert yet!" Michael said, rubbing his belly: "Otherwise we will have to go to the kitchen to steal some food."

Padma asked curiously: "Where is the kitchen in Hogwarts? Why have I never seen it before?"

Michael suddenly became energetic: "The kitchen is very hidden. If it weren't for Theo and the others -"

Vader paused, stretched out his hand to block the others, and quickly drew out his wand with his other hand.

"——What's wrong?" Michael paused and asked in a low voice.

Wade asked: "Didn't you hear the sound?"

Michael didn't answer, because all of them had already seen it - a huge, gray-green hand grabbed the wall around the corner, and a whirring sound came from an invisible place.

Everyone's faces instantly turned pale, and Padma groaned: "Merlin—what a monster—"

A huge creature came out from around the corner.

It was twelve feet tall, its head almost touched the ceiling, it looked like it weighed at least two tons, and its skin was as disgusting as a toad. A huge body, a fat belly, and a short neck with a bald head with few hairs. The guy still exuded a disgusting stench, his long arms almost dropped to his knees, and he was holding a tree trunk-like stick in his hand.

"Impossible, in the castle - how can there be a troll in the castle?" Padma's face turned pale, her legs were weak, and it was Hermione who supported her body.

The giant monster lowered its head and saw a few people. There was cruel excitement in its small eyes. It raised its heavy legs and strode toward the people while raising the wooden stick in its hand.

With trembling hands, Hermione pointed her wand at the troll, but she didn't know what spell to use.

Michael fired spells repeatedly: "Petrify them all! Petrify them all!"

He has not mastered this spell yet, and the spell falling on the giant monster is like a rhinoceros hide being hit by raindrops, with no effect. Vader raised his wand, all the spells he had mastered flashing through his mind.

He has many spells at his disposal, but the troll's "magic resistance" is so high and its body is so strong that even the spells of an adult wizard can hardly work on it - this is a kind of monster that has no brains and no magic power, and the danger level is still as high as XXXX level creatures are on the same level as Thunderbirds and Sphinxes.

Although when Vader watched "Monsters and Where to Find Them" for the first time, he felt that there was definitely something wrong with this classification. But at this moment, facing this kind of monster that is taller than a house, I still feel a suffocating feeling of oppression.


A bucket suddenly hit the giant monster's head. Harry emerged from nowhere and shouted at them: "What are you doing standing still? Run!"

Michael woke up from his dream, turned around, grabbed the two girls and ran away. Wade took a step forward and pointed his wand: "Flocks of birds!"

A swarm of chirping birds flew out from the tip of the wand and flew into the troll's face. The simple-minded troll was immediately attracted to his attention. He purred from his throat and clumsily drove away the birds with his palms as big as palms.

Seeing that it was useful, Michael and others also shouted: "Flocks of birds!"

But their spells had no effect, and the tip of the wand just fired a spark, briefly attracting the troll's attention.

A dozen birds released by Wade surrounded the giant monster. The behemoth roared and made a terrifying roar. It smashed the surrounding decorations to pieces with wooden sticks, but there was nothing the flexible birds could do. But as time goes on, the number of birds is declining rapidly.

Michael shouted: "This spell will hold him back for ten seconds at most!"

Vader waved his wand vigorously: "The chute is flat!"

The floor under the troll's feet suddenly became very slippery. It fell unexpectedly, and its huge body hit the ground heavily. The entire floor seemed to shake, and the wooden stick in its hand flew out.

Hermione, who looked like she might faint at any moment, mustered up her courage, stretched out her wand and shouted: "Wingardium - Leviosa!"

The wooden stick flew up high and fell again, hitting the giant monster on the head with a clang. The giant monster shook its head, struggled and roared to get up. Hermione gritted her teeth and manipulated the wooden stick to hit her a second time, a third time, and a fourth time...

The troll finally passed out happily.

Hermione stopped breathlessly and turned around to see several people looking at her in shock and awe.

"What's wrong?" The girl's face turned slightly red. She pretended to be nonchalant, looked at Padma and said, "Well, you're right - giving it a punch is really satisfying."

Padma was stunned and speechless - this, is this what I taught you?

She was a little afraid to look into Wade and Michael's eyes.

"Harry—Troll! A troll has gotten into the castle—go back to the dormitory! Giant—"

Ron rushed over yelling, and then his voice suddenly stopped. He took a breath when looking at the scene in front of him, and asked blankly: "What happened?"

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