Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 4 Nine and Three Quarters Station

Returning to Diagon Alley, it was as lively as in the morning, but without the serious Professor McGonagall, the Gray family relaxed a lot and shopping became more interesting.

The Gray family visited almost every store seriously—well, except for one store that sold animal offal and eyeballs. As soon as they entered the door, they saw a huge, skeletal eyeball. Fiona was so frightened that she screamed and ran out.

Ferdinand bought some exquisite magical artifacts, such as a broom that automatically sweeps the floor, a golden bird that can fly around, and a talking wizard chess, etc. When paying, he checked with the clerk again and again that there was absolutely nothing on these items. Add any "dangerous" or "harmful" magic.

Wade spent more than an hour in the bookstore. He had too many books he wanted to buy. But considering that there was only one month left before school, and there must be more books in Hogwarts, he finally picked only the few books he wanted most - "Common Spells and Solutions", "Healing Manual" and "Ancient Spells". A simple introduction to magic writing".

He also bought two quill pens that can write automatically, but the clerk reminded him that these pens are not suitable for writing homework because they write down all the thoughts in the owner's mind on parchment in detail, even if they are specially trained. Anyone who has experienced this may accidentally write something that will kill them.

When Wade walked out of the bookstore with the new book in his arms, he saw his parents sitting next to the ice cream stall on the street eating ice cream. Ferdinand was also holding a golden owl cage in his hand, and squatting inside was an especially strong-looking owl. The little guy is drawing a circle with his head.

"Dad, did you buy another owl?" Wade asked.

"That's right." Ferdinand smiled: "Considering that you must take your owl with you to school, what if your mother and I want to send you a letter? I heard that the Muggle post office cannot send letters to Hogg. Watts, so we bought one too. By the way, his name is General Bud, and he’s a mighty young man.”

Vader bent down and said hello: "Hello, General Budd."

General Bader opened his mouth and yawned.

"Look, I also bought a little guy." Fiona came over and opened her hand. A small white hamster shrank in her hand, looking very well-behaved.

"It's cute, isn't it?" Fiona said in a surprised tone: "I discovered that the pets in the wizarding world may have taken smart pills or something like that. They seem to be much smarter than ordinary animals! She is not afraid of people at all. , seems to still understand my orders.”

"Cute is cute, but mom, hamster seems to be on the owl's diet, right?" Wade asked.

He also bought an owl and bought owl food under the recommendation of the store clerk. He then learned that owls mainly eat rodents, birds, fish or insects. In short, they are carnivores. Thinking about the handful of pine nuts he had caught for the school owl, Wade secretly apologized in his heart.

"It doesn't matter, your father will take good care of his owl! Well, by the way, this is Miss Mirien." Fiona said seriously: "Wade, it's time for you to give your owl a name!"

"Well..." Wade glanced around and happened to see an Avant stationery store. The letters [EVA] at the beginning were shining brightly in the sun, which was very conspicuous.

"Just call her Ava." He said casually.


The Gray family has been hanging out in Diagon Alley for several days. Ferdinand can already discuss Quidditch games and various models of Nimbus 2000 with others without any obstacles. Fiona has bought one for her hamster Miss Miriam. A complete set of miniature furniture (with a self-cleaning spell cast on it) and an assortment of tiny dresses, wizard robes, hats and rainbow-colored socks.

Of course, as the parents of a new student at Hogwarts, they signed a confidentiality agreement with Professor McGonagall on the first day, promising not to tell any non-magical people about the magical world and fulfilling their obligation to keep it safe. Keep magic items out of the Muggle world.

A month goes by in a blink of an eye. On the morning of September 1st, Fiona helped Wade check his suitcase again, making sure that he had everything he should bring - from nail clippers and ear picks to autumn and winter clothes - packed into the suitcase. Ferdinand drove him to King's Cross station.

Platform nine and three-quarters, this is the starting point of the magical journey. From the appearance, it is just an ordinary partition wall.

Wade pushed the box with an owl cage on the cart. He walked to the front of the partition wall, then turned around and saw his parents smiling and waving to him.

Wade also smiled and waved, then turned around and rushed through the partition wall in one breath.

Fiona covered her mouth and let out a sudden sob.

Ferdinand put his arm around her shoulders and sighed: "If we could go to the platform to see him off——"

"Don't tell him - I don't want Wade to feel sad." Fiona sobbed and said, "Go to school - you should go to school happily -"

Ferdinand patted her gently and comforted her: "Don't worry, I have inquired a lot about the news in the past few days - the wizarding world is very peaceful now, Dumbledore, the greatest wizard in the world, is their principal, and Vader is in the school. It'll be fine."

"Yes - I'm sorry -"

A timid voice sounded next to him. Ferdinand looked down and immediately recognized the boy in front of him.

"Are you - Harry Potter?!" he said in surprise.

"Yes, it's me." Harry uncomfortably pushed his hair on his forehead to cover the scar. He had forgotten that he had seen the couple in the Leaky Cauldron before - mainly because there were too many people shaking hands with him at the time, and the light in the bar was very dim. At this time, he asked cautiously with a bit of joy: "I just heard you talking about Hogwarts... I mean - I don't quite know how to get there -"

"Oh." Ferdinand suddenly realized: "Do you see that wall? Just push the box and rush over. If you are afraid, just close your eyes. Don't worry about being hit."

This was not told to them by Professor McGonagall, but what Ferdinand heard from his parents when he was a child. At that time, he had not yet been confirmed to be a Squib, and his parents told him many stories about the wizarding world. But later, they never mentioned those things again.

"Oh, okay--"

Harry was a little bit unbelievable. He tentatively looked at the couple's faces--they looked very kind, but he didn't know if they were teasing him...

Seeing that the other party had been looking at him with encouraging eyes, as if waiting to see him through the wall, Harry, who was embarrassed to ask others, gritted his teeth and pushed the box over, not very fast.

Stop when you hit the wall...It's no big deal to be laughed at...

The boy thought so nervously in his heart, but he never waited for the expected obstacle. At a certain moment, his ears were suddenly full of buzzing voices, and what suddenly appeared in front of him--

was a huge, crimson train, with endless tracks winding into the distance.

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