While Harry was dragging his heavy suitcase through the crowd, Wade had already found an empty compartment and sat down. While no one was around, he changed into his school robe in advance, took out "Monsters and Where to Find Them" and started reading.

In a month, Vader has roughly read all the books he bought. In terms of content, "Monsters and Where to Find Them" (alias: "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them") is his favorite. Of course, this love may also be due to the author - the author of this book, Newt Scamander, is the protagonist of another Harry Potter film series. He has a deep affection for all kinds of magical creatures. Love, and a magic box that makes Vader extremely envious.

After a while, the cubicle door suddenly opened. A little brown-haired girl stood at the door, looked at it, raised her chin and asked, "Excuse me, is there anyone else coming here?"

Wade glanced at her rather conspicuous pair of front teeth and said, "No."


The little girl dragged the box in. After sitting down, she raised her head and said, "Hello, I am Hermione, Hermione Granger."

Vader put down the book, stretched out his hand and said, "Vade Gray."

"Are you reading "Monsters and Where to Find Them"? So you are a freshman this year? Me too! By the way, I have memorized all the contents of this book, and of course, the other textbooks as well." Hermione was furious. He said with a little pride: "By the way, I also practiced a few simple spells, and they all worked. For example, like this - [Luosphor Flash]!"

The tip of her wand lit up with a soft glow.

"Although I didn't memorize the textbook, but-" Vader also took out his wand: "Luminescence flashes!"

The two small light bulbs reflected each other, as if they were proof of the same kind. Hermione grinned and whispered with a bit of yearning: "It's amazing, isn't it?"

Wade nodded silently.

Hermione suddenly remembered something and quickly explained: "Oh, I am an ordinary person... I am a Muggle. No one in my family knows magic. This kind of trick should be commonplace for you, right?"

Vader said: "No, my parents don't know magic either."

"Then we can help each other at school." Hermione said happily: "I mean - children from wizarding families must have studied with their parents since they were young and mastered a lot of magic, right? I don't want to be the worst among the students. The bad one.”

"Don't worry about that." Wade couldn't help laughing and said, "I'm sure there are not many people who can memorize the textbook. Maybe you are the only one. You are really amazing, Miss Granger."

"Well, this... actually doesn't... uh... I mean, some of the content is quite difficult, and there are some spells that I didn't dare to try at home, because the book said that saying the wrong spell will have terrible consequences." He Min stammered, blushing.

When she was embarrassed, the door of the compartment was pushed open again. Hermione breathed a sigh of relief and immediately looked towards the door.

A boy with a round face stood hesitantly at the door and asked hesitantly: "I'm sorry, can I sit here?"

"Of course, come in!" Hermione said enthusiastically first.

The boy put the box away awkwardly, sat down and wrung his fingers nervously, as if he rarely interacted with others.

Hermione took the initiative and said: "Hello. I am Hermione Granger, and he is Vader Gray. We are both freshmen this year - what is your name?"

"Neville," he said, "My name is Neville Longbottom. Well, a freshman too."

"Oh, are you also from a non-magical family?" Hermione asked curiously.

Neville lowered his head: "No...my parents are both wizards."

"Then you must know a lot of magic?" Hermione said: "I have only mastered a few simple spells [Luosphor Blink] and [Repair to Original], but the petrification spell is still a bit uncertain. It should be Petri-ficus To- ta-lus, or Petrifi-cus Tota-lus?”

Neville was confused: "Pe-Petri what?"

Hermione blinked, as if she didn't understand what he was asking.

Neville said with a sad face: "I...actually I haven't even mastered fluorescent flashing yet!"

"...Oh." Hermione was a little disappointed, but also a little happy. She puffed up her chest slightly and said, "Well, it doesn't matter, I can teach you - I mean - we can learn from each other..."

Neville looked like he was about to cry.

"Neville." Vader suddenly said: "What is moving in your pocket?"

Neville looked down and said, "Ah, it's my pet. It always likes to run around."

He took out a black-gray toad from his pocket, held it in his palm and happily introduced it to the two of them: "Look, it's called Leif."

Vader and Hermione leaned back in unison, trying to distance themselves from the ugly creature without being noticed by Neville.

The short and fat toad stretched his legs, jumped out of Neville's hand. It happened that Neville had not closed the compartment door when he came in, so Mr. Leif ran to freedom without hesitation, and disappeared after two bounces.

Neville looked at his empty palm, froze for two seconds, and screamed: "Leifu!"

He chased out, and Wade heard the sound of the boy accidentally hitting the car.

The two people in the cubicle looked at each other.

Hermione whispered: "Although it is written in the notice... I originally thought that no one would keep a toad as a pet!"

Wade nodded sympathetically. He knew that some golden, pink or emerald green toads were indeed pretty, but how could anyone really like those gray, pimple-covered toads?

Neville just really liked his toad.

After a while, the boy came back wiping his tears and said in tears: "I didn't find it - everyone said they didn't see it -"

Wade advised him: "The train is closed. If you look for it when you get off the train, you will definitely find it." Presumably no one would steal a toad.

Neville was not comforted, tears were still falling down.

Seeing that he was really sad, Hermione sighed helplessly, stood up and said, "I'll go look for him with you."

She asked Vader with her eyes, Vader shook his head.

Hermione and Neville left, and the originally noisy box immediately became quiet. Wade looked out the window and saw the rolling hills slowly moving back.

He knew that if he went to look for toads with Hermione and the others, he would meet Harry and Ron, and eleven-year-olds could easily become friends. In this way, the iron triangle will become a four-person party.

But after thinking for a long time, Wade still felt that there was no need to hug the protagonist's thigh, because what attracted him was not the adventure story of ordinary elementary school students fighting against the big devil in this year's drama. The magic itself was interesting enough.

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