On Christmas Day, the Gray family had a big meal, watched a musical, and took a lot of photos. The old-fashioned camera used was a Christmas gift from Ferdinand to Vader, and Fiona's gift was a developing potion.

"This is a camera I bought in Diagon Alley. They said it can also be used in Hogwarts." Ferdinand said with a smile, "This way you can take pictures of your life in school."

"The owner of the ice cream shop in Diagon Alley told me that as long as I use the correct developing potion, the people in the photos will move!" Fiona said excitedly: "So what are you waiting for? Let's take pictures today!"

But after taking the photos, they discovered that even a small thing like developing photos required a wand, but Vader couldn't use magic at home.

Looking at the disappointed Fiona, Wade suggested: "Actually, we can go to the Leaky Cauldron and stay for one night - there are many adult wizards there. Even if magic is used, the Ministry of Magic can't determine who did it. Received a warning letter.”

Fiona was a little moved, but she still shook her head: "Forget it, if you are discovered, it will have a bad impact on you! Anyway, you will be back to school in a few days..."

As she spoke, she became sad. Before Wade left, she was already missing him.

Ferdinand frowned and said: "Vade, is the accuracy of the Ministry of Magic's law enforcement very low?"

"We can only monitor the use of magic by underage wizards within a general range. As for other things -" Vader thought about the Ministry of Magic's performance in the plot that the Ministry of Magic's hips are getting bigger year by year, "-other things are like Not very good either.”

"Don't despise the Ministry of Magic, Vader." Ferdinand warned: "There is no law enforcement agency that is not a violent agency. If you cannot face it, it is easy to make wrong judgments."

Wade said seriously: "I understand, Dad."

Indeed, the Ministry of Magic, which he now despises, can imprison Dumbledore's professors in Azkaban and also has the power to expel students from Hogwarts. This power has not been weakened much because of the bloat, corruption and incompetence of the Ministry of Magic. ——On the contrary, incompetent and corrupt people prefer to abuse their power.

The next day, the Gray family got up early because they were going shopping in Diagon Alley today, which was destined to take a long time.

Still going to Gringotts to change money first, Ferdinand had already prepared a heavy bag.

"Those goblins don't like paper money." He explained to Wade: "If it is paper money, it can only be exchanged for 20 galleons at most. The amount of coins is higher, but if you use gold, there is no limit. The goblins all Very fond of gold.”

"I don't need that much money, Dad." Vader persuaded, "Hogwarts provides food and housing, and some students only need 10 Galleons a year."

"That's because they can only buy second-hand goods. They can't buy snacks. They even have to save ink." Ferdinand touched his head: "Your shortcoming is that you are too sensible, Wade, sometimes You can be more arbitrary.”

"And aren't you learning alchemy?" Fiona shook her finger: "Don't try to lie to me! Even if I don't know magic, I know that it will definitely cost a lot of money to learn alchemy, and Hogwarts doesn't do it either. Maybe we can provide you with all kinds of materials for practice without any restrictions?”

Wade pursed his lips and said softly: "Thank you, dad, mom - I love you."

He has been introverted since he was a child, and it is difficult for him to say "I love you", an expression that ordinary children are accustomed to. Upon hearing this, Mr. and Mrs. Gray were very surprised. They looked at each other and couldn't help but smile.

"I love you too, baby." Fiona said softly.

On the way afterwards, Fiona kept holding Vader's hand tightly.

Switching to Galleons, Ferdinand left for a while, and Fiona accompanied Vader to Madam Malkin's robe shop.

Hogwarts uniforms are all loose robes, and they still fit well even if Vader has grown three centimeters taller. But considering that he would definitely continue to grow taller next semester, Fiona decided to order two more uniforms for him.

"I also need a dress robe." Fiona said when discussing the lining style with Mrs. Malkin: "Just a simple one. The color shouldn't be too showy. Wade doesn't like it. We should get it this afternoon at the latest. , if you can’t make it in time, ready-made clothes are also available.”

"Dress robe?" Wade, who was serving as a clothing display stand nearby, said.

"Silly question, Vader." Fiona said softly, as if speaking to a child: "When you go to Professor Murray's party tomorrow, are you still going to wear the school uniform? Oh, you should have been earlier Tell me so I can customize a suitable one.”

Vader actually felt that there was nothing wrong with Hogwarts robes, and the gowns displayed in Madam Malkin's robe shop were very similar to his school robes.

Of course, this cannot be said, otherwise Fiona will use at least a thousand words to prove that there is a huge difference between them.

Vader could only keep his mouth shut obediently and listened to Mrs. Malkin say to his mother: "Don't worry, Mrs. Grey, I guarantee that you will get his new robe at three o'clock in the afternoon at the latest. Let's take a look at the dress first. Style... Which color do you like? Ah, this color matches his skin tone very well. Your aesthetic is really good... What are the requirements for accessories for boys? It doesn’t need to be too complicated or too many, it’s noble and elegant. the best……"

"Mom!" Wade couldn't help but said.

Fiona looked back at her son, sighed regretfully in his protesting eyes, put down the useless but shiny things such as necklaces, bracelets, and rings inlaid with gems in her hands, and said, "Just choose cufflinks." Well, just cufflinks – nothing else is needed.”

Mrs. Malkin put away the other things with a smile, without any sign of impatience, and spent a long time with Fiona choosing cufflinks. They finally decided on the dress, and Madam Malkin said as if she suddenly remembered: "My dear, little Mr. Gray can't wear his old shoes with his new dress, can he? Do you want to take a look at our latest dragon skin?" boots?"

Vader stared blankly at the ceiling, regretting that he had not brought a book with him - he was now looking forward to having other guests come in, so that Madam Malkin would be busy. Otherwise, Fiona could spend the whole day here.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, and Wade immediately turned his head, only to see Ferdinand coming in with a newspaper.

Ferdinand nodded to Wade and asked, "You haven't bought the clothes yet, okay?"

"Nothing." Wade couldn't help but sigh: "I'm choosing shoes."

It took a lot of effort for him to resist the urge to complain to his father.

"Have you taken the measurements?"

"I measured it as soon as I walked in."

"That's good." Ferdinand said to his wife, "Fiona, you choose slowly, and I will take Wade to buy other things. You have ordered the clothes and are waiting for us at Madam Malkin's place."

Fiona waved her hand and said, "Okay. Don't make me wait too long!"

When Gray and his son went out, Ferdinand said to his son: "I ordered the Daily Prophet - I ordered a copy for you, and they will send it to the school by owl. From now on, you must get used to paying attention to political affairs."

Vader nodded.

The father and son walked around Diagon Alley and bought other things in less than half an hour. Wade also left the names and catalogs of several shop owners so that he could use Owl to buy the items he needed after arriving at school. .

Especially potion materials - Hogwarts only provides the most basic ones for free, and rare and expensive materials are only provided in small quantities when taking relevant courses. It is impossible for young wizards like him to practice freely.

When they returned to the robe shop, Fiona had just chosen her shoes and was sitting drinking tea while flipping through a magazine called "Wizard Weekly". When she heard the bell ringing at the door, she turned her head and immediately smiled brightly.

Wade smiled. Before he could speak, he saw Ferdinand, who was walking behind him, striding over. He lowered his head and asked softly, "Have you finished shopping? Are you tired?"

Fiona, who had not stepped out of the robe shop, stretched her arms and said, "Yeah, shopping is really tiring - what should we eat for lunch?"

"Isn't there a good French restaurant nearby? How about eating there? Order a foie gras steak and grilled cod..."

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