On the day when Professor Murray held a party, Wade changed into the dress and dragonhide boots that Fiona carefully selected for him after breakfast. He stood in front of the mirror and Fiona circled him, adjusting some details from time to time.

"So handsome, baby!" Fiona kept uttering all kinds of exaggerated praises: "You are definitely the most dazzling little gentleman at the party. Seriously, why don't you just let me pick out the necklace for you to wear? The bow-and-arrow-shaped pendant is super cool and will definitely make other kids jealous.”

"No! Mom, I'm not a three-year-old child." Wade firmly refused without hesitation.

Fiona sighed: "I didn't want to wear it even when I was three years old——"

"So when I was eleven I didn't even know how to wear one."

Ferdinand raised his wrist to check the time from time to time, and looked out the door from time to time.

"The professor said he would pick you up at 10 o'clock, right?" He confirmed with his son.

"Yes, that's what the letter said."

But it was one minute before 10 o'clock, and there was still no one outside the door.

"Are you late?" Fiona guessed.

"Maybe there is something delayed." Ferdinand looked at the door again: "I just hope they don't suddenly appear at the door."

"That's not possible. There are ordinary people around here! How many people will see that!" Fiona said firmly: "It must have been delayed by something. Maybe we will receive an owl soon." The letter came."

Fiona said, running over and opening a window so that the owl could fly in. Just when she turned around, the flame in the fireplace suddenly turned green, making the whole room green, and then a dark shadow came out of the fireplace.

Ferdinand jumped up, quickly reached behind his clothes with his right hand and pulled out his pistol, and pushed Vader back with the other hand, shouting: "Who is it?!"

"No-Dad, it's Professor Murray."

Wade hurriedly grabbed his arm, and suddenly found that his father's palm was very cold.

He looked over in surprise and found that Ferdinand was clenching his teeth, the veins on his neck were popping out, and his tense expression looked very cold and unfamiliar.

Wade was stunned for a moment.

From the moment he received the acceptance letter to Hogwarts, the Grays had always seemed very happy. They are full of curiosity about the world of magic and eagerly participate in the world here. They know almost more about the wizarding world than Vader.

Vader had always thought that was the case.

But at this moment, he suddenly discovered that his father might have always hidden a deep fear of the wizarding world.

Fiona was only startled at first, but calmed down after hearing Wade's words. She took a few steps forward and asked curiously: "Is this Floo travel?"

Ferdinand walked over quickly, as if he and his wife were going to greet the guests. But Wade saw that he was actually standing in front of Fiona.

Stepping out of the flames was indeed Professor Murray. He patted the soot on his body and said with a smile: "Yes, it is a safe and convenient way to travel. Except for the soot, everything is fine - Hello, Mr. Gray, Mrs. Gray, I am Terence ·Murray, I think you should know."

"Of course." Ferdinand had already put away his pistol, and there was nothing strange on his face: "Welcome, Professor Murray. I'm sorry, my fireplace has not been thoroughly cleaned in more than two years."

Fiona poked her head out from behind him and asked, "Can we travel on fire too?"

"Oh, probably not." Professor Murray said with a smile: "Actually, the Ministry of Magic prohibits connecting the fireplaces of non-magical people's homes to the Floo network. In order to pick up Vader, I asked someone to temporarily open the Floo network for me. The authority of the network will be restored after we leave - Vader, I'm glad to see you are ready."

"—Yes, Professor."

Vader glanced at his parents, put his wand into the wand pocket on his dress robe, walked over and said, "Shall we leave now?"

"Of course, the guests are waiting for us!" Professor Murray magically pulled out a small bag containing sparkling powder and asked, "Have you ever used Floo powder?"

"No, Professor."

"It's easy, just watch what I do."

He handed the bag to Wade, picked up a handful of powder and threw it into the fire. Suddenly the flames turned green.

"Remember, you must state the address clearly - Suo Luo Garden. Close your eyes and don't wander around in the fireplace, otherwise you will get bruised and bruised, and you may even come out from other fireplaces."

Professor Murray walked straight into the fire and demonstrated: "The cypress garden."

He disappeared from the fire with a whoosh.

Wade also pinched a handful of Floo powder and walked towards the fireplace. When he was about to throw it away, he turned back, looked at his father deeply and said, "Dad, I'll be back in the evening."

"Yeah." Ferdinand's throat rolled, he wanted to say something but held back, and looked down at him: "Follow your professor - don't conflict with others."

"I understand." Wade nodded seriously.

Fiona put her hands on her hips and pretended to be angry: "I only want to say goodbye to my father, but not my mother?"

"How could it be?" Wade smiled, stepped forward and hugged his mother: "Goodbye, Mom."

He sprinkled the floo powder, and the flames immediately turned a green color. Vader suppressed his instinctive fear of flames and walked in as if he was used to it.

The flames surrounded him like warm breath. Through the firelight, Wade saw the remaining panic in his father's eyes.

It is the uneasiness and fear caused by a stranger suddenly breaking into a harbor that one always thought was safe.

"Alpinia Garden." Wade said clearly as he looked at his father.

In an instant, both parents and the living room disappeared from sight. He rotated rapidly in the green flames, and countless fireplaces flashed by quickly. Vader immediately closed his eyes. When he was spinning so dizzy, the extremely fast rotation suddenly stopped again, and when Vader was about to fall, , a pair of strong arms supported him.

"It's not a good feeling, is it?" A voice said, "I heard that this is your first time using the Floo Network."

The man pulled him out of the fireplace. Wade coughed twice, rubbed away the cigarette ashes that accidentally got into his eyes, and saw a big man standing in front of him.

He was very tall, about two meters tall, with a burly build and a somewhat fierce appearance, but his eyes looked gentle when he bent down to look at him.

"Ahem - sorry, who are you?" Wade asked.

A water glass was passed in front of him.

"Drink some water." The big man took out his wand and used [Clean Up], and the dust on Vader's body immediately disappeared.

He said: "I am Steven Murray, the son of Terence Murray. My father was originally waiting for you here, but a friend from France has just arrived, and he wants to greet him - you can just walk around first ,eat something."

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