Wade raised his eyebrows and turned to look over, and saw that it was the silly Barnabas in the tapestry.

Whenever he entered and left the Room of Requirement, he would see this tapestry first. Sometimes he saw the silly Barnabas forcing the trolls to put on ballet skirts and dance, and sometimes he saw the trolls hitting the silly Barnabas on the head with a big stick. The two were always entangled in this tapestry, never talking to each other, and never going anywhere else.

Originally, he thought that this was because the tapestry was different from the portraits...

At this time, the trolls in the tapestry were lying on the side and sleeping, and the wizard was sitting cross-legged on the ground, his eyes were obviously looking at him, and he said with a very serious expression.

"Silly... uh... Mr. Barnabas?"

"It doesn't matter, call me silly Barnabas, they all call me that anyway." Barnabas said indifferently, and then asked: "I guess you took something from the Room of Requirement?"

"Yes." Wade admitted generously: "But this does not belong to the Room of Requirement, it was put in by someone else, just like the broom I took away before."

"It doesn't matter whether it was put in and hidden by someone else, kid." Barnabas said slowly: "In this castle, all the things abandoned by their owners will eventually appear in this room - when they are forgotten by their owners, Became part of the Room of Requirement. You can take what you need, such as the broom; but you should not take away what you don't need, or use the Room of Requirement to satisfy some personal desires. "

"Personal desires?" Wade asked back: "For example, what?"

"For example, reselling the things inside to make money." Barnabas paused and added: "If you really need money, you can look for it in the junk pile, and you should be able to find some Galleons, enough to meet your daily needs."

"Then-what if I really take away the things I don't need?" Wade asked again.

Barnabas said seriously: "Then one day, the things you take away will return to Hogwarts in a way you never want to see. And you will violate the original intention of entering the Room of Requirement and eventually be punished by the magic contract."

His tone was sad and compassionate, as if he had seen the scene of Wade's tragic death or torture in the future because he was unwilling to accept his advice.

The troll next to him groaned in his sleep, scratched his butt, turned over and continued to sleep. Its stinky feet were right in front of Barnabas, so Barnabas had to pinch his nose and move to another place to sit, then adjusted his mood and continued to stare at Wade with heavy eyes.

"So," Wade couldn't help but smile and asked, "If I found a dangerous black magic item in the Room of Requirement and was worried that it would hurt other students, so I took it away to deal with it - would this also be considered a violation of the contract?"

"Oh - oh - so -"

Barnabas' train of thought was interrupted. He thought seriously for a long time before stammering, "This - should be considered a good deed - the castle, the castle will thank you - of course it is not a violation of the contract -"

"Anyway, thank you for your advice, Barnabas - I will return this thing after I deal with the black magic on it."

Wade waved his hand and turned to leave.

After walking a distance, Wade finally couldn't help but sighed softly.

When he finally found the Room of Requirement under the guidance of the elves, Vader had thought that if he needed a room full of gold galleons or time converters, could the Room of Requirement also satisfy him?

Or when he was studying in the Room of Requirement, he took away all the books or alchemical tools in it. When he came back next time, would he see an empty room, or would all the things he needed still appear?

After thinking about it, Vader finally suppressed all kinds of thoughts and did not experiment whether there was such a bug in the Room of Requirement.

He was not the first discoverer of the Room of Requirement. Before that, countless students and professors may have discovered the magical effect of this room. Voldemort also hid his Horcruxes here. The Room of Requirement was not a secret among the house elves in the castle.

If the things in the Room of Requirement could really be taken away at will, then didn't any of his students before him discover this bug? It's not possible that everyone is as noble as Harry Potter in the original book, and never thought of using the Room of Requirement to make a profit, right?

Apart from anything else, at least when he was young, Tom Riddle was definitely a person who could make the most of resources. He didn't empty the Room of Requirement. The only explanation could be that he couldn't, not that he didn't want to.

It seems that Tom Riddle should have been warned by Barnabas at the beginning. With that person's character, he would not easily believe the words of a tapestry. After all, he was also a curse master and a descendant of Slytherin. Maybe he tried it in different ways and finally found that the tapestry was right...

"Room of Requirement" - provide help to those who really need it.

Wade had long guessed that people had reached some kind of invisible contract when they stepped into this room, so he didn't try it randomly. But when the guess was really confirmed, he was still disappointed.

Who would hate to get something for nothing?

Wade patted his face and reminded himself that he had received a lot of help from the Room of Requirement. People are greedy and don't be driven by desire and forget what they really want.


The next morning, the sky finally cleared up.

After experiencing heavy snow and continuous rainy weather, the students showed great love for the sunny weather. Many people got up early and walked, chatted, chased and played in groups on the grass around the castle.

At breakfast time, countless owls flew into the hall from outside and threw packages in front of the students. Despite the existence of the Friends Book, owls, the couriers of the wizarding world, have not been eliminated and laid off. They still fly in the sky of Great Britain with large and small packages.

Ava also landed beside Wade, bringing Fiona's newly made candies and desserts. She pecked Wade's arm a little angrily, as if blaming him for leaving her at home.

Wade tore some beef for her, and Ava swallowed it. Only then was she satisfied, cooed twice, and spread her wings and flew away.

Wade distributed some of the candies and desserts in the package to the students around him, and turned around and said, "Michael--"

"Hmm?" Michael responded and praised, "Mrs. Grey's peanut candy is delicious!"

"I'll put it in the umbrella room later, if you like it, take more." Wade said, "Take a few photos for me later?"

"Okay!" Michael agreed naturally and asked, "Did you buy a camera?"

"My father gave me a Christmas gift." Wade said.

"Take two photos for me too-I haven't thought about taking photos since I got to school!"


Just as the two were about to finish their breakfast quickly, two more owls flew towards Wade, one dropped a letter, and the other dropped a large package.

Michael was surprised: "Did your family send you so many things?"

"No." Wade looked at the signature on the envelope: "This is not from my parents."

Added more for the first leader [Leisure Survivor].

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