A thin letter from Gringotts.

The letter listed his recent income and the expenditure of a sum of gold galleons taken out by his father Ferdinand Grey from the vault. Wade glanced at the numbers on it and put the letter away casually.

The package came from Marchionne, with a letter attached, which wrote about the recent sales of the Friends' Book, the income that Wade should get, and the next promotion plan for the Friends' Book - although the productivity is not up to par, Marchionne has already spread the market to Asia and Africa.

Marchionne also drew several new versions of the Friends' Book that will be launched in the letter, and "implemented" Wade, as the inventor of the Friends' Book, to "give valuable advice" so that the launch of the new product can "achieve greater success".

Looking at Marchionne's earnest words in the letter, it seems that this business tycoon is really worried about this and can't sleep at night, as if only Wade can guide his life.

Wade: ...

He understood why Professor Murray said, "Just use that guy's ability to help you make money. If he often harasses you, just ignore him."

Professor Murray must have received this kind of owl from Marchionne before.

But for Wade, Marchionne not only brought him a large sum of Galleons, but also sent a package of alchemical materials-although most of them were ordinary, there were also precious materials such as African tree snake skin that were difficult to buy even with money.

Wade still wrote a letter in reply seriously.

Of course, it was not a trivial matter such as which pattern was more attractive. What Wade wrote was some ideas about improving the friend book that he had recently generated while studying alchemy.

For example, it was limited to only two or three people in advance, which was often not convenient when used. He changed the magic loop, and then only a simple spell was needed to make multiple blank friend books connected.

For example, a picture can be added to the bottom page of the new friend book, listing various emojis that can express emotions with simple symbols - although it is useless, Wei De knows that this kind of thing is very popular among young people. Some words that feel too cold when written in words will appear humorous and cute when replaced with emojis or emoticons, which may stimulate another wave of consumption desire.

In addition, a special positioning function can be added to some friend books, and the location of the other party can be checked at any time by holding the other party's friend book.

Wei De thought for a while and added another paragraph to the letter -

"I think this kind of friend book should emphasize that it has a positioning function in the header, and the color and appearance should also be obviously different from ordinary friend books - if the friend book originally used for communication can also be positioned, it will be suspected of invading privacy, and ordinary people may find it difficult to accept. Its buyers should be between parents and children, or between lovers with sincere feelings..."

I just don't know if his friend book will accidentally break up a few couples in the future.

Wade imagined the scene -

In the past, lovers would ask each other: "Do you love me? How much do you love me? Swear!"

In the future, the way lovers express loyalty will probably become: "Can you exchange your position in the friend book with me?"


The test came so unexpectedly.

Wade thought about his own situation again - he didn't mind his parents knowing his position, and as for the lover who didn't even have a shadow... If he fell in love in the future, he would definitely aim to get married, and loyalty to marriage would be the minimum requirement.

And Wade didn't plan to get married at such a young age - was magic not magical enough? Or was alchemy not interesting enough? Falling in love? What love! It would only waste his precious time...

So the arrow he shot out today would never come back to him.

Wade wrote down with confidence and finished it quickly. He handed the letter to the owl to catch, attached the modified version of the friend book, and watched it fly away.

The auditorium, the lobby, the umbrella house, the library, the Black Lake, the Forbidden Forest, the Quidditch pitch, the Ravenclaw lounge, the dormitory…

Ved took photos of almost all the representative places he could step into in the school. When he met familiar classmates and professors on the road, they would take photos together.

Although Vader has never been a parent, he has been a son for many years. When he went out to travel, he always liked to take pictures of various unique buildings and natural landscapes, hoping that his parents could share these beautiful scenery. Later, he realized that his parents were not interested in these scenery at all, they just wanted to see him in the scenery.

Therefore, in his lens now, no matter how wonderful the environment is, the focus is always on people-in front of the greenhouse, he stood next to the professor with a kind expression and a slight smile; by the Black Lake, he and the classmates with bright and lively smiles were holding shoulders; inside the umbrella house, the SSC people sat together and talked and laughed.

Fear often comes from the unknown, like walking in the endless darkness, but only hearing your own heartbeat. At this time, if there is a lamp in hand, illuminating the surrounding environment, so that the eyes can see the thorns and quagmires clearly, even if the road is still bumpy, the fear will naturally dissipate gradually.

The film cameras that can be used in Hogwarts are of classic style, and the process of developing photos is originally cumbersome and long, but magic speeds up the process.

Wade turned the Room of Requirement into a darkroom for developing photos, and then put the negatives into the developing solution. After a series of processes such as developing, stopping, washing, fixing, and printing, he finally got a stack of moving photos.

He changed to a brightly lit environment and flipped through the photos one by one.

The camera not only recorded their movements and scenes, but also seemed to record their mood when taking the photos. The smiles of the people in the photos seemed to be brighter than usual. Professor Sprout would touch his head from time to time, and Professor Flitwick would sometimes jump on the pile of books excitedly, and sometimes jump down.

Professor Murray was usually kind and gentle, and Wade regarded him as a source of wisdom and a mentor in life. Professor Murray in the photo was originally this image, but after taking a sip of tea, his whole face suddenly wrinkled, his eyes closed, his eyebrows shifted, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, as if he was too bitter.

——Is that cup of tea... so bitter? Could it be that American black coffee was put in it?

Wade recalled carefully, but he didn't pay attention to the cup of tea at all at that time. At this time, looking at Professor Murray in the photo, he was grinning because of the bitterness, and then he took another sip out of curiosity, and then continued to grin...

Wade couldn't help laughing.

This photo must be kept privately, otherwise if Professor Mori sees it, he will definitely destroy it to ashes because it destroys his image, right?

Wade continued to flip through the photos, and suddenly his hands stopped moving, and his eyes instantly became gentle.

It was a photo of their family sitting on the sofa at Christmas.

But at this time, the three people in the photo were very close, and his parents were leaning against him, holding hands. The two of them gazed at each other tenderly, kissing from time to time; or lowering their heads and kissing Wade's forehead in the photo.

Leaning against the window, Wade stroked the photo with his fingers, and couldn't help but smile, with a warm light flashing in his eyes.

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