Wade finished speaking in detail, without adding any exaggeration or embellishment.

Even so, Professor McGonagall was still so angry that her nostrils were flaring, as if she could spit out fire at any time. She said angrily: "Bullying classmates...and calling those insulting names...We will never allow this kind of behavior-Severus, I will give Mr. Malfoy a month's confinement, at least!"

Professor Snape didn't know what he was thinking, his face was pale and empty. After hearing Professor McGonagall's words, he was lost for a while, and then slowly said: "Of course... you are right... Minerva... just do this..."

"Very good!" Professor McGonagall breathed out, and when she turned to look at Vader, her stern expression finally softened a little.

"Mr. Grey——"

"Yes, Professor." Wade lowered his head: "I know you shouldn't use magic spells on classmates in the corridor..."

"Ahem." Professor Flitwick suddenly coughed twice: "Yes, you are too impulsive. What if you get hurt? For your recklessness and recklessness, I will deduct one... uh..."

Professor Flitwick glanced secretly at the two colleagues next to him.

"——Five points!"

He said cruelly, gritting his teeth, and winked at Wade quietly, indicating that - don't worry, we will come back later.

Professor McGonagall smiled imperceptibly and said: "Well, of course - at the same time, for bravely defending your classmates and successfully using the disarming spell, I will give you ten points, Mr. Grey. I can see that. , you...um...are very good at learning magic!"

"Added ten points?" In the umbrella house, Michael was also very surprised by the result.

"Actually, only five points were added, because before that, Professor Flitwick deducted five points." Vader emphasized.

"I know...but...that's Professor McGonagall!" Michael was quite incredible: "She doesn't even favor Gryffindors!"

"It is precisely because Professor McGonagall is very fair that I gave Ravenclaw ten points!" Padma was not surprised: "Think about what Malfoy did... a month of confinement is really... It’s easier for him!”

"Not only that, they didn't get much benefit from Professor Snape." Theo said a piece of news that no one knew - "Some people saw the Slytherins going to Professor Snape to complain. He was kicked out in less than two minutes.”

Ryan nodded understandingly: "Even if Professor Snape is usually very strict, he won't favor Slytherin unreasonably, right?"

Neville probably didn't agree very much. He felt that if they could also see how Snape found fault with Gryffindor and Slytherin in the Potions class, they probably wouldn't have such a problem. This is a view that is far from reality.

While everyone was chatting, the door to the umbrella house suddenly opened - there was only one person coming at this time. Padma happily raised her hand and shouted: "Hermione!"

The brown-haired girl walked in from the door with cheerful steps and said with a bright smile: "Good afternoon, guys!"

"Huh?" Padma looked at her with some confusion: "Hermione, why do I feel like you are a little different today?"

"No, no -" Hermione pulled back her hair on her temples and said covertly, "Maybe it's because I heard that Malfoy learned a lesson - she was a little too happy -"

"Well..." Padma was doubtful - is this really the reason?

Michael could tell at a glance—Hermione used to have a particularly obvious pair of large set teeth, and her messy brown hair made her look like a beaver. But when Hermione smiled today, her teeth were neat and normal-sized, and she looked much cuter than usual.

"Wow, Hermione!" Michael praised without saying what he discovered, "You look really radiant today."

Hermione smiled shyly, and in order to divert attention, she turned and shouted to the person behind her: "Come in, Harry!"

Harry Potter, who was hesitating outside the door, finally walked in. Everyone looked at him, and the boy pulled his hair uncomfortably.

This is of course not the first time they have met, but it is normal to see classmates in the classroom, and to see the new member in their "turf" or "circle" is Harry Potter... This still makes them There was a strange and special feeling in my heart.

For a moment no one spoke.

Harry was a little embarrassed, and he said hello at a loss: "Um - hello everyone? I am Harry Potter..."

Then he realized in despair - what a stupid sentence this is? They went to school together for more than half a year. Is there anyone who doesn't know each other?

Hermione kept telling him to leave a good impression on everyone, but it seemed that he was messed up by his stupidity in the first step...

They must think it's weird for him to talk like this, right? Looks so silly...

"Do you want to get acquainted again?" Vader stood up first, stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "Hello, Harry, I am Vader Gray."

If you were the only one to do a stupid thing, you would be embarrassed to the point of touching your toes; but if there were others like you, the embarrassment would seem to be nothing.

Harry shook Vader's hand gratefully.

Then Michael Corner also extended his hand: "Welcome, I am Michael Corner - actually I have wanted to say it for a long time, your action of catching the Golden Snitch on the court last time was very cool! I look forward to your performance next time ”

"Thank you." Harry smiled shyly.

"Welcome to join you, Harry, I am Theo Mancini." Theo said with a smile: "The person who will compete with you next time will be Hufflepuff. I can only wish you enjoy the game and hope that Hufflepuff will win." Patch can win.”

At this moment, Harry really wished he could say something witty and humorous in response, but as he was not good at words, all he could think of suddenly was Wood's passionate speech in the rain——

"Hufflepuff is nothing to worry about!"

No... you can't say that...

"Beat Hufflepuff! Get the House Cup!"

enough! He doesn't want to offend everyone yet...

"We must go all out! For the first time in seven years! Let Professor McGonagall be impressed!" Wood raised his arms and shouted!


"I will definitely do my best!" Harry finished his words before his mind could react.

Theo smiled: "That's how it should be."

"Ryan Carlo." Ryan shook hands. His smile was shallow but sincere: "Although I have never joined any other societies, I want to say that SSC must be the best."

"Of course." Harry said quickly.

"Padma Patil." Padma smiled and shook hands: "My only request is that you don't recognize me as my sister."

"I won't admit it," Harry said firmly.

Unlike the Weasley twins who seemed to be copied and pasted, the differences between the Patil sisters are actually very conspicuous. Even though they have very similar appearances, their personalities, temperaments and expressions are very different, making it impossible for anyone to tell them apart.

"Then - it's me in the end." Hermione also shook hands in a decent manner and said with a smile: "Your friend - is also a partner of the SSC."

"Oh - Hermione -" Harry couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, Harry had completely forgotten all the thoughts he had when he entered. In the playful welcome ceremony, he truly felt that he was being accepted into a group - which was completely different from his friendship with Ron, or the curiosity that some classmates admired him because of his reputation as a "savior."

Harry couldn't explain what this difference was at the moment. He only knew that he was in a good mood, as if he had landed on a soft cloud.

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