Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 78 Integration and Learning

After the brief welcome ceremony, Harry said with a bit of nervousness and anticipation: "Well - actually this is my first time to join the club, so I don't know much about it... What are the rules of the SSC club? Do I need to do anything? ?”

Everyone looked at each other.

"——Society?" Theo asked confusedly: "Are we already considered a club?"

Neville was surprised: "Isn't the SSC a club? I thought it had been a long time ago!"

"If students form a club, do they have to report it to the professor?" Ryan asked with some uncertainty.

Michael: "I thought we were a club?"

"The club has to pay dues, right? We haven't paid any money." Ryan said based on what he learned from his Muggle relatives.

Neville was a little confused: "I said - what is the difference between a club and a society?"

Everyone was silent for a moment - yes... apart from the name, what's the difference?

They couldn't tell for a moment.

Harry never expected that such a scene would occur. He carefully thought about how things could turn out like this, and then looked at Hermione silently beside him.

Wade looked at Hermione who was suppressing her laughter and asked helplessly: "Hermione, what did you tell Harry?"

Hermione suddenly burst out laughing, waved her hand and said to Harry, "I didn't say anything. It was all yours and Ron's guess, right?"

Harry: "..."

Yes... She didn't say anything, but repeatedly emphasized that this matter was very important, so he should be cautious and prepared. She also reminded him that he must bring a wand... and then watched them uneasily guessing that joining the club would have consequences. What a test.

Ron even put forward a particularly outrageous guess——

"Maybe they'll let you sneak into Snape's office and steal one of his belongings - like underwear or socks. Or throw a dung bomb into the corridor in front of Professor McGonagall to prove your courage! "

At that time, Ron looked at Harry with a tragic look, as if he was about to be torn apart by the angry professor.

Thinking about it carefully, Hermione's expression was painful at that time - he thought it was a painful expression - but she was actually suppressing a laugh, right?

Or... was it because of their various demonizing conjectures that Hermione didn't say anything?

"It's like this -" Wade couldn't help but laugh: "We can actually only be regarded as an after-school study group. We get together to practice spells, discuss homework problems, or borrow each other's notes. Generally speaking, For example, we will study here after dinner, but you can come and go as you like. If you don’t want to come, you don’t need to ask anyone for leave. If there are no fixed rules, they will be posted on the wall behind you.”

Harry turned his head and looked at it. There was a piece of paper pinned to the wall, with only a few short words written on it. For example, members should help each other, be united and friendly, and not touch other people's things. Basically, elementary school students should The only special thing about the basic moral standards that are observed is that no one else can be brought into the umbrella house without the consent of all members.

Harry felt very relaxed at first - these "rules" were not rules at all, and there were no strong punishments or constraints. Obviously their previous guesses were all wrong; but when he saw the next one, Harry felt a sudden change in his heart. Shen.

——He is also new here. Can you introduce Ron to join?

"Harry, your seat is here." Neville took Harry aside enthusiastically.

An empty table has been prepared next to Neville's seat, and there are independent bookshelves and cabinets on the side. The surrounding wooden boards form a semi-enclosed structure, which can block other people's sight, and can also be lowered to facilitate communication.

There are several small tea tables, food cabinets and soft old sofas nearby. There are several soft pillows on the sofa. Vader asked Zoe and the others to help prepare these things - the old furniture in the Room of Requirement almost formed a small town. He picked out the relatively intact ones and patched them together to repair them, so that they looked like new ones. .

The pantry was always filled with cakes, biscuits, puddings and candies, and several dark silver tin jugs filled with drinks and water, all of which the house elves took the initiative to prepare for them. Not only that, when the elves have free time, they will also find ways to decorate the umbrella house.

Wade and the others would often find a small change in the umbrella house as soon as they entered the door. It might be that there were some strange decorations and photos on the wall, or there were a few pots of wild flowers blooming in the corner. It may also be the addition of one or two useful pieces of furniture.

Unknowingly, this originally empty abandoned classroom has become more and more full. There are traces of several people living and studying here everywhere. There is a warm and lively atmosphere in the room.

Harry fell in love with this place almost at first sight.

He also got a piece of parchment on which SSC members communicate with each other - the Book of Friends is something almost everyone knows about now, but Harry, who stayed at school for Christmas, had money but nowhere to buy it.

Among the people he knew around him, Hermione had one. She gave Harry one to contact him, but they were together all day long and rarely used it. Ron had two copies, one of which was the same. It was from Hermione, the other was sent to him by Mrs. Weasley after the holidays, and each of the Weasley children had one. Ron often used the Friends Book to chat or quarrel with his brothers before going to bed, only to be sternly ordered to go to bed immediately by Mrs. Weasley.

Ron sometimes complained about his mother's strictness, but Harry envied him very much.

Now, he also had a second friend book.

He put two pieces of parchment between his textbook and stuffed them into his schoolbag, then looked around - everyone else had already started doing homework or reading books consciously, even Neville was copying Transfiguration notes seriously.

- This was also very different from studying in the common room. In the Gryffindor common room, there were always students making noises, and some people were looking for others to copy homework. There was no such quiet and strong learning atmosphere. If they wanted to do their homework seriously, they had to go to the library, but Madam Pince was very strict and did not allow eating or talking, which was another inconvenience.

Harry calmed down and took out the homework for the Charms class and started writing, but he only wrote a title and he didn't know how to write.

- He should have borrowed two reference books from the library first... But everyone was studying, and would it be abrupt if he left suddenly? Maybe Hermione has books...

When Harry began to look around uncomfortably, Theo nearby noticed his dilemma and asked, "I don't know how to write it?"

Harry subconsciously covered the scribbled notes and graffiti on the textbook with his hands, and said embarrassedly, "Yeah, right."

"It doesn't matter, we don't know how to do it at the beginning." Theo comforted him, "You can find Wade, he will teach you how to write a paper and what reference books you need to read now. Before you come tomorrow, go to the library to borrow books. Follow Wade's method, and you will soon find that completing homework is actually very simple."

In fact, the person who reads the most books is Hermione, but Hermione is used to writing down what she has read - in her eyes, all the knowledge she has learned is the key point; while Wade can point out what their current problems are and what knowledge needs to be strengthened, and then pick out the most valuable book for them to read. Basically, after reading the books he pointed out, those knowledge points that were originally half-understood became simple, as if suddenly everything was understood.

As he got closer, Theo also saw the messy notes on Harry's book. After hesitating for a moment, he pointed at the book and asked, "If you don't mind, can you let me see it?"

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