Malfoy and his friends ran away in panic, and when they returned to the empty Potions classroom, several of them were a little depressed.

"Draco, we have all the mechanisms ready - what's going on?" The two girls carefully walked in from the door holding a few glass bottles. They were a little strange when they saw everyone's appearance.

"Let's break up, Pansy." Nott frowned, slumped his shoulders, and said weakly: "Gray will definitely not come... Professor Sprout has noticed it, she left Wade Gray behind. ”

"You guys are too impatient. Now, everything is screwed up!"

Malfoy kicked a stool over angrily and sat down at the table angrily. Crabbe and Goyle stared at the others with bulging eyes, as if it was everyone else's fault.

"Let's wait until next time." Zabini shook his head, sat down, and sighed: "As long as you want to - you will always get in his way."

Although he said this, the morale of the Slytherins became low except for Malfoy.

The blond girl who followed Pansy in said hesitantly: "What should I do with these potions? Throw them away?"

The bottle contained a failed scabies potion. Malfoy's potion skills are very good, but in the first potions class, Neville's failed potion caused quite a mess, which left a deep impression on Malfoy.

In his opinion, that potion is much more useful than any scabies treatment.

This time, in order to deal with Wade Gray, Malfoy secretly brewed a pot of scabies potion, and deliberately added porcupine quills before the pot was taken off the fire, and successfully obtained a large bottle of potion that could incinerate the crucible. Green poison.

Unfortunately, this medicine evaporates all the time, and soon it will change from a highly corrosive acidic solution to an ordinary liquid that will not cause any harm to people except for an unpleasant smell.

Malfoy waved his hand and said, "Throw it away...wait, give it to me, Daphne."

He suddenly thought of a bad idea, took the glass bottles from Daphne, and carefully stuffed them one by one into the desk cabinet in the corner - Malfoy had inquired, and Vader often sat in that position.

"I still have it here, Draco!" Pansy pushed Daphne aside and enthusiastically handed over the potion in her hand.

Daphne hesitated: "What if I hurt someone else?"

"Whatever!" Malfoy said nonchalantly: "It's bad luck for them! Maybe the professor will give Gray a solitary confinement! - Wade Gray, why do you put such dangerous things in the desk cabinet? ? Fifty points from Ravenclaw for intentionally hurting a classmate!"

Malfoy imitated Professor Snape's scolding of Harry Potter, which immediately made everyone laugh. Nott also made a strange expression, and said in a high-pitched voice: "I don't, Professor - I don't know what's going on -"

"Hahaha——" The others smashed the table with laughter and could hardly breathe.

"He's coming! He's coming!" A boy ran in quickly and shouted excitedly: "Draco, he's coming this way!"

"Who?" Malfoy didn't react for a moment.

"Who else can it be?" The boy named Millicent Bursted jumped to his feet anxiously and shouted: "——Wade Gray!"

"How could-" Zabini said doubtfully.

"He must have thought that because of the professor's warning, we didn't dare to take action!" Malfoy jumped off the chair, took out another potion bottle from the desk cabinet and gave it to several people, urging: "Quick, quick, as promised before Come!"

Everyone moved, and the two girls moved away, but Pansy couldn't help but get closer to Malfoy again, as if she was fighting alongside him. Several boys took out their wands and locked the windows of the classroom, then prepared to cast spells. Crabbe and Goyle were ready to throw out the scabies potion as if they were holding grenades. Nott also took out two hidden potions from under the medicine cabinet. bomb.

Daphne lay next to the window and watched. In order to avoid being discovered, she hid in the corner and watched carefully.

"It is indeed Wade Gray." The blonde girl said softly, "He came alone."

"Without anyone else?" Zabini asked with a frown.


"Strange..." Zabini couldn't understand. Was he really not wary at all?

"Humph, he is indeed a Ravenclaw nerd!" Malfoy said contemptuously, and gave the final instruction: "Remember what we agreed on before - first throw the dung bombs, and then the scabies potion, and I took the opportunity to use the Leg Locking Curse Crabbe, Goyle, you two go catch him, and Nott remembers to grab the wand!"

Crabbe and Goyle responded. Nott looked at the dung bomb in his hand, and his face suddenly turned a little green.

——When he grabbed the wand, he wouldn’t have gotten this thing on him, right?

Looking at the small space at the door, Nott was a little unsure.

He began to think about putting the dung bomb back...or exchanging it with Goyle? His body, which is twice the size of others, can definitely block most...

Just when Nott was hesitating, he suddenly heard someone whisper: "Expulso!"


An invisible wind suddenly whirled sand and rocks around the classroom. Just as Nott was about to speak, he took a mouthful of sand. Everyone screamed in unison, and then started rubbing their eyes.

"He's at the door!" Malfoy covered his mouth with his sleeve and shouted loudly: "Throw the dung bomb! Throw the dung bomb quickly!"

There was a sound at the door. Nott had no time to distinguish it and threw the dung bomb out with force.


The dung bomb hit an ugly head and exploded, and the foul-smelling substance immediately sprayed all over the classroom.

A huge cockroach crawled in from the door.

Facing the face that made people lose all reason, Nott remembered belatedly that the voice he heard just now seemed to say: "Engorgio (Enlarge quickly)."

The boy who was frightened and his brain was blank was pressed down by the huge cockroach without any resistance.

Immediately afterwards, one, two, three... a total of five or six spiders that were also enlarged to the size of hounds came in from behind the cockroach.


Everyone in the potions class classroom screamed wildly and began to flee in panic. Malfoy quickly jumped onto the table to pull the window, but found that the window was locked by a spell.

——They did it themselves.

"Alohom——" He hadn't finished the unlocking spell when a claw hooked his clothes from behind and dragged him backwards.

"No——no——let me go——"



The classroom was filled with students' cries of fear. The insects cast with the Confusion Spell didn't do anything to them, but just the close contact had scared them to the point of peeing their pants.

"Petrificus Totalus (Petrified Totally)!"

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