Vader froze everything and stepped into the messy classroom, carefully stepping on areas that were not contaminated by dung bombs. Then he restored the cockroaches and spiders to their original sizes and watched the helpful insects scurry into the cracks in the corners of the wall.

Looking up, someone even looked grateful to him for this.

Vader was speechless for a moment.

Looking at the ground, the walls, and the bodies of Malfoy and others, there were "remnants" of dung bombs everywhere; green smoke was rising from the broken glass, and the ground was corroded by something, making a hissing sound.

The Slytherins were petrified in various struggling postures. Some were crying with snot and tears all over their faces, some were so frightened that their eyes were straight, and some were covered in red, swollen and terrible scabies for some unknown reason. They all looked painful. . Only Daphne in the corner was slightly better. She was not injured, but she was also frightened and had a few spider threads stuck to her body.

Vader not only had questions in his mind - this is it?

He thought that Malfoy had prepared a dragnet, and that's why he dared to cause trouble again after suffering a loss last time. Unexpectedly, he just wanted to rely on people to ambush him?

Vader thought about himself - he had prepared a dozen spells and specially practiced five different combinations. In order to be able to successfully cast the spell in the shortest time and attack while on the move, he practiced privately in the Room of Requirement for a long time.

The Room of Requirement only provided wooden targets. In order to train himself, Vader found various small insects as sparring partners. [Grow Big Quickly] was one of the spells he often used during this period. Of course, spiders and cockroaches are a bit too much to challenge the limits of reason, and Vader himself can't stand it. He usually looks for emerald green mantises with two big knives.

At this moment, for Vader, he had just said hello to his opponents, and all of them fell down, and they also let out miserable wails in a "car-to-car collision" posture...

It seemed that his previous preparations were a bit redundant.


Vader waved his wand, and the green liquid and dung bombs disappeared, leaving only a lingering smell. Then he used the Flying Curse to take away everyone's wands, and then lifted the petrification curse.

The classroom suddenly erupted into loud cries and screams.

"Stop arguing!" Wade said with a frown.

In an instant, all sounds disappeared.

Vader walked towards Malfoy. The blond boy suddenly turned pale with fear, kicked his feet on the ground and shrank back, screaming: "You, you, you... don't come here -"

Vader pressed his shoulder with the collected wand, squatted down, and looked seriously into the other person's eyes: "You know? If you are my enemy, I will break your wand right now."

Malfoy was stunned for a moment, and after a long while he stammered and trembled: "You... you can't..."

To a wizard, the wand is no less than half a body. Some adult wizards cannot even cast simple spells without the wand. If the wand is damaged, it can be replaced with a new one, but generally speaking, only the wand that was chosen as a child and has accompanied the wizard as he grows up is the most suitable and most faithful. Most wizards' wands will accompany them to the end of their lives and then be buried with them in their graves.

This is a companion from birth to death.

In the classroom, someone sobbed.

"Of course, I won't do that." Vader looked at Malfoy's relieved expression and continued: "But it's not because of who your father is or who your grandfather is - it has nothing to do with any of this. It's just because we are Classmates, we should be friendly to each other... right?"

Malfoy: "..."

——Look at the swelling on my body, smell the stink on my body, do you know that spider almost ate me just now? Do you know what it feels like to be hugged by a spider's legs? Is this also called getting along well?

"——Yes." Master Malfoy lowered his head and said softly.

"Thank you, it's great that you understand - after all, I just want to study hard and don't like to cause trouble."

Wade originally wanted to pat him on the shoulder, but when he thought that these people were covered in dung bombs just now, his raised palm fell down again.

Malfoy, on the other hand, followed his movements, and his heartbeat became violent and tightened, and he began to feel a dull pain in his chest. When he heard Wade's words, he almost cried.

——Is this devil-like guy really the Ravenclaw he knows? Who among them is Slytherin?

"Also, can you please stop bullying my friends in the future? Don't use those dirty tricks again...otherwise I will be very - very - angry! As a person, I will definitely avenge myself." De said very sincerely: "If you think you can ignore my warning, you'd better defeat me first - I personally welcome all fair challenges."

Malfoy just stared at him blankly, showing no reaction, and no one else spoke to him. Vader, who was talking to himself, began to feel a little embarrassed. He put down the Slytherins' wands and turned around to leave. Before leaving the house, he suddenly turned around.

Malfoy, who had just touched his wand, threw it away again with a snap. Nott quickly hid behind Goyle, and everyone else was also startled.

"Don't be so nervous. I just want to ask -" Wade asked: "You won't complain to the professor, right - saying that you were scared to tears by spiders and cockroaches? Only one person knows about the shameful thing, and it is the same as the whole school. Ridicule, I think the difference is quite big... Don’t you think so? "

Everyone's expressions froze.

Especially Malfoy, he didn't know how many times he had made up his mind in his heart - tell the professor... tell dad... break your wand... get you expelled...

But Wade seemed to hear his inner voice, and smiled gently and said: "--You just used the magnification spell to play a joke on your classmates, you won't be expelled, we still have more than six years to spend together! The previous misunderstandings are over, and we will get along well in the future--okay?"

Everyone understood his threat and nodded very stiffly.

Wade laughed: "Very good--then it's settled."


Not long after Wade walked out of the Potions classroom, he saw Michael and Padma peeking around the corner. Seeing him coming, the two jumped out from the corner and looked around Wade.

"Are you not hurt?" Padma asked hurriedly: "I just heard a lot of screams in there."

"It's okay, I didn't suffer any loss." Wade said.

"Cool! All solved?" Michael said excitedly, "Let's go quickly - someone wanted to go over and check, but we stopped them. I wonder if they will call Professor Snape."

The three hurried away along the corridor, and a big eye appeared at the corner.

Wade turned his head and blinked, with his right hand behind his back, making an "OK" gesture.

The elf McGee grinned and also stretched out his slender fingers to reply "OK". Then he hid in the shadows, his big ears swaying, listening to the movements of the Slytherins.

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