As Vader expected, the Slytherins did not complain to the professor.

Seven or eight Slytherins ambushed a Ravenclaw of the same age, and ended up losing the battle. He was so frightened that he cried in the end - this kind of embarrassing thing even if you talk about "my dad" every day. Malfoy didn't want others to know.

After Wade left that day, several people supported each other and went to the school infirmary for treatment. The reason was that the potion accidentally exploded while practicing in private. This kind of mistake is very common for students, but it is too outrageous that so many students were injured. Madam Pomfrey believed that Professor Snape had not fulfilled his management responsibilities and complained for more than half an hour.

Snape, who heard that many students in his college were injured, hurried to the school infirmary and heard Madam Pomfrey's complaining voice before he entered the door.

Snape was confused: "..."

He didn't know anything about the situation and thought it was really his responsibility, so he could only stand at the door with a gloomy face and get scolded.

——After all, Madam Pomfrey was already the school nurse of Hogwarts when Snape was studying in school. He always had conflicts with the James Potter quartet, was often injured, and received a lot of care from Madam Pomfrey. Now Snape and Dumbledore can fight each other, but he always keeps his temper in front of this lady.

Although he said nothing, his cold eyes swept across the faces of several people one by one. Snape could tell at a glance that the red and swollen patches on their bodies were all caused by failed scabies potions, but after having attended Potions class for more than half a year, who could make such a stupid mistake?

If it were Neville Longbottom of Gryffindor, or Seamus Finnegan, the "explosion expert", then there would still be some possibilities.

After Madam Pomfrey went to take care of other students, Snape walked over and asked, "What's going on?"

Malfoy, whose face was smeared with potion, lowered his head and couldn't see his expression clearly. He whispered, "I was not careful, Professor."

Snape narrowed his eyes.

Draco Malfoy's posture made him feel a little familiar - just like what he himself said to others more than ten years ago every time he lay in the school doctor's office.

But he did it because he knew that even if he told the truth, no one could help him, and it would lead to contempt and even more bullying...Draco Malfoy has always been pampered by his parents, and he doesn't know how high the world is. Why did you hide it for the perpetrator?

But since he was beaten by a group of people, Snape didn't bother to care - he actually always felt that with Draco Malfoy's arrogant and mean-mouthed attitude, it would be a matter of time before he was beaten.

At noon the next day, Michael and Wade went to the auditorium to have dinner together. When they met Slytherin, Michael was subconsciously nervous, but saw that the two people - Millicent and Nott - both lowered their heads slightly. , and waited until they walked over before continuing to do what they were doing before.

"What did you do to them?" Michael asked in disbelief.

"Uh..." Wade thought for a while, "You may not believe it - they gave up resistance before I even entered the classroom yesterday."

Michael looked at him suspiciously, then nodded clearly: "If it is a secret that cannot be told, then just pretend that I haven't asked."

"It's not really a secret." Wade said slowly, "I can also show it to you guys. I hope you won't be scared."

"How scary can it be?" Michael didn't believe it at first, then thought of something and asked anxiously: "——You got a Boggart?"

A boggart is a shape-shifting magical creature that can transform into a person's worst fear.

Wade shook his head: "That's not true... If there is a chance, I would like to see it..."

Several Slytherin girls headed by Pansy passed by and when they saw Vader, they nodded unnaturally.

After encountering him several times in a row, Vader found that the attitude of those Slytherins - at least some of the first-year Slytherins - towards him had changed subtly. It was not resentment, contempt or waiting for revenge, but a faint hint of fear. With some admiration and adoration.

Slytherin students--all seem to have some strong-willed mentality...

This thought flashed through Vader's mind.

Without Slytherin to target him, for Vader, college life was mostly occupied by studying. He didn't even go to the Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. He just heard that Harry caught the Golden Snitch in only five minutes, and Snape, who was the referee, was said to have a very ugly face.

The difficulty of the Traceless Stretch Spell is unexpectedly high, especially what Vader wants is to create a storage box that looks like a small world like Newt Scamander. The difficulty is even higher, Professor Murray Advise him not to worry.

In his spare time, Wade also built two alchemical works to practice his skills. One is a slowly rotating Möbius strip with a little man walking on it forever; the other is a machine that automatically sweeps and mops the floor. The little crab sometimes sprays colorful bubbles that make people feel happy. Both Hermione and Padma can't put it down.

By the way, on Sunday afternoon, Vader also brought his insect sparring partners to the umbrella house, which resulted in an unprecedented high-pitched roar. Harry used a very powerful disarming spell to blow away the forelimbs of the mantis, Hermione also successfully used the Iron Armor Curse for the first time, and Michael used a blazing burst of fire to burn the spider until it screamed.

It turns out that although the insect sparring partners are ugly, the teaching effect is very good. By the end, even Neville has made obvious progress - when Padma was besieged, he actually jumped onto the spider's back and inserted his wand into the huge compound eye.

Lupin's magic teaching has also begun. The first thing Vader proposed to learn was the spell of extracting memory.

[Lupin: Can I know - why do you want to learn this spell? ]

In the friend's book, Lupin's words are cautious. He implicitly advises: [According to the regulations of the Ministry of Magic, any spell that tampers with other people's memories is illegal. ]

[Vade: The user is myself. ] After a moment, Vader's answer appeared on the paper: [I forgot something important and must remember it. In addition, I also want to learn brain occlusion. Do you know it? ]

[Lupin: Of course. During the wizard war, we all had to learn how to prevent the enemy from getting information directly from our brains. But to be honest, I am not an expert in this area. The person who is really good at this kind of magic should be Severus Snape. 】

【Vade: I just need to know the conventional practice methods, at least I can't let others sneak into my brain silently and seize my will. 】

Vade would not go to Snape to learn brain occlusion, because people who are good at closing the brain are often good at soul reading, but he can't let anyone see through his thoughts and memories.

Still, communicating through the friend book makes him feel safer. Even if the learning effect is a little worse, Vader can slowly improve through practice.

In the room where every request is answered, Vader finished writing a line of words, and while waiting for Lupin's reply, he looked up at a gray stone basin placed on a stone pillar.

The stone basin is flat and wide, empty inside, without a drop of water. There is a circle of gems inlaid on the outside, which looks sparkling and gorgeous.

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