After a practice, Harry quietly discussed with Michael in a low voice - what should Ron do if he also wanted to join the SSC? Will Vader agree?

During this period, every time Harry studied and trained in the Umbrella House, he felt very happy and felt a sense of accomplishment even if he was injured. But as soon as I returned to the dormitory, this happiness disappeared quickly like a popped balloon.

Ron hadn't spoken to him for more than half a month. Sometimes he would pretend not to see him when he saw him. During class, Ron would always run to talk to Seamus or Dean (the other two guys in the dormitory). A boy) sat together, and the two were no longer inseparable.

Although the SSC was very good, Harry also missed the time when he and Ron were lazy together, played wizard chess together, and complained that the homework was too much and too difficult. Ron was the first friend he made after entering the magical world, and Harry cherished this friendship very much.

He thought that if Ron could also join the SSC, then they might be able to return to their past.

Michael asked a few questions, and after learning what was going on, he already gave Ron a cross in his heart, and once again lamented his foresight.

Michael thought for a moment and said, "Harry, I understand that you want to reconcile with your friends. But have you ever thought about it - friendship needs to be maintained by both parties? Can you tolerate his temper? Does he understand you?" What's the problem?"

Harry was stunned for a moment, then said: "I...I did promise to help Ron with questions before, but I broke my promise..."

"That's another question, Harry."

Michael said slowly: "I think that if someone wants to join another established group, he should take the initiative to show his ability and willingness, and use sincerity, hard work or talent to gain everyone's recognition, instead of asking his friends to Intercede for yourself – it’s going to be difficult for both of us.”

He looked into Harry's eyes and said: "First of all, it's you - I guess these words must have been pressing in your heart for a long time. Every day you are embarrassed about how to speak and whether you will be rejected. You are nervous and worried about this all day long. ...and then there's us - if someone doesn't like Ron Weasley, then he's going to be in a dilemma whether he should refuse or be patient? Will it hurt the relationship between us if he refuses? friendship?"

In fact, when Hermione wanted to let Harry join, Michael wanted to say this, but Wade's words convinced him - Harry Potter's parents died for the war, and their orphans should certainly receive preferential treatment. Hermione always had a motherly affection for Harry, which Michael found understandable.

Once these Gryffindors take someone into their hearts, they are so passionate that they want to tear their hearts out, but Michael cannot tolerate them constantly bringing people in - after joining Ron, will he join Seamus in two days? , Dean? In a few days, will all the other Gryffindor students be brought in?

Michael didn't say it outright, but his disapproval was made clear. Finally, he said: "Weasley turned what was originally his own problem into a problem between us. And during this time, what was he doing? - Cold war with you - Harry, if a friend If he breaks up with you over such a trivial matter, does he cherish this friendship? "

"——Or is he determined that no matter what he does to you, you will take the initiative to reach out and make peace with him?"

Harry fell into a long silence.

When they returned to the Ravenclaw lounge, Michael told Wade about the incident, and then asked: "Do you know what Harry Potter experienced before he came to school?"

"I heard that I grew up with Muggle relatives." Vader said, and everyone knew about this.

Michael sighed: "His relatives probably didn't teach him well... Harry might not even have friends before."

"How do you know?" Padma came over and asked, "He's pretty good! It's impossible not to make friends, right?"

Although wizards are accustomed to living in isolation, Padma and the others also know that children from Muggle families always stay in groups. During holidays, they occasionally play with children living in nearby villages.

"He behaves a little humble when getting along with his friends." Michael said puzzledly: "Even if his parents died, he was the 'savior'! Why is this? I thought Harry Potter should be Even more proud, even as arrogant as Malfoy!"

"Muggles probably don't understand the meaning of the 'Boy-Who-Lived'. In their view, Harry must be the scumbag left behind by his relatives, right?" Wade said while flipping through the book.

Padma listened with rapt attention and murmured: "That's no wonder..."

"What?" Michael asked.

"Didn't you notice?" Padma said, "The clothes under Harry Potter's robes always don't fit well... I thought that was some kind of trend in Muggle clothing."

The two discussed various speculations in low voices, and Wade turned another page of the book without speaking.

In his impression, Harry Potter had been abused by his aunt's family when he was a child, but when he grew up, the relationship between the two parties seemed to be reconciled? I don’t know if it was the original plot or the fan interpretation that left an impression on him...

But recently, Wade also noticed a strange sign - Harry's attitude towards Professor Quirrell suddenly became enthusiastic. Every time they met on the road, he would give him an encouraging smile. It was said that he also began to actively answer questions in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Hermione did not dare to stop him blatantly and could only watch.

His behavior made many people nervous. Snape wandered around Harry more frequently, making Harry think that Snape was following him and wanted to catch him and put him in detention. He even missed two days of SSC training for this.

On this day, during the SSC training, Neville, whose wand was hit again, seemed to have suffered a great blow. He was in a daze for a long time, which made everyone very worried. Wade motioned for others to continue training, walked over and patted Neville on the shoulder, and asked: "Want to talk?"

Neville nodded sullenly.

The two walked to the side and sat on the sofa. Wade did not rush to talk, but poured a glass of water first and drank it slowly.

Neville was silent for a long time before asking, "Wade, my disarming spell gesture is correct, and the spell is correct, right?"

"Well, you are almost more standard than Hermione." Wade said affirmatively, with some doubts in his heart.

"But I still always fail..."

Neville lowered his head, scratching the gap on the table with his fingers, as if he felt that what he wanted to say was difficult to say.

"-Is it because I am too stupid?" he asked in a low voice.

"I don't think you are stupid. You performed very well in the Herbology class, didn't you?" Wade said: "The reason why you have never learned the disarming spell may be because you are not confident enough-if you doubt your magic, it can't respond to you well."

"So-" Neville hesitated for a long time, and finally asked: "It has nothing to do with the wand, right?"

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