Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 94 Magic Wand, Dragon Egg

Vader didn't understand: "What does it have to do with the wand?"

Neville looked at his wand, scanning every familiar scratch on it, and whispered: "This is not my wand, it was left behind by my father - my grandma originally did not agree with me carrying it, she said If it were not my own wand, the effect would be greatly reduced...but I..."

He insisted on taking the wand with him instead of going to Ollivander's to buy a new one - it was as if his parents were with him.

Neville always felt powerless when casting spells with this wand, but he didn't take it to heart. Because he had long accepted the fact that he was clumsy, cowardly, and not very talented, and even often wondered why he was sorted into Gryffindor instead of Hufflepuff.

In fact, when he was in the sorting house, Neville argued with the Sorting Hat for a long time - he thought that he did not have the courage required by Gryffindor and asked the hat to sort him into Hufflepuff. But the Sorting Hat insisted that he should go to Gryffindor, and finally announced the result of the sorting.

However, after joining SSC, Neville could feel his steady improvement every day. The curse began to become less difficult for him. For the first time, he gained great joy and sense of accomplishment. Therefore, when he encountered another setback in spell learning, he could no longer tell himself calmly——

"Yeah, you're just so stupid and can't do anything well."

- He knows he can actually do it, but his chosen partners are holding him back.

Neville complained to his grandmother in the Book of Friends, and Mrs. Longbottom once again told him in strong words - put down those useless persistence, you need to get a new wand that suits you!

"Vade, tell me...what should I do?" Neville asked confused.

Wade knew that when he hesitated about this, he already had a preference in his heart. Just going against his long-standing insistence was like asking him to let go of his feelings for his parents, so that was why he was so embarrassed.

Wade thought for a moment and said, "Why don't you let the coins decide?"

"Coin?" Neville, who was immersed in confusion, was dumbfounded.

Vader took out a silver Sickle from his pocket and clamped it between his fingers, and said: "Front - continue to use the wand left by your father. Even if you have to work ten times or a hundred times to reach the normal level, you will not Will give up!”

Yin Xike turned half a circle between his fingers.

"On the flip side - treasure the longing and love for your parents in your heart, choose the most suitable wand, gain more power, become a son that your parents can be proud of, and have the power to protect others."

"Do you see clearly?"

Neville swallowed hard, nodded, and stared at the Silver Sickle nervously.

Vader glanced down and saw Neville's hands clenched into fists, crumpling the corners of his clothes.

"Then—let's begin."

Wade said, and with a flick of his fingertips, Yinxico quickly spun and flew high into the sky. Neville raised his head involuntarily, his eyes following the dazzling silver light as it rose - then fell - and his heart suddenly rose to his throat!

Wade covered the silver coin with his palm and slowly opened it.


Neville's throat surged, and his palms broke into cold sweat.

Just when Silver Sickle was about to be revealed, Wade suddenly grabbed his hand again!

"Ah!" Neville couldn't help shouting: "I haven't seen it yet!"

"——But you already know, right?" Wade asked: "——What is the answer you really want."

Neville was stunned for a moment, as if there was a loud thunder above his head.

Wade stood up and left, leaving him alone on the sofa to think slowly.

"How is Neville?" Theo came over and asked worriedly.

"It's okay, he will figure it out."

Wade said, looking down at Silver Sickle in his palm, suddenly smiled, and put it in his pocket.

--what the hell! It turned out that fate was also favoring this stupid kid.


Rather than being pushed by fate, it would be more appropriate to make a decision after careful consideration, right?

In a blink of an eye, it was the Easter holiday again, and this time professors of various subjects assigned a lot of homework. With only two weeks of spring break, most students won't choose to go home.

Neville applied to leave school, and he was going to Diagon Alley to pick a wand that really suited him.

Vader also applied to leave school, but he only went home to spend the holidays with his parents on Easter. The rest of the time he spent studying spells with Lupine in Hogsmeade.

The spell to extract memory is not as advanced as Vader expected. If the memory provider concentrates on recalling and is willing to give it actively, this spell can become very simple. Forcibly digging out the memories that the master wants to hide is a form of advanced black magic.

Occlumency requires long-term practice, and the most basic requirement is to clear your brain—no thinking, no recall, no perception. Advanced techniques involve weaving false memories and emotions in the mind to fool Legilimency masters.

During the holidays, Vader made the most progress in the Transformation Curse and the Disguise Curse, and he also learned how to use several fire spells. Lupine also taught him some tips that could be used in school, such as spells to check whether there are typos in papers.

Vader returned to school the day before school started. When he distributed the Easter eggs to his friends, he noticed that the two Gryffindors looked nervous and worried.

"What's wrong?" Wade asked.

"This..." Harry and Hermione looked at each other, and then Hermione said sadly: "It's Hagrid... He got a dragon egg and even planned to hatch it!"

Wade recalled: "I remember this is illegal, right?"

"Yeah!" Harry said with a frown: "What if someone finds out? Hagrid doesn't care at all, he just wants to be a dragon mother!"

"Well... it's quite Gryffindor."

Wade complained in a low voice, and seeing that the two were very troubled, he said: "I know a friend who works as a breeder for Mr. Scamander. Maybe you can hand over the dragon egg to them to help hatch it? Or ask someone to secretly transfer the dragon egg to a place where breeding is allowed. Of course-"

In the surprised eyes of the two, Wade added: "The premise is that you can convince Mr. Hagrid to give up his current plan-private individuals cannot raise dragons unless they are willing to go to Azkaban."

This is not an easy task.

Hagrid is born to love all dangerous creatures, and raising dragons is his lifelong dream. Even though he knew that Harry and Hermione's worries were right, he couldn't convince himself to give up the cute, unborn dragon baby. The half-blood giant's eyes welled up with tears when he thought about the little guy's life after leaving him, or even being caught by wizards to draw blood and cut out dragon liver.

This dragged on until the dragon baby was about to be born.

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