Almost all newborn animals have a natural sense of cuteness, even the naked Norwegian Spinosaurus is no exception - when the little guy spreads its wings and spreads its teeth and claws on the table, it doesn't look like an adult dragon at all. The feeling of intimidation is like being coquettish.

But when it opens its mouth to reveal its long, slender fangs, the cuteness quickly fades and the threat quietly arises.

But in Hagrid's eyes, this little dragon, which was no bigger than his hand, was so cute. He quickly claimed the identity of the dragon's mother, couldn't put it down, touched the little dragon's head, touched his wings, and then was sprayed by the little dragon. An angry fireball.

"Look, it can breathe fire!" Hagrid said proudly as he patted the sparks on his beard.

"Hagrid." Hermione said worriedly: "How fast does the Norwegian Spinosaurus grow?"

"Oh, it doesn't grow very fast." Hagrid said lovingly, "But it can only grow to 50 feet when it reaches adulthood."

"Fifty feet!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Yeah - it's really tiny now, isn't it?"

Hagrid didn't understand Hermione's worries at all. He took a bucket of brandy from the corner, and took out the chicken blood he had prepared in advance, and asked: "Would any of you want to try feeding it?"

Harry and Ron raised their hands in unison, while Hermione leaned back, her refusal obvious.

Wade was also very interested at first, but seeing the excitement of the two people, he put his hand down and reminded: "Be careful - its teeth are poisonous."

Hagrid first demonstrated how to feed himself, and then handed over this glorious task to the Gryffindor duo.

Vader watched for a while, satisfied his curiosity, and then said goodbye - mainly because Hagrid made the hut too hot in order to hatch the baby dragons, and he broke out in a sweat within a few minutes of staying inside.

After a while, Hermione also came out. Vader waited for her and said, "I thought you were going back to the Gryffindor common room with Harry?"

Hermione said: "That's what I thought. But I think...well...we should give them a space to have a good talk."

In the hut, Harry and Ron didn't even look at each other. They took turns feeding Charmander, working together without disturbing each other. Hagrid was chattering beside him about his love for the little one and thinking hard about what to name it.

"Maybe I should read a book - there will always be answers in books." Hagrid muttered, finding an old book from his cabinet filled with bottles, cans and tin pots, and flipping through the pages with his thick fingers. Find the right name.

Harry was absent-mindedly feeding the fire dragon, and he didn't notice that he was a little slow, and the little guy opened his mouth and bit it without hesitation!


Ron slapped Harry's hand away, spilling a spoonful of brandy on the table.

Charmander puffed angrily at his keeper, and was about to spit out a fireball. Harry quickly pushed the remaining chicken blood brandy over and let him drink it by himself.

The black Charmander plunged into the wine and fluttered around in a panic. He soon discovered that he was surrounded by delicious food and drank with concentration. The two of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and the deliberately indifferent atmosphere naturally eased.

Harry hesitated for a moment and finally said what he had been thinking in his chest for several days: "Ron, I've always wanted to say... I actually wanted to ask a question that day, but the rule of the club is - unless everyone agrees, nothing can be done. Introduce other people to join. I would be better if I asked other people's opinions privately first..."

Of course, the first person he asked blocked his attempts, which Harry didn't think he needed to say now.

Ron exhaled and relaxed his tense shoulders: "You know what I think? I thought you made some cool friends, but then you started to drift away from us..."

In fact, Ron was also feeling very uncomfortable during this period. Malfoy also ridiculed him: "Why, Harry Potter finally realized that some people couldn't stand up to the stage at all, so did he dump him? I have to say, although he also It was stupid, but it was the right decision.”

Ron was so angry that he became dizzy and had another fight with Malfoy. His ribs were still aching. But compared with the physical pain, it is more sad that the friends are drifting away.

"No! Of course not! How could it be?" Harry was taken aback and hurriedly denied, saying, "You are the first friend I have ever made!"

Ron suddenly smiled and asked curiously: "What do you usually do in that club?"

After asking, he breathed a sigh of relief - he was finally able to ask this question calmly.

Harry explained to him: "SSC is a study group, and we usually write papers together. But after dinner, Vader will teach everyone some spells that are not taught in school, mainly the Defense Against the Dark Arts spell. I learned it recently It’s really difficult to learn the disarming spell and the iron armor spell. I only learned it after being injured many times. Do you want to learn it?”

"Is it okay?" Ron was a little worried: "Would this violate the rules of the society?"

"No, Vader said that we can teach others...but the effect of my teaching may not be that good..."

For Wade, the changes in the friendship between elementary school students were not a big concern for him. He had more important things to do now.

Early in the morning of the weekend, Wade came to the outside of the House of Requirement and walked back and forth three times, concentrating his mind and thinking: I need a room with a meditation basin... I need a room with a meditation basin... I need a room with a meditation basin...

A simple and narrow mahogany door appeared on the wall, and Wade opened the door and went in.

This place looks like the home of an ascetic monk. There are only simple wooden beds and low stools in the room, and there is a half-person-high stone pillar next to it. A shallow empty stone basin is placed on it. The edge of the basin is engraved with complex ancient magic words, and there is a circle of thumb-sized gems around it. The gorgeousness is out of place compared to this house.

This is the meditation basin, a magical item that can be used to preserve memories and ideas, and even allow people to enter memories and reproduce past scenes. It contains powerful and complex magic. Even Professor Murray said frankly that he could not make a meditation basin.

Wade pointed the wand at his temple, chanted the spell in a low voice, and concentrated on recalling those memories that had long been faded by time.

After a moment, he removed the wand, and a thin silver thread was pulled, extending from his temple, getting longer and longer. Wade gently rotated the wand, as if collecting spinning thread to roll it up. After a few turns, the silver thread finally broke.

It floated gently on the tip of the wand like spider silk, and one end approached the meditation basin. Wade gently tapped the wand on the meditation basin, and the silver thread fell into it, slowly rotating like mist, emitting a faint glow.

This is... the memory of his previous life that he had almost forgotten.

Wade took a deep breath and plunged into the silver memory.

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