Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 97 Vanishing Cabinet [Revised Version]

It took Vader a whole day to reconstruct and organize his memories. When he walked out of the Room of Requirement, the sky had completely darkened.

Although the Room of Requirement and the Ravenclaw Lounge are both on high floors, one is in the main tower and the other is on the top floor of Ravenclaw Tower, which is quite a distance in between. Normally, Vader would have used the Flying Curse to summon a broom to fly over, but today, he was walking slowly along the corridor while sorting out his thoughts and figuring out what he was going to do next.

In the long corridor, footsteps echoed "emptily". Suddenly a voice broke the silence——

"Haha... Surprise! (A surprise for you!)"

Peeves suddenly appeared, holding several black water balls in his hand and throwing them at Wade. Vader quickly pulled out his wand and pointed it, and the ink rolled back, and all of it fell on Peeves' face.

"Bah, bah, bah, bah!"

Peeves spat out the ink in his mouth and cursed angrily as he flew away. The corridor was filled with dark ink.

Vader was already familiar with the cleaning spell. He waved his wand a few times and all the ink disappeared, leaving the corridor as clean as ever.

Someone applauded: "Beautiful silent spell!"

Wade turned around and looked: "Griffits?"

The red-haired wizard once again scurried into someone else's portrait, following him with a smile behind his back.

Wade thought about the sudden appearance of Peeves and asked, "Is it possible that Peeves was instigated by you?"

"Well, yes!" Griffiths admitted very frankly, and said: "I think you seem to have been caught by some time monster, with a deep and scary look on your face, so I asked Peeves to Say hello to you - how are you feeling now?"

Wade didn't know what his expression was before. He rubbed his face and said helplessly: "Then I really thank you!"

"You're welcome, you're welcome, you should help students." Griffiths said with a smile, and then asked: "What were you thinking before?"

Wade didn't want to discuss this topic and asked, "Your relationship with the portrait in the foyer has become better recently? They haven't complained to me for a long time."

"Uh... this... uh... of course it has gotten better..." Griffiths said hesitantly.

Wade stopped, frowned and asked, "Could you be..."

"Haha, there were two Hufflepuff students who wanted to hear my story about the past just now! I'm leaving now and we'll talk next time!" Griffiths raised his voice as if he felt guilty, and then He hurried out of the portrait, not knowing where he went.

Vader shook his head.

During this time, the name of the chatty Griffiths gradually became known to more students, because he always liked to chat with people, and sometimes he would suddenly appear from a certain portrait and scream, looking frightened. The student fell into the trap on the stairs and laughed like a Peeves ghost.

But the students hated Peeves, but not Griffiths. Because in addition to the occasional harmless pranks, he would also tell some stories that were not known to be true or false. Sometimes when he saw a student was in a low mood, he would comfort them and do everything possible to make them laugh.

Wade often saw four or five students gathered around Griffith's portrait, chatting with him. Griffiths, who has most of his free time taken up by students every day, is so busy that he even does not harass other portraits much less——

Vader originally thought that was the case.

But looking at the guilty look on his face just now, it seemed like there was another story.

Back in the dormitory, Wade took out the friend account, first talked to his father for a while, and then changed to another friend account.

[Vade: Remus? 】

After a while, Lu Ping's reply appeared on the paper:

[Lupine: I'm here. 】

[Vade: I have one thing to ask you - tomorrow morning, please go to Gringotts with my father to withdraw some money, and then go to Borgin-Bock's store in Knockturn Alley and buy the disappearing cabinet from the store. 】

[Lupin: Okay. 】

Lupine agreed simply. After a while, he wrote new words:

[Lupin: But as far as I know, there is only one disappearing cabinet in Borgin-Bock store, and the other one is missing. If another disappearing cabinet has been damaged, or is in a place where humans cannot normally enter and exit - such as on the seabed or buried deep underground - then such a disappearing cabinet is useless and may even be extremely dangerous to the user. 】

[Vade: I know—but there’s also a vanishing cabinet in Hogwarts Castle. 】

[Vade: It's worth a try, right? 】

[Lupine: I understand. But promise me, don't try it yourself. We can experiment with rabbits or something first. 】

[Vade: Of course, I won’t be so reckless. 】

After closing the friend account, Wade felt a little hopeful.

The enemy can appear in the safe fortress at any time, which makes people feel no sense of security at all; but if he can leave the castle at any time, it feels wonderful, and he can do more things.

Vader had many thoughts lingering in his mind, as well as various changes in the plot - the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets, Peter Pettigrew hiding in Gryffindor, the Quidditch World Cup and the Goblet of Fire competition, Barty Crouch escaping from prison, Voldemort Resurrection, the incompetent Ministry of Magic...

There are also Horcruxes hidden by Voldemort in various places... and several methods to destroy Horcruxes——

The Sword of Gryffindor.

Basilisk fangs.

And Li Huo.

I still have to learn the Fiery Curse... Think about the blazing fire that burned half of Paris by Grindelwald, and Dumbledore waving his wand like the god of fire...

If he has the same strength, does he need to be so cautious?

Wade wrote down his thoughts on a piece of paper, and after reading it for a while, he rolled the paper into a ball and put it close to the candlelight, watching it gradually burn into ash.

The jumping firelight reflected in his pupils, and deep in his eyes, it seemed to be another scene-Hogwarts was flooded by the black mass of Death Eaters, trolls and eight-eyed giant spiders were rampaging, and corpses were lying on the cold ground.

Under the war, life is so fragile.

And there are those that are not played out in the plot-after Dumbledore's death, Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic were almost occupied by the followers of the Dark Lord, and the three protagonists had to flee... In that short and long year, how many non-pure-blood wizards were persecuted?

What about Muggles? And what about the Squibs that no one cares about? Did they survive because they were weak, or because they were weak, even if they were killed, they would only become a string of cold numbers in the newspaper?

Wade suddenly saw the smiling faces of Ferdinand and Fiona, and then the other two faces that were already blurred in his memory, trying to smile in sadness.

He covered his eyes with his palms and sighed tiredly.

He revised the content of the chapter.

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