Hogwarts: What Bad Intentions Could A Little Badger Have?

Chapter 486 An Unexpected Surprise! Subspace!

Blake hesitantly reached out his hand towards the small box in the package.

But in the end, his hand stopped...

Blake focused again on the letter in her hand.

"...Although the blueprint has been basically restored, we know that it can only be said to be barely usable. This blueprint is too complicated, and there are many parts. We have tried many kinds of materials, but none of them can be fully adapted. ......... It should be that we need materials from the world where this blueprint is located. We have tried our best to repair it to this extent, but I still thank you for sending us this half of the blueprint, because it makes I realized that alchemy still has such a beautiful scenery. Well, in fact, what I have experienced in the past few years since I met you has been more wonderful than the first half of my life. Thank you Blake.

In addition, this alchemy prop can emit a dazzling ray. According to tests, this ray is extremely powerful. However, the detailed functions beyond this are currently unknown. Please pay attention to safety when using it. Moreover, the middle of this eye is empty, and it seems to be a container used to hold something. Perhaps, the real effect can only be officially activated after getting such a thing.

Nico Flamel Perenal Flamel. "

Blake put down the letter and reached for the box again.

But this time, his movements did not stop.

The box was opened, and a palm-sized silver eye appeared in front of Blake.

Because "153" was made by the Nicoléme couple based on a incomplete blueprint, "the shape and color are different from what Blake remembers."

Blake picked up the Eye of Agamotto.

He used the system to identify it, and he immediately saw clearly the function of the Eye of Agamotto.

"The Eye of Agamotto (pseudo), blue quality, can release a weakened version of the transformation ray (once a day). It can see through illusions [break away illusions. It can cause slight damage to all healthy creatures and demons."

Blake sighed, this Eye of Agamotto was of really poor quality and could only be used once a day.

However, this was restored by Nicolas Flamel and his wife using half a blueprint. To be able to restore it to this point with half a blueprint, the alchemy of Nicolas Flamel and his wife has indeed reached a level unparalleled in ancient and modern times.

Blake held the Eye of Agamotto in his palm, and the next second, the Eye of Agamotto slowly floated up.

"Smear, rub, rub."

The mechanism on the Eye of Agamotto was slowly rotating, and then, in the center of the eye, an empty slot appeared. This should be the location for the Time Stone.

Blake's gesture changed, and a green light suddenly lit up in the slot.


The dazzling green light rushed out and hit the roof of Blake's bedroom...


The disgraced Blake looked at the roof with half of it missing, and the roar of Mr. Filch in the distance. He quickly put down the Eye of Agamotto, grabbed the wand and waved it.

“Gala, gala…………

Countless broken bricks immediately flew up and repaired themselves.

In just over ten seconds, Blake's bedroom returned to how it was at the beginning.

"Oops, I was careless. It's my first time using the Eye of Agamotto. I have no experience... I just hope Professor McGonagall didn't notice...

The rays from the Eye of Agamotto should not do so much damage to these real objects, but this is Nilemei's version.

Moreover, Nico Flamel also reminded him in his letter, saying that this thing is very powerful.

Blake quickly put the thing away. Just then, there was a knock on the office door. Blake quickly went to open the door.

Professor McGonagall and Filch were standing outside the door.

Blake didn't expect these two people to arrive so quickly...

"Blake, what happened?" Professor McGonagall asked seriously.

"Uh... No, nothing happened." Blake hesitated.

Filch wanted to say that he had clearly seen that the roof of the tower had been lifted off just now, but after seeing Blake's eyes, he quickly shut his mouth.

Professor McGonagall said: "Really? However, when I was doing my night patrol, I happened to come here, and then I saw with my own eyes that half of the roof of your tower was blown open."

Blake wailed in his heart, the professor was going to patrol the campus at night. Unexpectedly, it was Professor McGonagall's turn tonight.

He knew that he had concealed it, so he could only say: "Uh... I'm sorry, Professor, I... I just did an experiment, and then, there was a little accident. However, I have already The roof is repaired! So...Professor, please don't kick me out of the lab, okay? I just had a lab not long ago..."

Professor McGonagall looked over her glasses at Blake.

At this time, Blake, who has perfect acting skills, has a face full of guilt and uneasiness. His realistic acting skills make Professor McGonagall feel heartbroken.

"Okay... Blake, I arranged for you to move to this remote tower for this reason. Besides, since you can repair the castle, I won't say anything more. I just hope that you The next time you conduct such a dangerous experiment, please pay attention to safety, and try to stay quiet..." Professor McGonagall warned seriously.

"Okay, Professor, I promise you." Blake said immediately.

Professor McGonagall nodded, "Okay, I'll go first... I still have to comfort the students who were awakened by the loud noise.'

"Sorry, Professor, I didn't mean to..." Blake said guiltily.

After sending Professor McGonagall and Filch away, Blake returned to the bedroom again. He decided that the next time he got these things, he must enter the mirror space.

In the mirror space, there is no need to be afraid of any loud noise or damage, and he will not miss any owl flying into his bedroom.

Blake picked up the Eye of Agamotto, walked into the mirror space, and started processing it.

Unlike Nico Flamel and his wife, he had a complete blueprint.

Let Nico Flamel and his wife complete the blueprint just to prevent them from giving up their lives so early and to extend their lifespan.

However, now that they have completed this blueprint, it is time to send the next "incomplete" blueprint to Nico Lemay and his wife...

With the complete blueprint and Blake's alchemy level, it is not difficult to completely repair the Eye of Agamotto into the real Eye of Agamotto.

I don’t know how long it took.

Blake looked at the completely renovated Eye of Agamotto in his hand with satisfaction.

At this time, the sky outside the window was already gray. There was no doubt that he had stayed up all night.

Blake ignored Tianse and opened the system's identification page again.

"The Eye of Agamotto, of golden quality, can see through many illusions, decipher dark magic, and even observe the past and future. At the same time, it is also the container of the Time Stone.

Blake sighed, and sure enough... this is the movie version of the Eye of Agamotto, stitched together with some of the abilities of the comic version.

In other words, after getting the time stone, he can travel through time and space at will...

Blake felt a little scared, but more excited.

As for how to get the time stone?

For the first time in many days, Blake looked at the ten rows of boxes in the system space...

After saving for so long, he has accumulated many treasure chests.

Treasure chests below gold can only provide some compensatory equipment or materials due to the saturation of the skills he has learned, which is of little help to Blake now.

Only treasure chests with a diamond level or above can unlock good things that are useful to him...

Therefore, Blake did not hesitate and directly started to synthesize the treasure chest.

After a series of synthesis in the system space, Blake discovered that he now actually had three supreme treasure chests!

There are even three more diamond treasure chests.

At first glance, it seems that there are really few high-level treasure chests when Blake has done so many explosive things and kept them for so long.

But in fact, because Blake has been a bit messed up recently.

Moreover, most of the treasure chests obtained from ordinary wizards by hanging up are bronze treasure chests.

There are even quite a few people whose explosion rate is so low that they cannot even explode the bronze treasure chest...

Therefore, after finally accumulating thousands of bronze treasure chests, when they are combined into the supreme treasure chest level by level, there will indeed not be many left.

Blake pursed his lips, took out a bottle of luck potion, and took a big sip into his mouth.

A feeling of coolness passed through his mind, making his fatigue after a night's sleep instantly dissipate.

It's been a long time since I've had a lucky potion, and Blake still feels a little uncomfortable.

He pointed to a Supreme Treasure Box and said: "The system [pulls the Supreme Treasure Box."

"Ding! The Supreme Treasure Box is being opened for the host!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a subspace!"

Blake was stunned, space? What space? Isn't it a time stone?

"Ding! Is the host bound to subspace?"

Blake said without hesitation: "Bind!"

"Ding! The subspace is being bound to the host! The subspace coordinates are being transmitted!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the subspace!"

Blake asked: "What is the Warp?"

"Ding! Subspace is a fragment of the world, the same as the current environment of this world. The area is determined by the host's magic power. The host can go to the subspace at any time, and can also give anyone a spell as a space key, allowing others to You can enter the subspace. In addition, because the subspace is a fragment of the world, the flow rate of time is the same as the real world. Because the subspace is bound to the host, the host can expel anyone from the subspace."

Blake was speechless and choked for a moment. Isn't this the small world he had been thinking about when he first awakened to the system?

If he had opened up this small world earlier, he wouldn't have had to risk growing magical plants in the Room of Requirement...

Blake asked: "Then how should I go to the subspace in 1.9?"

Just when he asked this question, he suddenly found that there seemed to be an extra landscape painting in his mind.

Moreover, the scenery in this landscape painting is all movable.

With a thought in Blake's mind, his consciousness sank into this landscape painting.

The next second, he suddenly appeared in a completely new place!

He was standing in the middle of a grassland, with soft grass just up to his ankles.

In the distance, he also saw endless trees...

In the sky, he saw the same rising sun as in the real world.

As the system comment says, this is a fragment of the world, a world that is the same as the real world environment.

At the same time, a spell appeared in Blake's mind.

He knew that this was the magic spell that would allow others to travel to this new world...

"This... I was originally thinking about opening the time stone, but I didn't expect... there would be an unexpected surprise!"

Blake thought, and then he returned to his bedroom in an instant.

He pondered for a moment, and then recited the newly acquired spell.

As the curse was uttered, a purple-red space-time gate suddenly appeared in front of Blake!

"So that's it, except for me who can enter and leave the subspace instantly, others can only enter through the magic spell and open the portal...

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