After Blake initially figured out the entry and exit of subspace.

I planned to go in and search again.

First, he had to confirm how large the area of ​​this subspace was.

Secondly, we need to see what special native creatures are there.

Plants exist, and maybe other living things will exist too.

He had to confirm whether there were any dangerous beasts or magical animals living there.


Suddenly, there was a knock on the office door.

Blake had no choice but to temporarily close the entrance to the subspace.

His True Eye looked outside through the wall, and happened to see Hermione and Cassandra standing outside.

Blake looked at his pocket watch and realized it was already past eight in the morning.

"Please come in." Blake said.

"Click." The office door opened automatically.

Blake came down from the attic in his pajamas, with a listless Sniff in his pajamas pocket. "Why are you here so early today?"

"Blake, it seems like something happened to you last night..." Cassandra asked doubtfully.

Hermione said: "We heard a loud noise from your side last night..."

Cassandra shrugged, "Our dormitory is under the Black Lake, so we didn't hear much sound."

Blake scratched his messy hair, "'s nothing, it's just...I woke up in the middle of the night last night, and then I did some experiments, and something went wrong.

Cassandra quickly grabbed Blake's hand, "Are you...are you okay? They said there seemed to be an explosion..."

"Not only was there an explosion, I heard that the roof of the tower was ripped off..." Hermione added.

Blake looked at her doubtfully, "Hermione, how did you know... Professor McGonagall clearly said last night that he would not tell anyone..."

Hermione sighed, "In Hogwarts, you are not the only one who likes night walks. You know, we 10 Gryffindors..."

Gryffindor students, even if they are dating, like to wait until night before going out for a night out, it is exciting to have fun.

Therefore, it is not surprising that someone happened to see the tower being torn down.

"So that's it." Blake suddenly realized, he held Cassandra's hand with his backhand, "Okay, Cassandra, I'm fine, this little accident won't cause any harm to me BBC... .”

Cassandra said: "No matter must be careful with any experiments you do in the future."

Throughout history, too many genius wizards have died in experiments.

For example, Luna's mother had an accident when she was applying the new curse.

Thinking that Blake would not only invent new potions, but also research new spells, Cassandra couldn't help but feel worried.

"Don't worry." Blake smiled. "Okay, you guys came here so early, have you had breakfast?"

Hermione shook her head, "No, I was a little worried about you, so...then I met her downstairs."

"Well...then please sit down first and I'll get you something to eat."

Blake had stayed up all night, and his dinner had been destroyed by the explosion, so he was indeed feeling hungry now.

He came to the office wall and pressed lightly, and the wall slid aside, revealing a small cubicle.

There are various pots and pans in the small compartment, as well as a stove.

This is the small kitchen he made specially. There is no way, if you want to eat well, you still have to cook by yourself.

Blake opened the magic refrigerator he made, took out some vegetables, and then grabbed the big treasure from his pocket.

"You help me with the ingredients."


"invalid objection."

At this time, Blake's lucky potion has not yet expired.

Therefore, even though I worked on the alchemy all night, my mind was not surprisingly clear.

After a while, he had prepared four breakfasts... and Dabao also had one.


As soon as Blake sat down, Dabao jumped up on the table, grabbed a fork, and ate the shrimp omelet on his plate happily.

Blake poked Dabao, "You guy...when did your taste change? Didn't you just eat desserts before?"


"Forget it, it doesn't matter you, you go ahead and eat too." Blake handed Hermione and Cassandra their breakfasts.

" smells so good. Just smelling it makes me drool. Moreover, the presentation looks very good. From this point of view, it looks much more elegant." Cassandra said with a smile.

Hermione rolled her eyes, what can you say about elegance after having breakfast? Nervous!

"Blake, it's been a long time since we had food cooked by you." Hermione couldn't help but said.

"'s true, I've been a little lazy lately." Blake said.

When he first obtained full-level cooking skills, he often cooked.

Later, various studies and various things made him inseparable, so he just had to eat every day.

Only recently, after I got an office and rearranged the small kitchen, did I start cooking again.

"So... are you... finally done now?" Hermione asked tentatively.

Blake was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Well, I'm done."

"Then you won't go out anymore?" Hermione's eyes lit up.

Cassandra immediately stopped holding the fork in her hand and looked at Blake expectantly.

"Well, you don't have to go out so often." Blake said.

On the fourth day, Ariana and Lao Lep were there, and the fourth disaster was completely able to run on its own.

Although Chaos Wish cannot disappear just now, it will definitely remain in chaos for a long time after the leader Dracula dies.

However, after the high-end combat power was taken away, there was nothing to fear. Next, it was completely left to Leip and Ariana to clean up the mess.

As for Nurmengard Grindelwald has now become a super good man, it is the general trend, and now he is very busy, and there is no need for him to intervene in anything.

The only thing that made him feel a little wary was the word "tower" on the bead.

"Let's go for a walk after breakfast," Blake suddenly said.

This school year, he either ran out or stayed in the Room of Requirement, and he didn't even go to class with Hermione much.

The most he could do was go to the Duel Club and even quit the Hufflepuff Quidditch team.

Because it's really not fun to torture people, he still remembers the tears in the eyes of those team members after he announced his withdrawal and gave up the captaincy to Cedric.

Of course.........After he left, those guys took off their disguises and cheered that the "Black Devil" was finally gone. He remembered it more clearly.........this group of bastards...

Speaking of which, there were times when he didn't specifically visit Hogwarts.

Hermione looked at Blake thoughtfully, with a vague premonition in her heart... 2

Cassandra said: "Okay. But you have to be prepared."

"What preparations?" Blake asked.

"Of course I'm prepared to be surrounded by people asking for autographs and taking photos. Don't you know that a Blake Green fan meeting has been set up outside?" Cassandra laughed.

"Huh? What the hell?" Blake was stunned.

Cassandra said: "Come on, you are super famous now, okay? I don't know how many people wander around all day just to squat you. However, you have always been elusive, and they have never caught you." "

Blake scratched his head, "I seem to have heard of Harry Potter fan meetings before. When did I actually have a fan meeting?"

In this case, the plan of taking a leisurely stroll on campus after dinner is a bit unfeasible.

……………Who on earth organized this fan meeting…Isn’t this just adding to the chaos……” Blake said helplessly.

Suddenly, he noticed that Hermione's eyes were a little wandering, looking at the cup next to her...

Cassandra also stared at her plate with a guilty conscience.

"Huh? Could it be..."

"It was her idea!" Hermione and Cassandra said simultaneously, pointing at each other. "You! How dare you say that!"

"Oh..." Blake looked at them with squinted eyes, "I know...could it be...that this fan club was started by you, right? And the president of the fan club , it just happens to be you two, right? Let me guess, who is the president and who is the vice president? "

Cassandra and Hermione looked to the side again guiltily.

"Well, according to your personalities, no one will obey the other, so you two are both presidents, right?"

Cassandra and Hermione's ears turned red.

"We don't want to either... They are too enthusiastic... They said that this president must be us..."

"You also begged us to give them some parchment with your signature and call us eldest sister..."

"Moreover, we found that after creating a fan club, their hostility towards us also weakened a lot, and then..." Cassandra said softly.

Blake leaned back in his chair and said helplessly: "Then you sold me? Well, I didn't expect it......................... Is it really as exaggerated as you said outside?"

Hermione said: "You know nothing about your own fame... If you think about Lockhart back then, your popularity now is a hundred times greater than Lockhart's back then.

Blake rubbed his forehead, "Well...if there is a president, there will be a vice-president. I know it is you two as the president. Who is the vice-president?"

"That's a lot." Cassandra raised her white fingers and started counting, "Nagini from the canteen, Autumn and Luna from Ravenclaw, Hannah from Hufflepuff, Ginny from Gryffindor... Ah, by the way, Senior Sister Penello said that after she finishes the exam, she will join in! We are planning to let her become the vice president as well."

Blake scratched his head, "Is this all a girl syndrome?"

"Why are they all girls...don't you have any idea?" Cassandra said helplessly.

" can I count..." Blake muttered quietly.

"It's all your fault for being such a playboy... Who knows how many good sisters you have out there..." Cassandra said resentfully.

"Maybe she's a good sister..." Blake muttered quietly.

Cassandra's eyes widened suddenly, "What did you say?"

Blake coughed twice, "Nothing... Well... Since we can't go out to school for the time being, let's... go outside to play?"

Originally, he wanted to take them to visit the subspace, but he gave up before exiting.

Before compiling the origin of subspace and confirming the true safety of subspace, he decided to temporarily hide the existence of subspace.

"Outside? It's not good...170 This is against school rules..." Hermione struggled a little.

Blake said in a bewitching tone: "It's okay, now, aren't you guys in class with me? So, I decided to take you out for an extracurricular activity class today. I don't think Professor McGonagall and the others will say anything, besides... .... Even if we go out, they won’t know, right?”

"Okay! Let's go out for a walk! I'm tired of staying in school every day!" Cassandra said happily.

"Then let's go." Blake pushed away

said the empty plate.

"Okay..." Hermione also nodded.

"Very good, then... Dabao, help me wash the dishes, and then take care of the house. We're going out." Blake said.


Dabao looked at Blake with a shocked black face, and there were just a few question marks on his head.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

"What I said is not human language... Hey, your scolding is a bit dirty!"

"Okay, let's take it with you." Hermione was a little overwhelmed.

She took out a small bag and said, "Come on, Dabao, come in, I'll take you with me."

After Dabao made some gesticulating gestures, he immediately got into the bag.

"Okay...then we have to stay as far away from Gringotts as possible." Blake said helplessly.

"Zhizhizhi!" Dabao stuck out his head to protest fiercely, indicating that Blake was slandering him.

Hermione smiled and said: "This little thing is quite interesting. It would be great if I could talk to it... By the way, last time you said you wanted to work with me to get a magical beast translator.

You seemed to have forgotten about it halfway through?"

Blake scratched his head, "It's not that I forgot, I just happened to have something to deal with at the time. It's okay, we can just come back and continue."

"What translator?" Kassandra asked warily.

"Well, I'm going to make a gadget." Blake said.

"Blake, you were specifically looking for her... Why didn't you call me?" Cassandra felt sour.

"No, she just happened to be free at that time..." Blake said without changing his expression.

Kassandra almost cried in anger, I believe you! You are so mean-spirited and mean-spirited!

Hermione looked at Cassandra, the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

Cassandra saw her expression and became even more angry.

However, there is nothing that can be done.

"Okay, don't be angry. Each of you can give me a lot of help, and you are all my good helpers."

Blake paused and added: "They are all the wings that help me take off. Come on, I have prepared a special gift for you."

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