Blake spent a lot of effort to coax Cassandra without irritating Hermione.

The three of them sniffed, changed their clothes, packed up, and were ready to go out.

"Let's go to Diagon Alley. My clothes are a bit narrow and I want to go to Madam Malkin's shop. By the way, I won't gain weight, and I won't eat too much..." Cass Della frowned.

I don’t know what’s going on. The clothes I ordered just a few months ago are starting to feel narrow now.

Especially the shirt, if Madam Malkin's clothes were not of high quality and the fabric was very elastic, it would be a bit difficult for her to button them.

Hermione frowned. Although she didn't say anything, she actually felt the same way...

Blake touched his nose a little guiltily.

Cassandra looked at him suspiciously, "The potion you gave us to drink from the magic beauty salon before, saying that girls would have great benefits after drinking it...could it be that there was something wrong with the potion? ?Let me drink it and gain weight!"

Blake shook his head quickly and said: "There's nothing wrong with that potion. Besides, why should I want you to gain weight..."

He, Blake, is a simple and honest little badger. What bad intentions could he have?

I just want a girl to be a little bit bigger where she should be...

"Ahem, there are too many acquaintances in Diagon Alley. It will be very troublesome if we meet acquaintances, so why not let's go to France. You must have never visited Diagon Alley in France, right?" Blake changed the subject in time.

"France?" It was Hermione's turn to frown. "Are you trying to find the Delacour sisters?"

"Hmph! One hundred percent yes! I reply to them secretly every day, thinking I don't know. Don't deny it, I've seen it all..." Cassandra felt sour again.

Blake said honestly: "I'm not looking for them this time, it's true. But it's true that I reply to them every day.



If you don’t look for it this time, you will look for it next time, and you won’t avoid people when writing letters every day.

"Are you going? If not, I'll go by myself." Blake said as he stroked the air.

A dimensional door appeared in front of him.

Seeing that Blake didn't even coax her this time and was about to leave, Cassandra felt angry and anxious, so she had no choice but to grit her teeth and follow.

Hermione sighed, picked up the bag containing the treasure, and followed.

Of course, Diagon Alley in France is not also called Diagon Alley.

However, the three of them didn't know what this street was called.

Conflicts among young people go away as quickly as they come.

When they saw the streets that were no less lively than Diagon Alley, Cassandra and Hermione were immediately attracted by the various wizard shops and the dazzling array of merchandise around them.

Blake followed them slowly, and soon Kuang Zheng had a lot of bags of merchandise.

He conveniently separated the bags into two bags with the Traceless Stretch Charm.

Because Blake used a confusion spell on himself, there was no need to worry about people recognizing him.

The three of them strolled around for a while and soon arrived at the front door of Gringotts.

Impacted by the last incident at Gringotts in the UK, Gringotts in France is now a bit crowded.

The goblins are still trying their best to make up for the impact of the last incident.

Suddenly, Zai Ke saw an old man and a tall goblin walking out of the door of Gringotts.

The old wizard was Old Lepp, and the tall goblin was Locke, the president of Gringotts in the UK.

Although I don’t know why the president of Gringotts in the UK went to Gringotts in France.

But it can be seen from the gray look on his face that he must have eaten diva at Old Rep's just now.

Old Lepp smiled and waved to Locke, and then he apparated away and disappeared.

Locke spat on the ground, cursed a few words, and then walked back to Gringotts dejectedly.

Blake smiled and looked back.

Obviously, after Dracula died, Chaos Wish was temporarily unable to provide shelter to the goblins.

Presumably, Lao Rep and Ariana gave them another hard blow.

However, since Blake has temporarily left the fourth natural disaster to Ariana and Lao Rep, he can do whatever they want.

...I wonder if they can ask the goblin what a "high tower" is.


"Hey, don't you buy something?" Cassandra asked.

Blake came back to his senses and said with a smile: "No...because I thought you would also buy me some gifts.

Kassandra smiled a little awkwardly. Just now, she turned her grief and anger into a desire to shop, shopping all the way without even thinking about buying something for Blake.

At this time, Hermione handed over an old locket, "This is for you. I just bought it. There are some strange ancient runes on it. You might like it?"

Blake happily took the watch and said, "Cassandra, look at me. Hermione not only gave me small gifts, but also remembered that I like old things."

Cassandra gritted her teeth and said nothing.

Granger, you really want to play like this, right? Okay, okay......

Hermione just glanced at her, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and then continued to look at other products.

Cassandra is incompetent and furious…………

"Huh?" Blake looked at the locket carefully.

This locket must be a bit old, but the main reason is not that it is an old object, but because Blake found a familiar trace of magic in the north.

"What's wrong?" Cassandra asked immediately, "Did you buy a fake?"

"Oh, that's not the case." Blake shook his head, and Cassandra's face immediately fell.

"Hermione, where did you buy this?"

Blake glanced at Gringotts just now, but didn't pay attention to where Hermione went to buy it.

"What's wrong? I...I bought it at that stall." Hermione said suspiciously.

She studied many subjects from Blake, even books on antiquities.

Whether it was a fake or not, she could tell at a glance now.

Logically speaking, she should not be wrong.

In addition to shops, there are also many stalls on both sides of the street. Hermione bought this locket from a stall.

Blake took Hermione and Cassandra to the stall.

The boss was a bald wizard. When he saw Hermione coming back and Blake still holding the locket in his hand, he couldn't help but become nervous.

He asked in English with a strong accent: "Guest, what's wrong? The money has been cleared and I will not refund the money..."

When Hermione asked about the price just now, she used English, so the boss also asked in English.

"Oh, it's not a refund, I'm just curious about where you got this thing from..."

Blake said, taking a look at the other items on the stall owner's trap.

To his surprise, these things all had the same magic residue as the locket in his hand.

"Oh... I bought it from an antique dealer from England." The boss replied.

"Then do you know where they are?"

"I do not know what happened?"

"I just feel that the style of this locket looks familiar to me, so I want to ask him about the origin of these things."

"That's it... He asked me to sell this thing. In fact, I don't know who he is... Anyway, as long as the goods are fine. You know, wizards do business like this. ...Ah! By the way, he seemed to have said that he found these things in ten abandoned villages in England."

Blake nodded, "Here are all the things that man sold you? Are there any others?"

"Yes." The boss was unambiguous and took out a delicate silver bottle from the box next to him.

"This bottle is very beautiful. I originally planned to use it to store things myself, but... no matter how I tried to do it, I couldn't open it. Then I didn't dare to do it anymore. You know, this kind of recovered thing ,Do you know if there is any evil curse inside?"

Blake said: "Can you show it to me?"

"Of course..." The boss handed over the bottle.

The bottle was covered in silver. Although it was an old item, the silver on it had not turned black at all and was even as smooth as new.

"You're right, boss, this thing does contain a curse." Blake said.

"Oh..." A shrewd flash appeared in the boss's eyes, "If you want, I can sell it to you.

"Of course I want it. How many galons do you want?" Blake looked into the boss's eyes and said with a smile.

"...One hundred and fifty gold galleons. No price equal.'

The boss is still very discerning.

Although he didn't see Blake's appearance clearly, he could tell from the way the two girls next to him dressed and their shopping spree that this guy was certainly not short of money.

If you are such a big fish, how can you live up to yourself if you are unlucky?

Hermione's eyes widened. When she bought the locket, she only spent a few silver coins.

Why does it cost one hundred and fifty gold galleons to buy a bottle now?

"Okay, ten gold galleons, deal." Blake said happily.

"Uh... maybe you didn't hear clearly, the price I offered was one hundred and fifty gold galleons... You know, I spent more than one hundred gold to get the goods from that merchant. Jin Gallon..." The boss continued to fool around.

"Oh? Really? When you got the goods from that merchant, wasn't it ten gold galleons per bag? Why did it cost more than a hundred gold galleons when it came to me?" Blake said with a smile.

"Ah?" The boss's face changed suddenly, " did you know?"

"You just looked into my eyes, didn't you?" Blake laughed.

"What! Damn you, it turns out you are a Legilimency!" the boss said angrily.

"So, ten gold galleons, do you want to buy it? Anyway, this thing has no effect on you." Blake said with a smile.

The boss wanted to say forcefully that even if he took it home as a decoration, he would not buy it for you, a bastard.

But... who can't live with money? Ten gold galleons is a lot. At least, if you sell this bottle, you can get your money back immediately.

"Okay, deal! Damn... I hate you bastards who can read minds..." The boss avoided Blake's gaze and cursed.

…………It doesn’t matter if you hate me, as long as you don’t hate this. " Blake turned his hand, and ten gold galleons appeared on the boss's stall.

“Oh………………Damn………………take your bottle and leave quickly……”

After walking away from the stall, both Cassandra and Hermione looked at the bottle in Blake's hand curiously.

"Blake, what on earth is actually cost ten gold galleons. 1 Hermione said with some distress.

You know, even though she and Cassandra bought like crazy along the way, they only spent seven or eight gold galleons. Prices in the wizarding world were always low.

Blake's bottle that couldn't be opened actually cost ten gold plus...

"I said there is a pot fairy here who can fulfill all your wishes. Do you believe it?" Blake smiled.

"I don't believe it. Cassander

Ra said.

What is contained in that bottle is actually a large bottle of ancient magic power.

You know, many years ago, after that fifth-grade transfer student sucked up all the ancient magical power around Hogwarts.

Over the years, he couldn't find new ones at all, looking at the relics of ancient magic.

Therefore, after so long, the magic that came out of this first Supreme Treasure Box is still at its most rudimentary.

And the magic power in that bottle is enough to increase the power of his ancient magic to a new level!

Although ancient magic is not the most powerful trump card for Blake, it is very good to be able to upgrade his skills just by going shopping.

Blake guessed that it was the effect of the lucky potion he drank in the morning.

So, now he has a sense of expectation for shopping. With this luck, he might be able to make another mistake!

Blake smiled and put away the bottle, "I'll do it."

"So, you're not going to explain to us what's here?" Cassandra asked.

"It's hard to explain. In short, it's something that's useless to you, but good for me." Blake replied.

Although Cassandra and Hermione were full of curiosity, there was more room for Li's butt.

Then, the three of them continued shopping and soon visited Diagon Alley in France.

After drinking the lucky potion, Blake had really good luck today.

In addition to the bottle, I also found a magic book in an old bookstore that recorded Zai Shao's powerful magic.

Then Blake found a mutated rune egg that could be hatched in the potion materials shop among the large piles of ostrich eggs used to brew potions.

The value of the rune snake is extremely high. Whether it is the eggs or the grown skin, they are extremely expensive potion materials, not to mention the mutated ones.

Then Blake participated in a lottery at a certain store and won the grand prize of five hundred gold galleons, which made the store owner feel so distressed that he was speechless.

After the three Blakes visited the wizard's commercial street, they immediately went to the Muggle world's commercial street to do some shopping.

Blake happened to have a lot of money in the Muggle world.

So, he took the opportunity to buy some Muggle electric celery.

By the time they returned to Hogwarts and Blake's office, it was already night.

"How's it going? Are you happy today?" Blake pulled up a chair and sat down.

"Well, I'm happy. But..." Cassandra sat close to Blake and stretched out her foot to rub Blake's calf. "But……………….I walked too far, so

My legs are a little sore... Can you press P for me? Cassandra said softly.

Thinking of Blake's massage techniques, Cassandra's face turned red...

Hermione suddenly said: " legs are also a little sore, and by the way, my waist and neck are also a little sore. How about you press it for me, like last time... "

Cassandra's eyes widened. This woman is too greedy! Wait, when did Leike massage this woman?

Blake immediately became energetic and stood up. "Okay! You go up first and lie down on the bed! But you have to take a shower first."

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