Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 124 Operation to Guard the Magic Stone Begins

Because Dumbledore and I don't allow it!

A simple word, but it directly made Malfoy's inner fear disappear. For a moment, he actually forgot how terrifying his previous master was.

What Voldemort, what Dark Lord?

After all, he is just a little loser who is allowed to be manipulated by others.

Whether he can be resurrected is still part of someone else's plan. That's it. What else does Malfoy have to worry about?

"I'll do it right now."


After sending Malfoy away, Xia Lin stopped asking about the matter.

Quirrell, on the other hand, took several days off in a row, which made Snape feel happy. Because after Quirrell took leave, Dumbledore asked him to temporarily teach Defense Against the Dark Arts for a few days.

Needless to say, as the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Snape was much more powerful than Quirrell.

It's not that Quirrell has no ability, it's just that his focus has been on teaching from the beginning. However, Xia Lin felt that no one with a human face on the back of their head would be interested in teaching.

"I said, this is a bit strange." Hermione noticed something was wrong, "We encountered a dark wizard in the Forbidden Forest, and Professor Quirrell asked for leave after we came back."

"Do you think Quirrell is the dark wizard?" Ron asked in surprise.

However, even so, Harry firmly believed that the dark wizard that night was Snape.

Because the dark wizard was not harmed until he left. If he was really Quirrell, there was no need for him to ask for leave, especially at this juncture.

The most important thing is——

"Do you really think that -"

"Please, Harry!" Ron looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Okay, You-Know-Who!" Harry changed his words angrily, "I may be a little rude to say this, but do you think You-Know-Who will recruit Quirrell as his helper?"

he said disdainfully.

It's not that he has any problem with Quirrell, it's actually that the opponent's strength is indeed a bit unsightly.

Ron nodded in agreement: "Indeed, he was almost knocked down by Fred and George with two snowballs last Christmas. And he didn't have the strength to deal with Pokémon at all.

"Remember? If it hadn't been for this incident, the principal wouldn't have added a school rule."

"Okay. What you said makes sense. But why did Professor Quirrell suddenly ask for leave?"

"You don't know?" Ron said in surprise. He thought every Gryffindor student knew the news. "I heard that Defense Against the Dark Arts is a course cursed by a mysterious man. The teacher who teaches this course every year Everyone will encounter a little misfortune.”

Urban legends like this are very popular among young wizards at Hogwarts.

"Everyone has been saying these days that Professor Quirrell is cursed." Ron shook his head and sighed, "He is so pitiful, isn't he? First a vampire, then a curse -"

"This is just a rumor Ron, if the curse is true. Then why doesn't Dumbledore just cancel this class? Or just change the name?" Hermione didn't believe it.

In fact, Dumbledore retained the Defense Against the Dark Arts course because, on the one hand, the curse was not very powerful and as long as the time was controlled, there would be basically no major accidents; on the other hand, he also needed the existence of these courses. Help him determine if Voldemort is still alive.

But now that Xia Lin is there, there is no need for such trouble.

Wait until next semester and this urban legend will become legend forever.

"Anyway, if the curse is true, I wish Snape bad luck." Harry said immediately, and at the same time he also expressed his guess, "As for Professor Quirrell, I guess he may have been harmed by Snape." of.

"Snape wanted to get the Philosopher's Stone for the mysterious man. He must have coerced Quirrell into telling him the secret of the level."

Harry was very sure.

"Speaking of levels, I don't know if Hagrid got the Sphinx over."

Replacing the three-headed dog with a sphinx was the plan that Harry and the others came up with after they learned that Hagrid had revealed the secret of the three-headed dog.

In fact, Harry originally waited until the last minute to think of this, but Hagrid said everything when he was happy because he had two dragon eggs in his hand.

"It seems that it has been done. I heard that the professor has some weight in the Ministry of Magic." Ron said.

The latter news came from Slytherin.

Hermione didn't want to think about this.

"I think the professors will take care of this and we should be ready to review now, finals are coming up soon."

"Immediately?" Ron's eyes widened, "There are at least two months until the end of the semester!"

But regardless of his subtitles, Hermione was already focused on reviewing anyway, and Harry didn't think about Snape every day. Quidditch and Pokémon distracted him a lot of energy.

He has now obtained all the badges. Since Snape was prohibited from leaving the field in person by Professor Xia Lin, many more Gryffindor wizards have obtained badges.

But these days, Snape has become increasingly familiar with Pokémon battles.

Poison-type Pokémon are very compatible with him.

"When do you think the Hogwarts Cup will be held? Before or after the final exams?"

"It must have been before, or did the seventh graders graduate soon?" Ron said matter-of-factly.

"No! Definitely after the seventh-year Advanced Wizard Examination!" Hermione immediately retorted, "Think about it, it's impossible for the professor to distract seventh-year students during the exam just to hold a competition."

"Seventh grade students have to prepare for the advanced wizard exam, and fifth grade students have to prepare for the junior wizard exam. So, our biggest enemy is still the sixth grade." Ron said.

"I think we have a chance to win the championship, what do you think?"

The advantage of seniors over senior years is that they have stronger magical power and know more spells. But he and Harry also have their own advantage - the number of Pokémon.

They have the largest number of Pokémon, and their Pokémon have experienced a lot of battles. In terms of Pokémon levels alone, they exceed those of sixth- and seventh-grade students.

Time passes like this day by day.

After taking a week's leave, Quirrell finally returned to Hogwarts. This disappointed both Harry and Snape.

Snape regretted that he had lost the Defense Against the Dark Arts class again, and Harry regretted that Snape had not encountered any misfortune.

During this time, Harry would just take a look at the corridor on the fourth floor and attend the Pokémon Master Club meeting on time every Saturday.

Many people's Pokémon evolved during the battle, but most of them were Radha or Bug-type Pokémon.

Speaking of the magical phenomenon of Pokémon evolution, we cannot fail to mention the previous Pokémon Master Classes.

Xia Lin discovered that it was recently the time when the big butterfly emerged from its cocoon, so he took all the students to visit. The scene of hundreds of armored pupae evolving together left them greatly shocked.

By May, everything seemed normal.

The only difference was that during this time, the scar on Harry's head began to hurt again, which made him very irritated.

He also told Ron and Hermione about it, but over time, they both got tired of it. Because Harry just complained, but refused to go to the school hospital to take a look.

But today, his symptoms seemed worse than ever.


"Harry, you should go to the school hospital for a checkup." Hermione said sternly, "We are all worried about you."

"No!" He refused flatly, "You don't understand Hermione, this is not an illness! I think Snape is trying to do something again! But no one will believe it!"

"Then what about going to Dumbledore or Professor Xia Lin?" Ron also looked confused. "The professor is always willing to believe in us, and he always has magical abilities. Maybe he will have a way."

"All right--"

Facing the concern of his two friends, Harry still compromised.

"Then let's go find the professor."

Between the principal and the professor, Harry chose Xia Lin, who was closer to him.

However, when they rushed to Xia Lin's office, they came to nothing.

The offices were unlocked, but Xia Lin was not there. There was only a very powerful fire-breathing dragon resting cross-body in the office. When Harry and the others walked in, they didn't even look at them.

"Why is there no one? Does the professor teach in other grades?"

"You, you came to see the professor?"

Just as they were wondering, Neville suddenly walked out of the protected area.

"Neville, why are you here, where is the professor?" Hermione asked anxiously.

"I practice swordsmanship here." He said a little lonely.

"Oh, we forgot your wand-"

In order to save Malfoy in the Forbidden Forest, his wand was destroyed. Malfoy promised to accompany him with a new one, a better one, but he refused.

To Neville, the destroyed wand made more sense.

But after his grandma found out about this, not only did she not blame him as usual, but she was very happy.

Because courage is something Neville inherited from his parents, something more important than a wand.

"Nothing, the professor said he would make a new one for me." Neville shook his head and asked, "Are you looking for the professor? He seemed to have received a letter and hurried out."


The three little ones haven't realized that something is wrong.

"Yes, the professor said he might not come back until tomorrow and asked me to lock the door when I left." Neville nodded.

After the Forbidden Forest incident, he had a small magic riot, and even his memory seemed to be much better than before.

"Okay, then we can only go to Principal Dumbledore." Hermione said helplessly.

The three people hurried to the principal's office again. As a result, I happened to bump into Professor McGonagall coming out of the principal's office.

"What are you three doing here?"

Mag startled them. In fact, there is no lion cub who is not afraid of his own headmaster - except Hermione.

"We want to see Professor Dumbledore."

"Want to see Professor Dumbledore?" Professor McGonagall repeated, as if it was very suspicious that they had such an idea, "Why?"

Harry didn't know what to say. He didn't want to talk about his scar with anyone else. If Professor McGonagall found out, he would just order him to go to the school hospital.

So he suddenly thought of an excuse that couldn't be worse:

"It's a secret."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he immediately wanted to slap himself because Professor McGonagall was angry and her nose flapped.

"Professor Dumbledore left ten minutes ago," she said coldly. "He received an urgent owl from the Ministry of Magic and flew to London immediately."

"He's gone? At this time?"

"Professor Dumbledore is a very great wizard. He has many things to do and time is precious - if you have anything, you can tell me first. When Dumbledore was away, I have been handling some things."

"Uh-nothing, Professor."

"Okay, in that case, I suggest you go out for a walk and get more sunshine." After saying that, Mag left.

"What should I do?" Ron asked in a low voice. "Dumbledore is not here, and neither is Professor Xia Lin. Maybe you really should tell Professor McGonagall about the scar. Otherwise, what about Sirius? You write and tell he."

"But by the time the letter was sent and sent back, several days would have passed." Hermione said, holding her head.

Harry said nothing, he was thinking about something.

"This isn't right."


"I mean, don't you think this is too coincidental?"

"First my headache was worse than before, then the professor left, and Dumbledore also received the letter and left urgently, as if someone didn't want them to stay in the school and wanted to send them away."

The image of Snape, who was greasy-headed and smiling evilly, immediately came to the minds of the three of them.

"Tonight, Snape will go through the trap door tonight. He has everything he needs, and now he has tricked Dumbledore and Professor Charlene out of the school."

"But how could he pass the Sphinx?"

"Hermione, he doesn't know that we replaced the three-headed dog with a sphinx. This is our chance, but no one knows, what if he answers the sphinx's question correctly? "

"But what can we-"

Hermione gasped sharply. Harry and Ron turned around.

Snape stood there.

"Good afternoon," he said diplomatically.

"You shouldn't stay indoors in this weather," he said, his face twisting into a weird smile.

"We were just-"

"You need to be careful, wandering around like this, others will think you want to do something bad." Snape sneered, "Also, let me remind you again, Po Te - if you continue to wander around in the middle of the night, I will Gonna fire you personally. Have a nice day."

Snape left such a taunt and left triumphantly.

Looking at his back, Harry said with hatred: "He forbids me from going out at night! Because he doesn't want me to hinder him!"

Both Hermione and Ron were a little at a loss. At such times, Harry was always the most decisive and resolute.

"I have to get the magic stone before him!"

He said seriously, but he planned to act alone.

"What are you talking about? It's us!" Hermione said seriously.

"That's right, we can't let you act alone." Ron also nodded vigorously!

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