Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 125 Gengar: I don’t want to be a hot Pokémon!

Ministry of Magic

Xia Lin and Dumbledore were sitting in the Pokémon Protection and Administration Bureau drinking tea at the same time. Not long ago, Fudge just left here.

The two were indifferent and seemed not worried at all about what was about to happen at Hogwarts.

"The environment here is quite good." Dumbledore took a sip of black tea and spoke slowly.

With Fox by his side, he could return to Hogwarts in an instant. Xia Lin also had the ability to teleport, so Voldemort's ability to flee was of no use at all.

What's more, they were deliberately deceived from the beginning.

"It's my first time here myself."

It's embarrassing to say that although Xia Lin has been appointed as the director of the Pokémon Protection and Management Department, he has never come here once.

Fudge had arranged the place well, but it was all in vain. After all, it was impossible for him to stay here, at least for the time being.

"After the seventh-year wizards graduate, we can recruit some people to work here." He said to Dumbledore, "This can also provide some help for the employment of this year's graduates."

"I heard that you have invited other schools to the Hogwarts Cup this semester?" Dumbledore suddenly asked.

In fact, this is not a trivial matter. The exchanges between different schools also involve the International Magic Cooperation Department. But if you’re just visiting, don’t be too nervous.

In fact, Dumbledore only learned of this news recently. If it had been in the past, Fudge would have told him everything. Now that Fudge has a new backer, he and Dumbledore have naturally become more distant.

Dumbledore actually didn't care about this, which made him feel more relaxed. You must know that when Fudge first took office, he was almost equivalent to Fudge's acting minister. He had to go through all the big and small things.

"Yes, I plan to continue to promote Pokémon." Xia Lin nodded.

The two of them talked for a long time without mentioning a word about Voldemort, as if they didn't care about everything that happened in Hogwarts.

It wasn't until the sky gradually darkened that Dumbledore slowly stood up.

"Okay, it's almost time for us to go back."


Back in the afternoon.

Harry was determined to protect the Philosopher's Stone on his own, and the other professors didn't believe what they said. And his plan is very simple, that is, to get the Sorcerer's Stone before "Snape".

But once it was implemented, he knew the difficulty.

First of all, it was impossible for him to go near the corridor on the fourth floor during the day. It was a place that Dumbledore had explicitly prohibited. They had violated enough school rules this semester. If Snape really took the opportunity to fire him, , then you can only watch the magic stone being stolen.

Harry originally wanted Hermione to keep an eye on Snape and monitor his actions, but that also failed.

"Anyway, I believe Snape wouldn't dare to act during the day!" Harry thought for a moment and said, "We'll just wait until night, but we must be faster than him!"

All three people focused their attention on Snape, and no one noticed that one of them had disappeared from everyone's sight in the evening.

At night, after everyone else fell asleep, Harry and Ron slowly got up.

"Go and get the Invisibility Cloak." Ron said to Harry in a low voice.

The two of them tiptoed, trying not to make any noise, but they still woke up Neville.

At first Neville wasn't sure what they were going to do, but when he saw Ron and Harry meeting Hermione in the common room, he guessed that they were going out.

"You shouldn't go on night tours!" Neville hesitated for a while, but decided to jump out and stop them.

Gryffindor finally managed to get the points back last time. If Harry and the others were caught again, at least one hundred and fifty points would be deducted!

In order to protect Gryffindor's points and prevent Harry and the others from being expelled, Neville felt that he had to do something.

"What - Neville?"

Ron was startled, and even his voice was a little distorted.

"Why are you here?"

"I heard you guys getting up." Neville stopped in front of them seriously. He lost his wand, but it doesn't matter. To be honest, his spells are not as powerful as his fists!

"I think you should stop violating school rules! If you insist, then I will stop you!"

"Get out of Neville's way, don't do anything stupid!" Ron was very angry. They couldn't afford the delay now.

"No! Moreover, you taught me to use it to resist!"

"But I didn't let you resist us!"

Ron and Harry had collapsed, but facing Neville like this, they were helpless.

At the critical moment, Hermione has to take action!

"I'm sorry Neville -" Hermione looked apologetic, making Neville think she had changed her mind.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you reply-"

"All petrified!"

A spell immediately shot out from Hermione's wand.

Neville's arms snapped to his sides and his legs stood at attention, standing straight. His whole body became stiff, he swayed on the spot a few times, and then fell to the ground with a plop, looking as hard as a wooden board.

Hermione ran over and turned him over. Neville's upper and lower jaws locked together and he was speechless. Only his eyes moved, looking at them in horror.

Harry was also horrified.

"What did you do to him?"

From the looks of him and Ron, it was obvious that they did not recognize the spell. Hermione would not just learn first-year knowledge step by step. In fact, there were many spells to learn in the library.

"This is a full body binding spell."

After settling the cursed Neville, Hermione said a few more apologies, then put on the invisibility cloak with Harry and the others, and rushed towards the corridor on the fourth floor.

On the way, they met Mrs. Norris and Peeves, but fortunately, Harry suddenly came up with the idea and pretended to be the Bloody Barrow to scare him.

Now, they stood in front of the wooden door.

"No sign of battle—"

"There are two possibilities, either Snape hasn't come yet, or he answered the Sphinx's question correctly." Ron guessed.

"Obviously it's the second one, because the lock is open," Hermione said solemnly.

She suddenly realized that by replacing the guard guarding the Magic Stone with a Sphinx, she seemed to have tricked herself. If she failed to answer the Sphinx's question correctly, wouldn't she be attacked?

"Let's release the Pokémon first," she said nervously.

All three released their Pokémon and got ready for battle.

"How about you go back? It's too dangerous." Harry swallowed. He hadn't thought much about it before, but now that he thought about it carefully, what he was about to do was life-threatening.

He was already very touched that Hermione and Ron had been supporting him until now.

Hearing this, before Hermione could say anything, Ron shouted in surprise:

"Are you crazy?"

"Do you think you could answer the Sphinx's question without Hermione?"

"As soon as you step in with your front foot, you will be eaten the next second!"


At least Ron has a clear positioning of himself.

"All right--"

Seeing this, Harry didn't say anything more and directly lifted his cloak.

The invisibility cloak may not be able to deceive the Sphinx's eyes and nose. Even if it could, the trapdoor would still be under the Sphinx's body.

As soon as the door was opened, the three people met the eyes of the Sphinx.

The Sphinx is a sphinx-like monster with a higher intelligence than many magical animals. To be honest, sometimes Xia Lin feels that the strength level of some magical animals is a little higher than Hagrid...

What appeared in front of Harry and the others was an animal with the front half of a woman's body and the back half of a lion's body. It also has a pair of huge wings on its back, and its size is no smaller than Dewey!

Three little ones stood in front of the Sphinx, looking like three puppies.

The Sphinx looked at them and did not attack immediately, but said slowly:

"If you want to pass me, you must answer my riddle. If you guess once - I will let you pass. If you don't guess - I will pounce on you. If you don't answer - I will let you go. Won’t hurt you.”

It gave Harry and the others a chance to choose, but although they would attack if they guessed wrong, in fact, Xia Lin had already made preparations to prevent Harry and the others from dying tragically.

"Ask!" Hermione took a bold step forward.

The little lion she released also moved forward.

"Listen - what is something that comes and goes, like a lion, a dog, a horse, or a bird, that people long for when it's hot and hate it when it's cold?"


Ron's mind went blank, and Harry was also thinking hard.

They only have one chance to answer. If they can't answer correctly, they will face a magical animal that is as dangerous as a fire dragon!

"Hurry up and find a way, Hermione!" He was so anxious that he almost cried.

"Stop making noise!" Hermione punched him directly.

"Sometimes you see it and sometimes you don't see it. Can you see it? It looks like a lion and a horse. What does it look like?" Harry wondered, "How could there be something that looks like a lion and a dog and also looks like so many things?"

He glanced up at the Sphinx who was waiting for an answer, thinking that there was something here that looked like both a lion and a man.

But obviously, the Sphinx cannot be the answer to the problem.

But after hearing his complaints, Hermione's eyes lit up.

"Unless this thing has no concrete shape!"

"I know! It's Yunduo!"

"Correct answer." The Sphinx stood up with a smile, revealing the trapdoor pressed against its belly.

After the three people pushed it open, they looked at the dark entrance and hesitated again.

"Anyway, let's jump!" Ron mustered up the courage and was about to take the plunge, but Hermione stopped him.

"You don't even know how deep this is! Leave it to me!" Before she finished speaking, she took out two elf balls, "Come out, Shuttlecock Grass and Chrysanthemum Grass Leaf."

Two Pokémon appeared in front of Harry and Ron.

"Jucaoye, you tie Harry and Ron with vine whips and send them down."

Hearing this, two vines immediately spread out from the small bulge on Chrysanthemum Leaf's neck, tightly binding Harry and Ron's waists, and the power of the vines directly lifted them up.


"That's a little too tight—"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Hermione interrupted them fiercely, firmly grasped the shuttlecock grass with both hands, and jumped directly to the entrance of the cave.

The light shuttlecock grass alleviated a lot of the impact on her, carrying her slowly to the ground like a parachute.

But what surprised them was that after landing, their feet were not the ground, but intertwined vines.

"What's this?"

It was so dark that it was hard to see clearly. As soon as Ron opened his mouth, the vines immediately began to surge!

"This is a devil's net!" Hermione exclaimed loudly!

"They'll kill us!"

She didn't need to say anything because the vines had already started doing it.

Harry and Ron's hands and feet were tied, and even one was tied around their necks. The vines were shrinking continuously, making it difficult for them to breathe.

"I'm about to be strangled-"

Ron felt a little lack of oxygen. Just when he thought he was almost dead, his little fire pony suddenly jumped down from above.

The light and heat from the flames behind the little fire horse immediately frightened these devil webs.

They immediately began to retreat until they huddled in a corner.

"Phew - I remembered, Devil's Net is afraid of light and fire." Hermione said afterward.

"Ron, your nimbus has done a great job!" Harry was extremely happy.

However, he thought that not only had he not contributed much so far, but he would have died if it weren't for them.

But then he finally came in handy.

In the level set by Professor Flitwick, he relied on his flying skills to get the key.

Going further, the three of them came to a completely dark room.

"here it is--"

Hermione was about to say something, when suddenly a dark purple fire came out of the darkness.

"Be careful!" Ron quickly grabbed her and pulled her away. The little fire horse immediately rushed forward and blocked the flames.


In the darkness, the fat Gengar suddenly appeared in front of them.

This Gengar is naturally the Gengar that Xia Lin sent to monitor Voldemort before, but now, surveillance is naturally no longer necessary.

"This must be a level designed by Professor Xia Lin. Is our enemy Gengar?" Ron couldn't help but guess.

However, Gengar smiled evilly, wagging his fingers, and took out an elf ball with his backhand.

——It is not a combatant. In fact, it is now the trainer of this level.

Of course, when facing Voldemort and Quirrell, it must have brought the other Pokémon in this room with it.

It did not fight Voldemort to the death, but it also caused Quirrell extreme pain. Paralysis, burns, and poisoning were all three abnormal conditions superimposed on Quirrell's body.

"It wants to command Pokémon to fight us?"

Ron had an "I'm not dreaming" expression, which made Gengar a little unhappy.

Who do you look down on?

Today it will not only fight, but also one against two!

Gengar threw the elf ball in his hand, and then, a big black dog appeared in front of Harry and the others.

The expressions of the three people changed immediately.

"——It's Heiruga!"

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