Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 131 Obtaining the Magic Stone

Quirrell died, but the semester was not over yet, and the Defense Against the Dark Arts class once again fell into Snape's hands.

This made Harry's brief guilt over misunderstanding Snape disappear.

"Now Snape has paid off my father for saving his life, so he can completely hate me." Harry complained to Hermione and Ron.

After he woke up in the school hospital, he asked Dumbledore some questions.

Regarding what happened between his parents and Snape, Dumbledore told him half-truths and half-truths out of context.

After that night, the learning atmosphere in the school became much more intense. The fifth and seventh graders were busy preparing for the wizard exam. Everyone was very anxious and couldn't wait to review every second. So much so that the fifth and sixth graders were no longer visible in Saturday club meetings during this period.

Other grades were not so relaxed either. The professors maliciously created a scary atmosphere for the final exam to make these playful little wizards nervous one by one.

Among them was Hermione, who spent the whole day huddled in the library.

Xia Lin has basically given up on senior classes now, and gives all Pokémon master classes to students in fourth grade and above for review.

But even so, he has been very busy recently.

What he is busy with is not his classes, but the Pokémon Hogwarts Cup that will be held this semester.

"How many schools are planning to visit now?" Dumbledore asked while eating blue and orange smoothies.

"There are only four." Xia Lin picked up the replies from those schools, "Beausbatons in France, Durmstrang in Northern Europe, the Magic Institute in Japan, and Castello Buscher in Brazil, and I've heard of this one as well. Pu invented several special potions before planning to come here."

Several other magic schools did not respond at all.

"It seems that your appeal is still slightly insufficient." Dumbledore said proudly, "It would be different if it were me. I am the president of the International Federation of Wizards."

"Really, but I wrote to invite them in your name." Xia Lin tilted her head and said with an innocent face.

Dumbledore: ...

"Ahem -" he coughed twice and said in a pretentious manner, "I think the response from four schools is an unprecedented event. Including Hogwarts, there are five schools. You know, hundreds of years ago There are only three schools in the Triwizard Tournament."

This is completely changing the concept. Participating in the game and watching the game are not the same thing.

"Mr. Crouch must have been very busy lately."

"It's okay. After all, there aren't many people here." Xia Lin shook his head. It's not the Quidditch World Series where 100,000 people gathered. What's there to be busy about?

But if those wizards come to Hogwarts to watch the Pokémon Contest and want to introduce some Pokémon, then Crouch will be busy.

"Okay, what's the matter with you?" Xia Lin glanced at him sideways, "Normally you don't stay here for too long."

"This is not to thank you for wooing Fudge and rescuing me from countless documents. Otherwise, I wouldn't be so leisurely." Dumbledore teased.

"However, I do have something I don't know how to deal with." He said, feeling for a red stone from his clothes.

Xia Lin is no stranger to this stone.

"The Philosopher's Stone? I thought you destroyed it."

"If it weren't for you, maybe I would really do this." He said with a smile, "But if I leave it to you, I guess it won't fall into the hands of Voldemort."

Dumbledore had no intention of returning it to Nico, because Nico and his wife were ready to embark on a death adventure.

Without Xia Lin, he would probably have no choice but to destroy the Sorcerer's Stone without being able to guarantee that it would not fall into Voldemort's hands, but now, it would be a pity to destroy it.

Xia Lin reached out and took the magic stone.

This magic stone can be said to be a miracle stone in the field of alchemy. Its existence has accomplished two of the three ultimate goals in the field of alchemy - turning stone into gold and immortality.

In fact, if Voldemort succeeds in the end, then he may use the Philosopher's Stone to accomplish the third ultimate goal in the field of alchemy-creating life!

And the body created by the Sorcerer's Stone is probably more perfect than Voldemort's own resurrected body. Otherwise, he wouldn't have taken the risk and attempted to resurrect in this way.

But this stone didn't have much appeal to Xia Lin.

Turning stone into gold is somewhat useful, but he is not short of galleons; immortality that cannot prevent aging is even more useless.

In contrast, Xia Lin hopes to gain the power of legendary Pokémon.

Most of the legendary Pokémon have infinite lifespans. Isn't this much more useful than the Magic Stone?

But since Dumbledore gave it, Xia Lin naturally had no reason to refuse. There is only one Philosopher's Stone in the world, so it still has collection value.

"How's it going with Tom lately?"

Xia Lin refers to Tom Riddle in the diary.

"It's quite peaceful. We have reached a cooperation. He teaches me how to use magic spells, and I am going to make him a wand." Dumbledore said.

Make a wand for Riddle?

"He can't use the wand even if he doesn't have a physical body, right?" Xia Lin asked strangely.

In the original book, Tom was able to pick up Harry's wand because he absorbed Ginny's life force, but now, he has no way to absorb Dumbledore's life force.

"He actually asked me to sacrifice an innocent life to resurrect him, but I've been holding off." Dumbledore shook his head.

Riddle obviously really thought that he was the evil version of Dumbledore, and he could even make such a request. But Dumbledore couldn't possibly satisfy his request.

Not to mention innocent lives, even Dumbledore, the sinful Death Eater in Azkaban, would not be able to murder them.

It's not that he is soft-hearted, he killed a lot of people during the Wizarding War.

But war was one thing and now it was another.

"We can't really resurrect him anyway." Xia Lin shook his head and said.

The Riddle in Doudou's diary is just Xia Lin's whim, and it is impossible to really put a lot of time and experience into it.

"If you find it boring, just destroy it, or use it to test your savior."

"My savior?" Dumbledore raised his eyebrows, as if he had found an interesting topic, "Harry was not chosen by me, he was the destined enemy chosen by Tom himself.

"But it was you who chose Neville as your heir?"

As someone who knew the prophecy thoroughly, Dumbledore naturally knew that Neville was another son of the prophecy. But among the two children of prophecy, Voldemort chose Harry.

"Not really. I just think he is quite suitable to be a sword master."

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