Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 132 Accountability of the United States Ministry of Magic

Massachusetts, America

The altitude of Mount Greylock is not particularly high. There are two roads up the mountain. There is a war monument made of granite on the top of the mountain. Over the years, it has gradually become a winter sports destination for No-Majs.

However, when the weather is bad, some people have seen a dreamy and hazy huge outline in the clouds and mist, like a dream castle that only appears in the clouds and mist.

And when those who happened to see this magical scene opened their eyes and looked at it, there was nothing there. They couldn't help but wonder if they were seeing hallucinations.

In fact, what they saw was not an illusion. The castle located on the top of the mountain was Ivermorny, the magic school in the United States. Like many other magic schools, Ilvermorny is also imbued with many powerful magics, so No-Majs without magic cannot see its existence.

In fact, Ilvermorny and Hogwarts are similar in many places. For example, they also have four houses. Although there is no sorting hat, the sorting ceremony is similar.

In fact, one of the original founders of Ilvermorny, Aesop Ther, was a pure-blood witch from Ireland, and she was slightly related to Salazar Slytherin. Her mother's surname was Gon. special.

And when she came to the United States, she also stole Slytherin's snakewood wand.

Now, under the influence of the spell, the wand has turned into a tall and uncut snakewood, which is planted in Ilvermorny School.

Today, the headmaster of Ilvermorny School is a wizard named Gilbert Fontana. His ancestor was Theddad Fontana, one of the Twelve Aurors in the United States. In terms of status, he was very prominent.

"Mr. Fontana, we really aren't going to Hogwarts for that—"

"Pokémon Contest." Fontana stood on the window sill and looked at the foot of the mountain, with Ilvermorny's badge hanging on the wall behind him. Thunderbirds, horned water snakes, goblins, and ocelots.

"Yes, the Pokémon Contest is a terrible name. And, after all, who knows what a Pokémon is?" the chirping professor beside him complained, "The level of education at Hogwarts these years. It’s getting worse and worse, I don’t know what happened again this time.”

As he spoke, he paused and asked tentatively:

"However, it is Dumbledore's invitation after all. Do we really not want to go?"

Although Hogwarts was indeed not doing well in recent years, he was still in awe of Dumbledore. The most powerful white wizard in the world, maybe even the strongest wizard, this is not low.

It can be said that if Dumbledore hadn't been in charge, Hogwarts would have fallen further down the rankings of magic schools in the world. It can only be said that Voldemort has indeed seriously damaged the vitality of the British wizarding community. So much so that in recent years, the status of the British wizarding community in the international wizarding community has declined too much.

"I won't go." Fontana still shook his head and insisted on his point of view.

It's not that he doesn't want to give Dumbledore some face, but that Hogwarts may be facing some trouble soon.

"The Aurors from the Ministry of Magic may go to Hogwarts to investigate. If the evidence is true, Mr. Gold may not be able to escape the trial of the International Federation of Wizards." He spoke calmly, but what he said made The professor on the side was startled.


"Of course it's Pokémon!" Fontana said sternly. He didn't know when there was a picture book in his hand. Judging from the style, it seemed to be a comic book from the No-Maj world.

"This is -" The professor tilted his head and glanced, only to see colorful "animals" of different shapes printed on the album.

"Charlene Gold, I heard that he made many pure-blood wizards in the UK lose face last year, but after all, no lives were lost, so it's not a big deal. But now, he actually tries to challenge the secrecy law." Fontana Shaking his head, he didn't know whether he felt regretful or ridiculous.

The Secrecy Act is unbreakable in the Ministry of Magic of every country, and the United States has the strictest Secrecy Act.

As a descendant of the original twelve Aurors, Fontana did not take kindly to Charlene Gold for violating the Statute of Secrecy.


At the Ministry of Magic, Crouch put a few Rujing applications in front of Fudge with a straight face.

"What's wrong, what is this?" Fudge looked a lot fatter than before, and his small eyes sandwiched by fat immediately looked at Crouch in confusion.

He didn't understand why several small immigration applications were placed on his desk.

I am the British Minister of Magic, not your little director of the Department of International Magical Cooperation!

But Crouch didn't care about this, and just stiffly uttered a few words: "See for yourself."

This attitude made Fudge even more angry.

This Barty Crouch has no vision at all.

Although he was thinking this, Fudge still reached out and picked up these pieces of information and looked at it pretendingly.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, one look almost made all his fat fall off.

"Aurors from the United States Ministry of Magic? What are they doing here!"

"Of course, the Pokémon that accused Charlene Gold of violating the International Wizarding Secrecy Act." Crouch took out a stack of comics and threw them on Fudge's desk, "And it can be said that in our opinion, the evidence is conclusive. .”

Fudge looked over and saw a green toad on the comic page.

Of course he knew this Pokémon, after all, the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic had been taught a lesson by it.

"Is this for Muggles?" he shouted in panic.

"Hundreds of thousands of copies have been distributed in the Neon Muggle world. Now the American Aurors will wait until they arrive at Hogwarts to see those Pokémon with their own eyes, and then they can capture him directly. I'm afraid even Dumbledore is not in a position to stop them."

"——" Fudge looked at those albums and felt suffocated for a moment.

But no matter what, Xia Lin was his big supporter, and his life was extremely nourishing during this period. After not having to consult Dumbledore on every detail, he suddenly realized that he seemed to be doing a pretty good job sitting in this position.

Moreover, some purebloods headed by Malfoy not only supported him in the ZZ position, but Golden Gallon also fed him a lot. Fudge knew that all this was brought to him by Xia Lin.

If it were Dumbledore, it would be impossible for him to be so corrupt.

After thinking about this, Fudge said that there was no way Xia Lin would be tried.

He immediately slapped the table hard and yelled hysterically:

"Reject immediately!"

"No entry for them!"

"The American Ministry of Magic has no right to interfere in the affairs of our British Ministry of Magic!"

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