Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 170 The Beginning and End of the War

Although the Death Eaters had agreed to the war and planned to fight, it would be too ridiculous if the Ministry of Magic could even choose the location.

So, "Voldemort" led his servants to attack Godric's Hollow overnight.

The former wizarding town had been attacked by a curse all night, and it was no longer the same. The tired Death Eaters walked around the dilapidated houses, looking for any figure who was still alive. However, there was not a single living person.


"Master, there is no one here!" Bella walked over with an ugly face and said to the silent Voldemort.

At the same time, she looked at Malfoy and Snape, who were standing on either side of Voldemort, covering their faces with masks. Immediately contemptuous.

These two losers don't even dare to show their faces when they help their master? It’s a shame that the master allows them to do this!

But then again, Lucius has long amber-blond hair, and Snape has greasy medium hair. Such conspicuous hairstyles can be easily recognized even if the face is covered, right? What is the use of this level of disguise?

Did they hope to use this to hide from the Ministry of Magic?

Bella didn't think for too long. She saw the rest of the Death Eaters gathering together again. Her husband was kneeling like a dog in front of Voldemort, begging for mercy because he was the one who came up with the plan to attack Godric's Hollow.

But after they had been busy for so long, they found that not even a ghost could be seen here. Perhaps the busiest thing in the entire valley is the cemetery!

"Master - there may be spies among us, everyone in the valley has been evacuated..."

"Really..." Voldemort slowly walked up to him, raised his foot and stepped on his head, "Then, who do you think is the betrayer, Rodolphus Lestrange?"

"I think it is... it's Snape!" he said fearfully.

Snape, who was innocently shot, rolled his eyes and explained without panic: "I don't have to do such a thing. If I want to betray, why not just leak the location of Malfoy Manor? What's more, before During the operation, we have discovered that the Ministry of Magic has the ability to make some accurate predictions. I am afraid that we have been ambushed."

As soon as he finished speaking, a series of crackling sounds sounded in the air, as if someone had lit a bunch of firecrackers.

Nearly a hundred Aurors appeared at the edge of the town, surrounding all the Death Eaters.

Alongside these Aurors, each one carries a Pokémon such as Spearow or Gasbomb.

"You have been surrounded, Voldemort!" Fudge walked bravely at the front, but beside him, there was a big green bird, "Hurry up and capture, Azkaban is empty now!"

He said loudly, not to mention the Death Eaters, even the Aurors behind Fudge were shocked by this declaration.

How dare you talk to a mysterious person like this!

"Has he always been so brave?" Tonks whispered to another auror who had some experience.

"Anyway, there's no need for him to deal with the mysterious Voldemort. Of course he can say whatever he wants." Mad-Eye sneered. His magic eye turned crazily and discovered something was wrong with Voldemort. He immediately said solemnly to Xia Lin, "His magic is stronger than before. There is something under his clothes. Can I do it alone?" "

His magic eye is indeed powerful, but Moody has no research on Pokémon. Even if he has this magic eye, he doesn't know what happened to Voldemort. He can only see that his magic power is stronger!

"Don't worry, I'm not fighting alone." Xia Lin said softly, and then put her spirit on Voldemort.

It is more difficult to control two people at the same time than a doubles battle.

"They should have shown enough respect to me, but now, an unknown person who appears from nowhere dares to call me by my name?" Voldemort sneered, "Who will help me kill him?"

"let me!"

"Let me be the master!"

Rodolphus Lestrange at his feet shouted quickly.

This is a plan to wash away his current failure. Everyone can see that the Dark Lord is not in a good mood right now.

(Xia Lin: No, I’m in a good mood)

"Very well, I'll give you another chance!" "Voldemort" moved his feet so that Rodolphus Lestrange could stand up.

"Don't worry, Master, I will definitely kill him!" He said viciously.

At the same time, he picked up the wand and rushed out quickly. Without waiting for the distance to be drawn closer, he raised his wand without hesitation: Avada Kendawa!

The terrifying green light went straight to Fudge's chest. Even though Fudge was prepared, he was now breaking out in a cold sweat and didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, at this time, the natural bird took the initiative to fly in front of him, spread its wings like clothes, and opened a barrier in front of him. The life-killing curse fell on the barrier, and instantly it was like falling into mud in the lake. As if, it has disappeared.

"How - how is this possible?" Rodolphus Lestrange said blankly. The rest of the Death Eaters who had just come out of Azkaban were also very surprised. The killing curse was actually blocked?

"Hmph, what age are you still using the Death Curse?" Snape sneered, "This trick has long been outdated."

"Then what can you do?"

"Just learn while fighting!" Snape rushed out.

Not only Snape, but the rest of the Death Eaters also began to take action. After Fudge was attacked, it was impossible for the Aurors to fail to take action. The battle had already begun!

Lucius found a dilapidated house as a bunker.

There are magic spells flying all over the sky outside, and the green light is scary to look at. Although Snape said that the Death Curse was an outdated version, in the final analysis it was still a curse that would kill you if it was touched. It was not a real war anyway, so he would not go out and take risks!

"Be careful!" Kingsley whispered to the new Aurors behind him.

"Don't worry, Mr. Kingsley, my cat boss and I are very strong and coordinated!" Barnard smiled.

He was the seventh grader who helped Malfoy catch Pokémon last year. As a mixed-blood, he didn't have much connection in the magical world, so after graduation he chose to be specially recruited into the Auror team without hesitation.

However, he didn't expect to encounter such a big event from the beginning, but to say he was afraid, he was really not afraid.

He knows the strength of the cat boss best. Even he himself is no match for the cat boss. With his cooperation, even the Death Eaters are not invincible. What's more, Professor Xia Lin is here!

Out of confidence in the professor, he wasn't even nervous at all. He stared at a Death Eater who was about to raise his wand and cast a spell on him.

"Boss Cat, high-five surprise attack!"

The figure of the cat boss immediately flew out, and then, two claws slapped on the Death Eater's body, interrupting the other party's spellcasting.

Barnard himself was powerful enough. With a flick of his wand, he shot out a magic spell: it was torn apart!

Solve one!

On the other side, Tonks, who was not very used to fighting with Pokémon, bent down and quickly released the spell. The big wolf dog following her would take the initiative to release skills from time to time to help her block the enemy's attacks, or simply throw the enemy to the ground and bite him hard.

Hundreds of Death Eaters and Aurors were mixed together and fighting. Snape was accompanied by the Big Mouth Bat. He struck very hard. He continued to shoot out with the Shadowless Blade and Air Cutting. The intensive attacks injured many people. Auror.

It's a pity that there are even medics in the Auror team, who can quickly heal those wounds.

However, in the chaotic battlefield, the Death Eaters did not notice this scene, but thought that Snape's achievements were amazing.

"Those Pokémon's defensive moves seem to have some restrictions. In order to avoid being unable to defend against the life-killing curse, the version will not be used to defend against other curses." Snape explained.

This information inspired the Death Eaters, who completely abandoned the Death Curse and instead used other black magic to attack. On the Auror side, the wands of those experienced old Aurors were about to turn into green fire Gatlings!

The Death Eaters were frantically looking for cover to hide, and were retreating steadily!

As for Fudge, he immediately pulled away after his first appearance.

As for Voldemort, he has not taken action until now. He just watches with a dark face as his men continue to decrease and they continue to lose their lives under the attack of the Death Curse.

Finally, the number of hundreds of Death Eaters was reduced to a dozen, and even Rodolphus, who had just threatened to kill Fudge, was dead.

Bella was very angry. She was not heartbroken because she agreed with her husband's death, but she was angry that the man died before he could serve the Dark Lord. His death was worthless!

In turn, the number of Aurors was also decreasing, but the number of people still standing had formed an absolute advantage, and almost no one died.


Snape fought and retreated, and was under great pressure.

You must know that not everyone knows that he is a spy. He has been locked by the Death Curse several times. If there were not a large number of Pokémon, he could take turns to guard him, otherwise it would be dangerous.

"Stand back first, you useless things!" Voldemort said contemptuously.

This sentence immediately stopped the war in the valley. Even the Aurors stopped their attack involuntarily.

Obviously, they all know that Death Eaters are not important, but Voldemort is the most important!

Only when Voldemort is killed will the war truly end.

But Voldemort set his sights on Xia Lin.

"Charlene Gold - my men are defeated!" He said arrogantly, "Bring your little animals to fight with me."

"That's what I meant. Come out, Charizard!" Xia Lin smiled and released Charizard.


As soon as the orange fire dragon appeared, it immediately raised its head and spit out a thick flame towards the sky. The high temperature of the flame hit the face, making people tremble.

"Charizard, big words explode!"

Powerful flame power condensed in the throat of the fire-breathing dragon, and then, a huge "big"-shaped flame attacked Voldemort. The power contained in that flame is so powerful that just looking at it makes one feel terrified!

"Is that Li Huo?" Tonks couldn't help but ask.

"That's Big Flame, a move that only very powerful Pokémon can learn. Don't you even know this?" Barnard laughed, "It turns out that official Aurors are nothing more than that. I think you should just use it Take the first-grade Pokémon textbook and study it carefully."

"What? You guy!"

boom! ! !

The center of the large-shaped flame directly hit Voldemort, and five tails of flames enveloped him, forming a scorching ball of flame. The sharp high temperature soon caused a second explosion. But this time, the shock wave generated by the explosion directly penetrated the flames!

Everyone couldn't help but look over. On the rock that was darkened by the flames, an equally dark man stood there.

"Mystery man!"

"He's not dead!"

"It would be strange if it could be killed so easily!" Mad-Eye was not surprised. "He used the levitating spell and the deformation spell to use the earth as a shield. Unless it was a continuous flame, it would be difficult to hurt him. "

"Don't tell me this is all you have?" The powerful black magic in Voldemort's wand spread out like black fireworks. When it was empty, it gathered into a big black snake and pounced towards Xia Lin!

The big snake's attack was as fierce as a wave, but Xia Lin was very calm.

"Charizard, Dragon Wave."

After receiving the order, the fire-breathing dragon immediately used the dragon attribute energy in its body, and dreamy colors spit out from its mouth, condensing into the outline of a silver-blue dragon-shaped skeleton!

The silver dragon roared silently, intertwined with the black in the sky!

The next moment, Xia Lin took action himself.

He didn't even take out his wand, but rushed directly towards Voldemort. The ghostly energy covered his right arm, forming a huge purple claw!

"Shadow Claw!"

The powerful claw attack seemed to tear apart the space. Even Voldemort did not expect such an attack, and immediately turned into a black shadow and rushed into the sky. Even so, a huge scar was torn open by sharp claws on his chest, and non-human blood flowed down.

Xia Lin missed the target and released the ghost energy in his hand without hesitation.

Shadow ball!

The shape of the shadow ball that flew out at high speed almost became an ellipsoid!

Voldemort moved his wand and immediately cast an iron armor spell on himself, blocking another blow.

However, the successive attacks obviously made him very annoyed. At this moment, he was also firing on all cylinders, releasing powerful curses towards Xia Lin and Charizard!

At the same time, his figure was flying higher and higher.

"Gengar, BiDiao! Let's follow! Bulbasaur, you stay to help!"

After Xia Lin deflected a black magic attack, he released a few more Pokémon. At the same time, he also lifted his feet off the ground and chased Voldemort in the sky.

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