Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 171 The Ultimate Beast and the Ultimate Cave

The Death Eaters below watched Voldemort fly away. Out of trust in Voldemort's strength, they did not make any move. However, Snape and Lucius looked at each other and used Disapparation without hesitation. "Pop" A crisp sound woke everyone up.

"Snape and Malfoy escaped?" Bella screamed, "Those two people are indeed traitors. Once the master kills that lowly Mudblood, I will kill them with my own hands!"

Her tone was crazy and fierce, like a poisonous snake showing its fangs.

The evacuation of Snape and Malfoy obviously caused some restlessness among the Death Eaters, and some people were already wondering whether they should also evacuate. After all, the outcome of the invisible battle in the sky is still uncertain, but it is obvious that they are already at a disadvantage in the battle on the ground. If the Ministry of Magic's Aurors continued their attack, they might really be doomed.

But how could Fudge let them leave?

To annihilate all the Death Eaters here is his goal!

"Don't let them go! Bring out the secret weapon!" He popped up out of nowhere and yelled.

Then the Aurors immediately understood and took out another Poké Ball from their waists.

"Come out, Sure enough/Little Magneto/Big Jaw Ant."

The three Pokémon whose levels were still too low to be sent to the battlefield were released by them. In an instant, the entire Godric's Hollow seemed to be enveloped by a strange force, forming a different kind of force field.

Several Death Eaters who wanted to escape just wanted to disapparate, but their bodies were rolled up in a big circle like clothes being thrown around, and in the end they found that they were still where they were.


"When was it set up?"

"Anti-Apparition?" Fudge sneered, "Snape is right, times have changed, Death Eaters! This is the power of shadow stepping, magnetism and sand caves!"

This batch of baby Pokémon was specially prepared by Xia Lin, and was temporarily lent to the Aurors to prevent the enemy from escaping. Among them, Sure enough, Weng Ranweng and Big Jaw Ant were hatched after unlocking the illustrated book not long ago. Their levels are very low, they are still in the infancy stage, and they have no fighting ability at all.

"Be obedient and surrender, and the law will forgive you!"

Fudge shouted.

However, even among those Death Eaters who planned to escape, no one surrendered.

It's not that they are brave, but out of their trust in Voldemort's power. They believe that Voldemort will definitely win. If they surrender now, wouldn't that be a dead end when Voldemort comes back?

If he could escape, he would probably find a place to hide in the future, and he wouldn't have to use magic in this life, so he could still survive.

"You bunch of trash!" Bella cursed, and the next moment, she shot the curse at Fudge without hesitation!

However, the natural bird flapped its wings and once again blocked Fudge's path.

At the same time, its eyes glowed pink, and a strong mental thought immediately turned into a raging frenzy, crushing the Death Eaters. The power of super powers is like a mudslide collapsing in a heavy rain, sucking in the few remaining Death Eaters!

"Well done!" Fudge couldn't help but wave, and at the same time picked up the wand and planned to give the Bella who attacked him a fatal blow.

But his hand was so trembling that he missed the shot completely.

Natural Bird looked at him with contempt with slightly plain eyes, thinking to himself, this was the first time he had seen such a useless trainer. If he had known that he would be followed by such a useless guy when he came out, he might as well have died in the reserve!

It decided to apply to return to the protected area as soon as the matter was over.

"Capture them!" Kingsley roared heroically and charged forward first.

Soon, the few remaining Death Eaters were stripped of their weapons by a group of Aurors and tied up with conjured ropes.

Fudge walked over arrogantly.

"Look at you prodigal dogs, just wait, you won't have a good life." He looked proud, thinking that after this time, wouldn't he be able to get as much honor as he wanted?

A first-class Order of Merlin seems to be just that. No matter what, I have to issue myself a War Hero Badge!

He even thought about his speech:

I would like to commend the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, for his heroic performance during the Second Wizarding War!

"Do you think you can send me to Azkaban again?" Bella was tied to the ground, but she was still arrogant. She was hysterical, like a shrew, "When the master kills that mudblood, you will There will be a price to pay for this!”

"It's a good idea, but it's a pity that your master has escaped." Xia Lin tried his best to make it look like he had experienced a battle, but in fact, he was just hiding in the clouds and letting his Pokémon move towards other people. Several huge clouds release skills.

"But at least you are right about one thing. You will not be sent to Azkaban, because you will all be sentenced to death!"

"This is impossible! Master - the Dark Lord cannot lose!"

"It's really interesting. If he won't lose, then where has he been for more than ten years?" Xia Lin asked, and then he looked at Fudge, "Connelly, leave these Death Eaters to me. Bar."

Xia Lin asked for the power to deal with these Death Eaters, but he actually planned to use them to conduct some magic experiments.

It is not impossible to use Voldemort's body for experiments, but Voldemort's body is very different from the average human body, which may affect the accuracy of the experiment. And - in fact, he has already planned to take Voldemort offline, and it is time for Team Rocket to appear!

Fudge naturally had no objection to this.

"If you are willing to take over, take them all away."

At this time, Kingsley and Mad-Eye came up.

"Gold, did the mysterious man really escape?" Kingsley asked uncertainly.

The mysterious man that everyone feared was defeated in this way, and even his servants fled in a hurry. This was a joke that no one would have believed ten years ago. It was as if the other party was already an outdated thing. After his dramatic resurrection, only two months later, he was completely reduced to a laughing stock.

Kingsley was surprised by Xia Lin's power, but Xia Lin was mistaken.

"I did let him escape. Sorry, it's really difficult to keep him." He said "apologisingly", "And I guess he won't dare to show up in the UK in a short time. As for whether he will go there For other countries, it’s hard to say.”

"No, the current result is beyond our expectations. Even Dumbledore couldn't do this!" Mad-Eye sighed, "And those Pokémon you gave to the Aurors Meng is indeed a very capable assistant!”

"You are mistaken, Mr. Moody, those Pokémon are not given to Aurors. Nominally, those Pokémon are still under the control of the Pokémon Protection and Management Office, and Aurors want to take them with them. Actions need to be approved by me."

"It's almost the same, as long as it works! I saved a lot of people!" Mad-Eye said nonchalantly, "But it's a pity that Snape and Lucius ran away!"

"Ah, you said they are two of them. In fact, they are my spies." Xia Lin said as he took out a glass bottle and cast the traceless stretching spell to put the captured Death Eaters in it. "I Let’s go back first.”

"Wait, wait." Fudge quickly stopped him, "Now that the war is over, I think - we can hold a commendation meeting -"

"I won't participate." Xia Lin was not interested in the so-called commendation meeting and left directly.


"So, the war has already begun?"

When the last bell rang on the 31st, Sirius and Lupine couldn't wait to step out of the room and walked to the street of Privet Drive under the hateful eyes of the Dursley family.

There was the sound of a heavy door closing behind me, but no one paid attention.

Harry was very happy that his godfather and another friend of his father could come to spend his birthday with him, and he also received letters from Ron and Hermione. This was the happiest birthday in his life, but it was not as good as the last time. Happy Hagrid's cake.

Maybe it's because I was really discouraged last time and didn't have any expectations.

"That's what the newspaper said, but we don't know the details." Lu Ping said softly. Sirius was louder by comparison, and he didn't look happy.

"Dumbledore didn't get involved this time, leaving it all to the Ministry of Magic and Charlene Gold. Originally we wanted to get some information, but then we thought about it and it's not urgent. The last war has continued. For a long time, we can spend your birthday with you first and then pick you up." Sirius said.

"Can I join the war?" Harry asked eagerly.

Hearing this, Sirius laughed, while Lupine looked solemn.

"That's great, boy! If James were still here, he would definitely say the same thing!"

"Sirius!" Lupine said sternly, "Harry, listen to me, you are too young."

"But, I fought back a few months ago—well—"

"Don't say that name." Lupine covered his mouth.

"This name has magic power Harry. I know you are brave and not afraid of You-Know-Who, but he has cast a spell on this name. As long as you pronounce this name, he and the Death Eaters will immediately sense you."

"Well, V-Mysterious Man, I don't think he's that scary. I mean, although I know he's very powerful, my Pokémon and I are not vegetarians. I was still on him a few months ago. He left a scar on his head!" he said proudly.

"Don't be like this, Harry. We all believe that you will become a powerful force against Voldemort, but not now." Lupine comforted him earnestly.

However, the Daily Prophet the next morning surprised the three of them.

"Mysterious Man Escapes!" All Death Eaters were wiped out! 》

"Victory in one day, who is Charlene Gold?" 》


Sirius/Lupin: It's crazy, I'm hallucinating.

The two people looked at each other and read the newspaper over and over several times: "I ordered the wrong newspaper? Isn't this a naysayer?"

"Obviously, it says the Daily Prophet." Lupine was stunned, but finally laughed, "Accept the reality, it only took him one day to defeat Voldemort. Anyway, this is a good thing , but we still need to be wary of whether he will come back one day."

"It's just like a dream." Sirius still couldn't believe it. "Do you think there is a possibility that Voldemort has not been resurrected at all, and that I am still in Azkaban?"

"In this case, when you wake up, you can turn into a dog and swim back directly to see if it is true." Lupine and Harry both laughed.

"But I really didn't expect Xia Lin and his Pokémon to be so powerful."

"Of course Pokémon are very strong!" Harry said immediately, "If I hadn't put my Pokémon in a sanctuary because I needed to return to the Dursleys, otherwise I would have shown you their strength. Got it!"

Xia Lin actually does not object to wizards living in the Muggle world taking Pokémon back. For example, Hermione brought her Pokémon back home. But considering his situation with the Dursleys, Harry decided to foster the Pokémon.

"It's okay, there will be a chance." Sirius smiled, "Next semester, Moony Face will go to Hogwarts to be the Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. I can take the time to go and see it then. I think - You can see me maybe once a month.”

"Really?" Harry jumped up in surprise at first, and then said worriedly, "But I heard that this position seems to be cursed - no one can hold it for long."

"That was before, but now, Dumbledore has teamed up with your favorite professor to break the curse." Lupine said with a smile.

At this time, in the Hogwarts sanctuary, the Xia Lin they were talking about was throwing a gold cup into the blazing fire.

[Voldemort’s Horcrux has been detected and Hufflepuff’s golden cup has been destroyed. The current Horcrux destruction progress is: 5]

[Congratulations on getting: Level +2, Features: Combat Switching, Ultimate Cave Coordinates: UB05: Big Stomach King, the location of the Evil Eater King has been locked! 】

[Congratulations on learning the move: King's Shield: After using King's Shield, you will enter the shield form, and your appearance will not change, but your physical and special resistance will be greatly improved. 】

"It's actually a battle switch!"

Xia Lin is naturally very familiar with the real "sword and shield" Pokémon, Swordsman, and because it can flexibly switch postures in battle, he was once keen to use it in battle.

In the real world where there is no limit on effort value, the combat switching technique is more useful than in the game!

What surprised him even more was that the reward he received this time was not the information about the legendary Pokémon, but a coordinate, and the coordinate marked was the location of one of the ultimate beasts, the Evil Eater King. .

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