Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 179 Dumbledore’s Script

"How much can it eat?"

In the Gryffindor common room, Ron opened his mouth wide and looked absurdly at Neville's little Kirby and the mountain of food placed in front of it.

"What basket is this?" Fred turned and asked.

"Third," George said, "we just have to move the kitchen!"

Just now, the little Kirby had eaten two small mountains of food like a wind and a cloud under the transparent gaze. It looked like the food it had eaten was almost three to five times its body, but its belly didn't show any heaving. Both brothers wanted to tell Neville the location of the kitchen.

"This Pokémon is a baby Kirby. The Kirby in last year's textbook is its evolved form." Hermione opened the book. "It eats food equivalent to its own weight every day."

"Same as his own weight? He ate at least five times as much food as his body size!" Ron immediately questioned.

"That's the problem. The little Kirby weighs a full one hundred kilograms." Hermione closed the book.

The little Kirby is only a little over half a meter tall, but its weight far exceeds this limit, so it seems to eat more food every day.

"Sooner or later it will eat you up, Neville! One hundred kilograms of food - my God, nine people in my family can't even eat that much!" Fred said quickly.

"It's okay, did you forget the replication spell? In fact, I only need one piece of food to create countless foods," Neville said. He didn't care about that. Although the little Kirby ate a lot, his family was not as poor as Ron's family.

"I think Neville is very lucky. If it evolves-"

Ron was just about to say that Kirby was still very strong, when he saw the little Kirby patted its belly after eating, and sat down on the ground, with bubbles rising from its nose.

George took over what he said: "Then there will be more to eat."

Everyone laughed immediately.

"I have to say, it looks quite similar to when you first entered school." Seamus sat in the corner happily. I also successfully conquered the Thunderbolt Ball today, but that kid's temper was even more violent than his, and he exploded whenever he wanted, so even Seamus didn't dare to let it out casually.

"Then we can only talk about each other." Neville smiled.

"You guys, what exactly is the professor going to announce?"

"I guess-"


"An additional teaching assistant will be added to the Pokémon Masters class this semester."

In the club, more than a hundred young wizards looked at the "eclectic" dark man standing next to Xia Lin in surprise. The white hair makes Dr. Ohmu look really young.

Originally, Xia Lin planned to make a look like Dr. Kukui, but after thinking about it, he felt that Dr. Oak would be better.

"Dr. Ohmu?" Harry frowned in surprise and subconsciously called out the old man's name.

"Who?" Ron and Hermione quickly turned to look at him.

"How do you know me?"

In fact, many wizards in the club looked at Harry, thinking that he knew the person in front of him.

"What? No - haven't you read it during the summer vacation?" Harry asked in surprise, "Dudley received a comic on his birthday. I took a peek and saw that this person was on the comic. "

"Comics? I never read comics." Hermione shook her head, indicating that not all books can be called books.

But she was indeed intrigued by what Harry said.

If what he said is true, then how does a character from the picture appear in the real world?

It would be ridiculous if a mouse suddenly came out and said he was Jerry!

"Wait, what are you talking about? What are comics?" Ron looked at Harry and Hermione in confusion. He suddenly felt that there was a generation gap between himself and these two friends. No, it was a boundary gap.

"It's like a fairy tale."


He nodded immediately. At this time, Doctor Oak stepped forward on the stage, coughed slightly, and said: "Good morning everyone, my name is Snow City, a Pokémon doctor from the Pokémon world. ——”

"You're right Harry! His name is really Damu, and he's also a doctor!" Ron said in surprise.

"But how is this possible? Things in comics can't become real, right?" Harry asked. Although he called Dr. Omu's name, he himself was not so easy to believe that it was true. Hermione, on the other hand, looked thoughtful.

"No wonder, it makes sense..."

"What did you think of?" Ron had given up thinking.

"Shut up, just keep listening!" Hermione didn't intend to explain now, for fear of missing something useful.

"I don't think she knows anything." Ron muttered in Harry's ear, and continued to look at Da Mu Xuecheng on the stage.

"Starting from this semester, I will replace Mr. Charlene Gold to share some courses with you. At the same time, the club activities this semester will also become more practical-based. The location will also be changed to inside the reserve. Another 'Hogwarts'."

Dr. Oak's words immediately ignited the inner doubts of the little wizards.

"Another Hogwarts?"

"How could there be another Hogwarts?"

"Where did the professor find this crazy guy? Do you want him to teach us?" Seamus said angrily.

He felt like he and others had been tricked. There couldn't be another Hogwarts in this world!

"Maybe there really is another Hogwarts."

"Are you stupid from reading?" Ron asked worriedly.

"No - didn't you hear what Dr. Oak said? He comes from the 'Pokémon World'!" Hermione was very helpless towards these two guys who never used their brains. "I've long been surprised that the professor taught those Pokémon How it came about, now it’s very clear, Pokémon don’t appear out of thin air, nor are they products of the magical world, they come from the Pokémon world!”

"This is a - parallel world!" The curly-haired little witch explained to Ron seriously what a parallel world is, "A world similar to our current world, but not exactly the same."

"You are too ridiculous. I have never heard of such a theory." Ron naturally did not believe it, and he said firmly, "There can't be another Hogwarts, and that person also said it was in a protected area. Here, have you never been to a protected area? There are plains, snow-capped mountains, deserts and everything there, but there are no castles!"

"Ron is right." Harry also agreed with Ron. "The reserve was created by Principal Dumbledore and the professor together. It is impossible for a castle to exist."

"You are right, but don't forget, there were no Pokémon in the reserve at the beginning." Hermione retorted, "When we went to the reserve last year, the types of Pokémon there were only half of what they are now. ."

What Hermione said was reasonable, but besides them, there were also people who didn't care whether it was true or not.

"Did you hear that George-"

"Of course I heard you, Fred."

The two brothers looked at each other and said in unison: "This is so cool. I can't wait to go to another Hogwarts!"

"Do you think our secret weapon will be effective there?"

"Would you like to know if you try it?"

The two people raised their hands in unison and shouted loudly: "Excuse me, Professor, when can we go to another Hogwarts?"

"You can do it now." Xia Lin smiled slightly, pointed his wand, and immediately created a door.

Under his magic power, the space of this door was directly connected to the protected area. More than a hundred people quickly opened the door and walked in. Sure enough, they saw a black castle sitting next to a deep lake.


The huge lake blows cool wind in your face. Harry saw several "beavers" resting on the shore, which were disturbed by them and jumped into the water with a splash.

"This is a big-toothed raccoon." Hermione didn't even need to look through the textbook this time.

"Or call it Hermione." Ron said desperately.

Hermione immediately glared at him hard.

Damn Ron!

How can someone's front teeth be so big?

Several people looked around, and Fred and George took off their robes on the spot to jump into the lake.

"What are you doing?" Percy covered his face and looked at his two troublemaking brothers, feeling his head hurt very much.

"We're going to see if there's any giant squid in the lake—"

"And mermaids!"

"Come up here!" Percy roared.

Fred and George went ashore immediately. But it wasn't because they were willing to obey Percy's orders, but because they saw several other figures coming from the other side of the lake.

The blue Laplace sang softly and swam over with a few people dressed similarly to Dr. Oak.

"You brought them here, Dr. Omu." Kukui dressed casually and plunged into the water from a distance. "Let me rush over at the speed of the water jet!"

He swam faster than Laplace and rushed to the shore from the middle of the lake.

"This is Dr. Kukui, who specializes in Pokémon moves. If you want to know some knowledge related to moves, you can ask him." Xia Lin introduced to the little wizards with a smile.

As a club for the Pokémon Master course, it is not a problem to allow the little wizards to fight in an unorganized manner. The use and characteristics of moves and these advanced knowledge also need to be taught.

Therefore, from the beginning of this semester, Xia Lin plans to add some courses to the club for them to learn.

Of course, the learning tasks are not very onerous, they only include: the relationship between Pokémon and humans, reproduction, evolution, habitat, origin, moves, ecology...

This is just a few directions.

Of course, the actual course content is indeed not much.

Then, the remaining doctors also boarded the shore and introduced themselves one by one under the watchful eyes of the little wizards.

"Okay, let us take you around the castle now." Damu released a water arrow turtle with a broad back, and then, Pokémon poured out of the lake, like a wave of The small boats seemed to be carrying the little wizards forward.

"This looks like when we first entered school!"

Many of the little wizards shouted happily.

At Hogwarts, first-year students take a boat to the castle to commemorate the Big Four.

Now they were once again on the boat, heading to another Hogwarts.

"This is indeed an unusual experience, isn't it?" Dumbledore didn't know when he appeared in the crowd. However, he was dressed differently than before. Instead of a purple wizard robe, he was wearing a suit. He looks just like he did in his youth half a century ago.

"Professor Dumbledore!"

the crowd exclaimed.

"It's me, but not yours - it's the Dumbledore of the Pokémon world." He didn't blush at all when he lied, as if he really meant it.

But I'm afraid not many people really believe in him.

Fred and George looked at each other. If there weren't so many people now, they would have wanted to take out the map to see if there were really two Dumbledores.

"Anyway, welcome to Hogwarts Pokémon School -" He didn't care about the doubts and just stood slowly on the shore. "The doctors will take you to visit the school." Yes, I believe you will definitely find fun in school."

It seemed that he just wanted to show up and see the first batch of students attracted to the school he "established".

Then the doctors took the little wizards on the backs of various water Pokémon and crossed the huge lake.

Soon, only Xia Lin and Dumbledore were left on the shore.

"Have you hidden all the costs?" Xia Lin asked.

"What diary?" Dumbledore asked confused.

"It's Tom Riddle's diary."

"Tom Riddle? Are you talking about the heir who was falsely accused of opening the mechanism of ancient dark Pokémon?" Dumbledore seemed to be trying to recall this past event, and then said nostalgically, "I believe he is not the murderer. In fact, I've always had respect for him since he died heroically fighting the evil trainer Charlene Gold."

"Now, the castle is once again enveloped by the power of the ancient dark Pokémon. I really hope these little wizards can find the murderer!"

Xia Lin:......

"Is this the script you prepared?"

"Not bad, right? I personally think it's on par with the prediction you made at the beginning."

"I think it's far different." Xia Lin said, "However, some of the content here is different from when you communicated with Tom before, right?"

"It's true that there are some discrepancies, but don't worry, I found a helper." Dumbledore raised his hand and waved in a certain direction. Then, a wizard dressed like a nobleman came out, wearing a robe on his body. The robe of the same color as forget-me-not, and the golden hair is meticulous.

"Hello—hello, Mr. Charlene Gold!"

"I've wanted to get to know you for a long time!"

Lockhart put on his trademark smile, which looked very deceptive indeed.

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