Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 180 Gilderoy Lockhart and the Raiders

Chapter 180 Gilderoy Lockhart and the Raiders

"I've wanted to see you for a long time, Mr. Charlene Gold." Lockhart is quite talented, but now he looks very flattering, like a puppy with its tail wagging happily.

Xia Lin frowned. He didn't really like this splendid peacock.

But Lockhart seemed not to notice his discomfort at all, and said with great self-satisfaction: "My name is Gilderoy Lockhart, I guess you should have seen it on the cover of Wizarding Weekly" Me. Of course, I actually own an Order of Merlin - of course, it can’t compare to your first-level one!”

"Your name is so popular these days! Oh no, it's not these days. In fact, your name has spread in the British wizarding world since July last year. But at that time, who could have imagined that you could be as good as you are now? What about achievement?”

Xia Lin automatically filtered out the constant noise in her ears and looked into Dumbledore's eyes unhappily.

‘Where did you find this annoying, overconfident person? Don't tell me that the old colleague you talked about last time was him. ’

'how could be? My old colleagues haven't come here yet. The Association of Extraordinary Pharmacists is still studying the ingredients of the potion invented by Severus, trying to find some substitute materials in the magical world. ’ Dumbledore blinked, and the voice sounded directly in Xia Lin’s mind.

The two people communicated with Legilimency unscrupulously, but anyone who has a little bit of expertise in this magic can tell that something is wrong. Even ordinary people who don't understand this kind of magic can probably tell that the two of them are doing it. This person was having a weird "eyesore" at this time.

But Lockhart seemed completely unaware of this and kept talking about his glorious "past events".

"He heard that the potion that Snape developed to be immune to wolfsbane came from your Pokémon? I want to say that I really didn't catch up with the good times. If you have read the book I wrote, "Wandering with Werewolves" will tell you that I used a laborious spell to restore him to human form, Mr. Xia Lin? Mr. Xia Lin - are you listening?"

He finally realized that no one was listening to him.

"Sorry, Mr. Lockhart, where did you go?"

"Oh - Lockhart, you can call me Gilderoy," Lockhart said eagerly. "As both owners of the Merlin Emblem, I think we don't need to be so different."

Order of Merlin: If I had known, it would have rotted in the factory.

Xia Lin also felt a little unlucky. His Merlin Medal was given to him by Fudge with a shameless face. At that time, he didn't think much of it. Now when he thought that Lockhart also had one, he felt even more suspicious of Merlin. Medals are worthless.

If he uses this kind of thing to flaunt himself, he will only feel that the price has dropped.

The only honor worth talking about in the magic world is indeed the chocolate frog card!

The wizard who can be recorded on the chocolate frog does not have two brushes, and there are many living ones. For example, a wizard named Archibald Alderton is recorded on the card because he tried to use magic to synthesize a birthday cake, which resulted in the bombing of the small village of Droping in Hampshire.

Beatrix Bloxham, wrote a children's book that makes children instantly sick and vomit as soon as they read it.

Cyprie Udall, the first and only referee to die during a Quidditch match...

Then there's Devonte Simplin, who ate an entire Poison Tentacle (the dangerous magical plant that killed Professor McGonagall's husband) thanks to a bet and survived, but is still purple.

Let’s just say that the old man from Florida is nothing compared to the characters on the Chocolate Frog card.

Speaking of the Chocolate Frog card, the text on the back of Xia Lin's card has changed since the last one-day Wizarding War.

"Charlene Gold, current professor at Hogwarts

He is famous all over the world for defeating the most powerful Dark Lord, Lord Voldemort, on July 1, 1992, and driving him out of the UK. Considered to be the most powerful wizard after Dumbledore, or even better than Dumbledore, he was also the first Pokémon trainer to bring Pokémon into the magical world.

Created a new class, the Pokémon Master Class, and promoted the creation of the Pokémon Protection Office and laws.

The current leader of the Pokémon Battle Official Club. "

Probably because he felt that defeating more than twenty pure-blood wizards was not worth mentioning compared to Xia Lin's other achievements, so the content on the card had been changed in real time using a spell.

And it was also mentioned that Xia Lin is now considered by most people to have more magical power than Dumbledore.

But in fact it doesn't - so far, including the system's rewards and his own improvement, the total has only brought him to level 65. In terms of magic power alone, he is still a little worse than Voldemort and Dumbledore. However, this gap is no longer so obvious.

With two powerful wands, Xia Lin can indeed compete with them without falling behind.

But wand aside—

Then there would be no suspense!

After all, how could Lao Fu and Lao Deng without their wands be compared with him, who had a dragon's claw in his left hand and a million-ton punch in his right hand?

Xia Lin can knock their noses crooked with two fists?


Voldemort has no nose?

Dumbledore's nose was originally crooked? And it’s two verses crooked?

That's okay.

Lockhart was still chirping.

‘Where did you find this guy? ’

'Gilderoy was recommended by himself. He originally planned to recommend himself to be the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, but unfortunately, I have found a more suitable candidate. Later I wrote to him, but he still refused and took the initiative to find me. ’

Dumbledore explained.

He affectionately called Lockhart Gilderoy because he had always regarded the unlearned wizard as his student.

At this time, Dumbledore already knew that the stories in Lockhart's books were deception. However, he had seen more cruel things, so he had a higher tolerance for it. At least Lockhart had not yet made a fortune. The degree of fatality.

It's no surprise that Lockhart is so fame-hungry and narcissistic about Dumbledore. Because it has always been like this when he was in school.

At that time, he claimed that he could make the Philosopher's Stone before graduation, and also said that he planned to lead the England Quidditch team to win the World Cup, and eventually become the youngest Minister of Magic in the United Kingdom. In order to see his name reflected, he begged Dumbledore to create the school newspaper. Have your name engraved on the Quidditch pitch in 20-foot-long letters. Or projecting your own likeness into the sky like the Dark Mark, sending yourself eight hundred Valentine's Day cards, and having to cancel your Valentine's Day breakfast because so much owl droppings and feathers fell into your cereal. inside.

There is probably no more outrageous and vain student in the entire history of Hogwarts.

Of course, it is not entirely true to say that he is really useless. In fact, Lockhart does have great abilities and is smarter than most of his classmates. His teacher also believes that as long as he works hard, he may achieve his goals. A career, but his biggest flaw is that he is unwilling to try unless he is the best and can achieve good results.

This is proven by the strength of Lockhart's Oblivion Curse.

He is like Mew or Zenitsu in the wizarding world, reaching the pinnacle at one point.

It is difficult for ordinary people to hide the Forgetting Curse from a powerful wizard, but Lockhart's Forgetting Curse is different. It is the only thing he can use.

‘At that time I was struggling with how to round out those things that were contradictory to reality. Just then Gilderoy came over. ’ Dumbledore’s voice rang out, ‘Then I remembered the detailed prophecy you told me about Mr. Lockhart, who was only the Forgetting Curse that was so powerful. So I wanted to give it a try, but I didn’t expect it to work. But don't worry, he doesn't know anything. ’

Did Lockhart's oblivion spell work on Tom Riddle's diary?

Xia Lin only felt ridiculous.

Although the diary contains only fifth-year Tom, as a Horcrux, it is difficult to be affected by ordinary spells, and the strength of fifth-year Tom is not comparable to that of ordinary wizards.

Dumbledore smiled.

It is indeed difficult to rely on Lockhart alone, but he himself is not a decoration.

'But what are you going to do? ’ Xia Lin looked at Dumbledore, ‘Don’t tell me that you plan to pretend that you don’t know about the things he did before. Not to mention how annoying it would be to have a guy like this around me every day. ’

'Yeah? But I think you can let him serve as a teaching assistant -' Dumbledore laughed, 'sometimes we also need a bad teacher, students can learn a lot from him, such as what not to do and not to be what kind of person. ’

‘Let him be Lupine’s assistant. Isn’t he a member of the Defense Against the Dark Arts Association? ’

'Remus already has a helper. ’

‘But I have seven! Or Snape—'

'I'm afraid Snape might accidentally poison him...'

"I can do it too!"

Xia Lin refused without hesitation, and he also spoke out.

"What -" Lockhart, who was talking endlessly about his deeds, heard Xia Lin suddenly speak. He was stunned for a moment, and then immediately laughed, "Of course, of course - to remove the chronic venom of the ghoul, I believe this will not be difficult for you and your Pokémon, the most powerful wizard in history! Even Fu-Mysterious Man is no match, and the International Federation of Wizards has also suffered a loss in your hands. Also What problem can trouble you?"

He immediately complimented.

Xia Lin realized that he had changed the topic from "Wandering with Werewolves" to "Wandering with Ghouls".

He has been talking until now, and Xia Lin has not been able to figure out what his intentions are - probably just to build a good relationship so that he can gain popularity in the future.

Xia Lin felt that he was not stupid enough to pay attention to her head.

"Okay, Mr. Lockhart, I have other things to do." Xia Lin didn't want to hear him chirping here and jumping around like a courting bird of paradise, and immediately issued an eviction order, even Dumbledore Li Duo didn't care and left directly.

Lockhart: ...

"I'm sorry, Headmaster Dumbledore, he's-" Lockhart was clearly embarrassed.

"I think he does have some other things to be busy with, and I didn't know he had found so many assistants. If you had come earlier, there might be vacancies." Dumbledore said "sincerely" Said, "But I think you can serve as an assistant teacher in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class first. I think you are better at that aspect, right?"

"I believe that in the following time together, Xia Lin will have a better understanding of your ability (waste)."

What, Sirius?

Let him come back next school year!

"What you said makes sense -" Lockhart looked at the Pokémon in the reserve with eager eyes. To him, these Pokémon were equated with great fame. This time he wanted to contact Xia Lin for the same purpose. To get a Pokémon, it would be best if it was as heroic as himself! Then make the headlines again!

The best result is to write another book "Being a Hogwarts Professor with Pokémon", which I believe will definitely take his reputation in the magical world to a higher level.

As for attacking Xia Lin, he really never thought about doing such a stupid thing.

But he felt Xia Lin's attitude. I'm probably not that well-received. Lockhart didn't feel that this was his own problem, but felt that it was because Xia Lin had just become famous, had his eyes set high above his head, and looked down on anyone.

Thinking of this, Lockhart couldn't help but shake his head, and smiled like a senior who had experienced the baptism of Vanity Fair.

"This is what young people are like when they first taste the taste of being famous." He smiled and said to Dumbledore, "To be honest, I was very arrogant at the beginning, but after so many years, I have become accustomed to courting with huge people. It’s the same as the famous one.”

As he spoke, he looked greedily at the Pokémon by the lake.

Until Slowpoke caught his eye, Lockhart thought that this Pokémon was interested in him, and he quickly asked: "Dumbledore, if it follows me voluntarily, it will be in big trouble, right?" How should I explain to Xia Lin?"

As he spoke, Slowpoke suddenly opened his mouth, slapped him with water on his face, and then slipped into the lake.

Lockhart: ...

A strange smile immediately appeared on Dumbledore's face.


At Hogsmeade train station, Dumbledore bids farewell to Lockhart alone.

"I'm glad you came over to Gilderoy today. It helped me a lot!"

"With a little effort, a small forgetting spell is nothing to me. Although I don't cast this spell often, it's okay. What I learn can always leave a deep mark on my mind. But I don't understand you. Why cast an oblivion spell on a diary?" he said.

Lockhart was only responsible for the forgotten parts, and Dumbledore himself did the modifications.

Dumbledore just smiled without explaining. Fortunately, Lockhart didn't bother to dig deeper.

"That's it, I'll come here to take up the post next week - the main reason is that things are too rushed. The shampoo I invented seems to have encountered some problems, but don't worry, after I solve the problem, it will take a week at most, and I will start it regularly starting next week. Stationed at Hogwarts." He boarded the train.

“Very welcome.”

It didn't take long for the train to start.

Lockhart turned towards the carriage, closed the door, and then—

A wand was pressed against the back of his head.

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