Seeing that Li Jianguo suddenly stopped, Kassandra who followed behind him asked.

"I think he must be reminiscing about the pleasure of embarrassing others."

Before Li Jianguo could speak, another voice that was very familiar to several people sounded first.

Especially Harry, after hearing this voice, immediately turned his head reflexively.

"Tomorrow's front-page news will definitely belong to Li Jianguo again." He said, "The reason is to disgrace the writers who are famous throughout the wizarding world. "

At this time, another somewhat angry voice sounded.

It's the Weasleys' youngest daughter, Ginny.

"Oh, are you looking for another little girlfriend of "one, three, seven"? "

Malfoy said deliberately with yin and yang strange emphasis, while looking Ginny up and down.

"Let me guess, judging by the red hair and this humble outfit, you must also be from the Weasleys."

Malfoy was naturally jealous of such a girl falling in love with Li Jianguo again.

So he continued to ridicule:

"It's really pitiful, and your family has another layer of financial burden."

Ron couldn't take it any longer, threw down the book he was still selecting, and rushed towards Malfoy.

But who knows that someone has already taken the lead.

"Did you not see each other for so long that you forgot my style?"

"Or did your father get some promise from Voldemort that gave you confidence?"

As soon as these words came out, Malfoy and the other customers in the store all looked horrified.

This boy dared to call that Dark Lord by name!

As for Malfoy's face, it instantly turned extremely pale.

Under the gaze of so many people, he did not want his self-esteem to be destroyed, so he tried to resist.

But with his little arms and legs, he couldn't move Li Jianguo at all.

He could only be carried to the door like a chicken boy.

"It's okay to bite people if you like it, but don't yell in front of me."

Li Jianguo snorted coldly, gesturing to throw Malfoy out.

"Let him go!"

At the same time, a magic wand rested against Li Jianguo's waist.

Lucius Malfoy put one hand on Li Jianguo's shoulder and said with an icy expression:

"Didn't Dumbledore teach you how to be a gentle person?"

Li Jianguo did not pay attention to the other party, but directly flicked his arm and left Malfoy out the door.

Lucius apparently didn't realize that the other party would ignore his threat.

By the time he reacted, he had already seen his son fall to the ground in a dog-eating position.

"Gentlemen, okay, don't start a conflict here!" Seeing this, the clerk hurriedly pulled his voice and shouted: "Calm down, gentlemen! "

"You will pay for your rude behavior!"

Then only listen to a soft click.

"Mr. Ollivander's wand shop is very close to here, take the money and fix it."

After that, he turned around and walked towards the store.

There was a vicious glint in the eyes.

"Father, your wand!"

Malfoy also got up from the ground at this moment, ran to Lucius, and shouted:

"How dare you do this to you! You should ask the school to expel him! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Let's go!"

Lucius didn't say anything more, but directly squeezed through the crowd angrily and walked in the direction where Ollivander's wand shop was.

"You shouldn't have paid attention to them, Jianguo."

Mrs. Weasley took Ginny's hand and said softly:

"Their family is bad, everyone knows, and I'm worried that they're going to be bad behind their backs."

"But thank you for coming up for Ginny."

"I should be the one to thank." Li Jianguo smiled and said, "Ginny is also speaking for me after all. "

With that, he also glanced at Ginny.

As a result, after the little girl met Li Jianguo's gaze, she immediately lowered her head shyly and hugged the crucible in her arms0.......

It was at this time that Li Jianguo noticed that in Jenny's crucible, in addition to a few second-hand magic books, there was also a strange book.

"Can I take a look at this?"

He held out his hand and pointed to the book and asked.

Ron then leaned over and picked up the book and looked at it.

"That's why I'm curious."

Li Jianguo smiled, took the book from Ron's hand, and then opened it.

I saw a name written in blurry ink on the first page:

As expected, this was another Horcrux of Lao Fu.

Ron leaned over and scanned the diary with some doubt.

"Serious people who keep a diary."

Li Jianguo suddenly came out with such a sentence, which made several people a little confused.

"But I like it."

The corners of his mouth suddenly lifted, he closed the notebook and held it under his armpit, and smiled at Ginny:

"Otherwise, I'll exchange other books with you."

"Think about it, if you still have 2.8 books that you need, you won't buy them, and then they will all be counted on my account."

"How embarrassing is this!"

As soon as these words came out, Mrs. Weasley hurriedly spoke up.

She understood what Li Jianguo meant, and knew that this boy wanted to help their family in this way without harming the dignity of their family.

"Mom is right, besides, this diary does not belong to me in the first place."

Ginny waved her hand and said with a serious face.

"In this way..." Li Jianguo scratched his head in trouble, "Then put it another way." "

"You see, Ron and I are good buddies, and according to our words, Ginny is my godsister."

On the contrary, Ron patted Li Jianguo's shoulder quite movingly.

"Thank you."

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