No matter where the world is.

The time of the holidays can always feel like it passes much faster than when you were at school.

The start of school is fast approaching.

During this time, the Ministry of Magic had completely cleared the prisoners who had escaped from Azkaban.

However, these people seem to have some kind of strange spell on them, once the people of the Ministry of Magic want to extract memories through the mind.

Their heads will explode directly.

Even if Li Jianguo was invited to find a solution in the follow-up, it would not help.

Because the day before he arrived at the Ministry of Magic, the captured fugitives had collectively turned into cold corpses.

At this point, Li Jianguo's internship Auror career can be regarded as temporarily over.

But for him, none of that mattered.

Anyway, I can continue to use magic after school starts.

In general, Li Jianguo felt that this holiday was quite happy and fulfilling.

But for others, it doesn't feel that way.

It's like a baby without a nose.

"Lucius idiot!"

Inside the old Gaunt family's old mansion, angry shouts suddenly sounded.

"What's wrong my master, who made you so angry?"

Peter Pettigrew ran into the house in a panic and knelt.

"Shut your stupid mouth!"

At this time, Lao Fu had already obtained a new body with the help of that mysterious man.

But it is still in a baby-like state, curled up in a giant transparent organ shaped like an incense burner.

Through this organ, his strength has gradually recovered, and even his sense of soul is even better than before.

This also allowed Lao Fu to reconnect with other Horcruxes today.

But just now, the soul fragments he had left in 07's diary came to him to complain.

It is said that it recently fell into the hands of a bastard named Li Jianguo.

From this, Voldemort also learned that Lucius, the fool, had let his Horcrux fall into the hands of his opponent.

Especially when he saw the content written in the diary by the other party, he was even more angry.

"August 13: Sunny.

I opened this diary and urged myself to do more hard work next semester, so I decided to go to my uncle's store to take a bath first. "

"August 14: Cloudy.

With nothing to do, continue to ask Harry and them to take a bath together. "

"August 15: Light rain

Kassandra actually wanted to try the feeling of bathing, so she went to take a bath today. "

"August 16: Sunny

Li Jianguo, Li Jianguo! How can you be so depraved! Have you forgotten all the plans you made earlier? Lu Xun once said: "Bathing is the beginning of all depravity." "It can't go on like this!"

"August 17: Sunny

Bath. "

..... Is this TM a diary written by a serious person?

Also, how much do the people of the Dragon Kingdom like bathing?

According to the soul fragment he left in his diary, when he was Tom Riddle.

He once tried to seduce this kid named Li Jianguo, but the other party just couldn't enter the oil and salt, and asked him if he wanted to take time to make an appointment together.

And the kid talked endlessly, and it was all nonsense.

This made Voldemort, who had planned to rely on this diary to make trouble, soar in blood pressure on the spot.

At this point, his strength has not yet recovered, so he can only count on the guy who claims to be Mars to deal with the kid first.

It's better to lose both!

On the other side, in an open space in front of the Burrow.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully activating the target anger and receiving the red reward! "

The system prompt suddenly sounded in Li Jianguo's mind.

Immediately, the corners of his mouth rose, thinking that the diary of the past few days did not seem to be written in vain.

Lao Fu was really confused by him.

And through this, Li Jianguo also learned that the other party was indeed able to contact the Horcrux now.

At this moment, the roar of the car sounded, followed by a large cloud of dust.

"Jianguo, did you really successfully transform your uncle's car?"

Ron on the side opened his mouth wide, full of surprise at the car driven into the air by his brother George.

"Hmm." Li Jianguo nodded and said, "I learned the general steps from your father, so I tried to turn it upside down myself, but I didn't expect it to really happen." "

"I feel like you can graduate straight from Hogwarts."

Harry also said with a shocked look.

His words are absolutely heartfelt.

Because after this period of getting along, Harry gradually realized that this classmate of his own level, the talent in magic can no longer be described as perverted.

I'm afraid Merlin is alive like that!

Until now, Harry has not figured out how many magic Li Jianguo has mastered.

In short, whenever something needs to be dealt with, the other party can always cast the corresponding spell.

"That's not going to work." Li Jianguo smiled, "This is a chance to go to school once in my life, and it will end when it starts." "

Saying that, he looked at Harry's forehead again and asked, "Does your head still hurt now?" "

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Harry shook his head, "Even those strange sounds are gone, and the potion you gave is really good." "

"Isn't that all old and immortal teachings?"

The yellow-skinned uncle suddenly rushed to Li Jianguo's shoulder, hugged his two paws in front of his chest, and said proudly.

Since the last time he helped out in the Warley family's old mansion, the yellow-skinned uncle has been staying in the ring, except for coming out every day to ask for chickens to eat, and rarely appeared.

Only recently has it come back to life.

By the way, he also guided Li Jianguo to refine pills.

"But we shouldn't really have to take a car." Ron hesitated a little and said, "That's what you said about a road trip." "

"Anyway, as long as you can get to Hogwarts, can't you?" Li Jianguo said with a smile: "Instead of taking the train bored, it is better to drive and see the scenery by the way." "

"That's true, too." Harry nodded.

"Don't forget us!" The Weasley twins also poked their heads out of the car and said. "How can such a fun thing not bring us!"

So, the next morning, the group got into two cars and began to go to Hogwarts. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At first, Harry and Ron planned to go with Li Jianguo.

But immediately after they sadly found that the four girls also thought so.

So the end result was that the two ran to the car driven by the Weasley twins.

"Are you all ready?"

Li Jianguo held the steering wheel and glanced at Kassandra, who was in the co-pilot.

In the back row, Luna, Hermione, and Ginny sat side by side.

Because Li Jianguo cast a traceless stretching spell in the car, the seats in the back were almost lengthened to resemble the benches in the park.

Even if there are three people sitting, it doesn't feel crowded at all.

"Let's go." Ginny exclaimed excitedly.

Although I didn't get on the Hogwarts Express in my first year of school, it was a rare memory in this way.


Li Jianguo's left foot sank and he stepped on the accelerator.

In the next second, the car rose steadily into the sky.

They flew north, and Cassandra, who was sitting in the co-pilot, checked the route every once in a while through the enchanted map.

Soon, London was left far behind.

In its place were flat green fields, followed by vast purple swamps.

As the altitude increases, the villages and churches below become like children's toys, and the curtains of cars shuttling through the road are like dense colorful ants.

"Is that a Hogwarts train?"

At this time, Luna, who was lying on the window looking at the distant view, spoke.

Li Jianguo glanced sideways and saw another long red train slowly passing under his nose.

"You say, will that Malfoy guy make a small report to the school after he never sees us again?"

Hermione said with some concern.

"I don't want to deduct points from the academy as soon as school starts."

"Isn't this kind of thing a common thing last semester?" Kassandra said sharply.

In the first year, the Gryffindor Deduction Three had already shown their prominence.

"There is a writer named Lu Xun who said that the ship is naturally straight when it comes to the bridge." Li Jianguo grinned and said, "It's already like this anyway, why worry about those." "

"He didn't say that." Kassandra glanced sideways at the boy and hummed softly, "I've been reading a book about him lately, and you can't fool me now." "

"Good guy....... You can get any of these kinds of books. "

While several people were talking, the sky was getting darker.

Even stars can already be seen between the clouds.

The long ride in the car had made several girls feel a little tired, and yawns were heard in the car.

However, at this moment, Ginny's shout suddenly raised several people.

"There!" She pointed out the window and shouted, "That's probably Hogwarts!" "

I saw on the dark horizon, at the top of the high cliffs on the other side of the lake, the silhouettes of the castle turrets and towers loomed in the thick fog.

"There seems to be something wrong with the other car."

Luna looked out the window and spoke softly.

Through the rearview mirror, Li Jianguo really found that the car behind Harry and the car they were in was in a shaky state.

And the piece will sink down!

"What to do! Brother, they won't fall to death! Ginny shrieked in fear.

"They crashed into the beating willow." Kassandra said with a calm face, "There is something to cushion, it should not fall to death." "

Sure enough, when Li Jianguo drove the car near the beating liu.

The car that saw Harry and them from far away was stuck on the branch of the beating willow.

Branches as thick as a python kept banging on the car body, smashing out one big hole after another.

It's just that all this suddenly changed after Li Jianguo's arrival.

I saw that those thick branches stopped instantly, and then stretched back at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally condensed into a canopy like a broccoli.

It looks kind of funny.

"What's going on?" Ginny also followed, looking at the strange scene in front of her, and couldn't help but ask suspiciously: "How do you feel that this tree seems to be afraid?" "

"You'll have to ask him that." The corner of Kassandra's mouth hooked, and she glanced sideways at Li Jianguo.

"Actually, it's nothing."

The latter scratched his head and laughed:

"Even when I was idle last semester, I would occasionally come to this tree to borrow some branches as skewers."

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