When Li Jianguo used a levitation charm to get the car off the tree.

The whole car can be described in four words.

I can't help but carry scars and big pits all over my body, steaming.

Finally, it rumbled into the darkness, and the taillights were still flashing angrily.

"Dad will definitely kill us."

Ron held a broken wand in his hand and said with some despair.

"Then it's going to be a holiday."

Li Jianguo patted him on the shoulder.

"Okay, then we should send Luna and Ginny to the freshman team."

He had seen a cascade of lights light up on the other side of the lake.

This is one of his masterpieces that he farmed last year.

A type of sorghum that threatens humans by glowing when they see humans approaching.

Originally, this mutated crop would have exploded.

However, after being improved and bred by Professor Sprout, only the previous characteristics were retained.

Then let the old Deng Tou use it as a street lamp.

Li Jianguo used transfiguration to turn his uncle's car into a pendant, and let the owl egg be sent back later.

Then a few people hid in the woods on both sides of the road, and saw the opportunity to blend into the student ranks.

At this time, Malfoy had really detected Li Jianguo's absence as Hermione had guessed.

And began to make a small report with Hagrid.

And for Hagrid, who hated the Malfoy family, he would naturally cover up.

"Listen, Hagrid."

Seeing that the big man in front of him was deliberately leading the topic, Malfoy instantly raised his voice and shouted:

"I know you have a good relationship with Li Jianguo, but if you want to cover up this matter."

"I think I'll write to my father right away and ask him to expel you from school!"

"But the problem is that they are in the ranks to build the country."

Hagrid spread his hands and said innocently.

"You're talking nonsense!" Malfoy shrieked, "The whole train knows that he and Harry didn't get on the train at all, so how could they be in the line?" "

"I can bet on this in the name of the Malfoy family!"

"Then you may have made the wrong bet." Hagrid muttered, smiling and waving behind him.

"Long time no see, Harry, and Jianguo."

"Long time no see."

A voice that haunted Malfoy countless times.

He opened his mouth wide in surprise and turned his head sharply to look at it.

Sure enough, when I saw Li Jianguo and Harry, several people looked at him with mockery.

"This can't be!" Malfoy immediately roared, "They must have just mixed in!" "

"Evidence in everything, Mr. Malfoy."

"It's not a good character to slander others casually."

Hagrid was a little impatient by this kid, and after coldly dropping such a sentence, he didn't pay attention to him.

The second-graders next to them couldn't help but laugh.

They didn't expect that as soon as school started, Malfoy would be a clown again.

"It seems that he is not very popular at school."

Luna looked at Malfoy, who was messy in the wind, and said softly:

"No wonder, my father doesn't like their house either."

"Anyway, it's right to have less contact with him, so as not to be obscure." Li Jianguo said with a smile.

This year's admissions process is exactly the same as last year.

Everyone was soon led by Professor McGonagall to the door of the auditorium. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It's just that this time, Li Jianguo and Harry, who have been promoted to the second grade, walked into the auditorium first.

"Don't be nervous, the Sorting Hat will give you a satisfactory result."

"If you don't want to be sorted into Slytherin, you can just tell that thing."

Before leaving, Li Jianguo smiled and told Jenny and Luna.

Instead, Kassandra snorted coldly.

"Not everyone is lucky enough to be sorted into Slytherin." The little girl said arrogantly.

Ten minutes later.

Li Jianguo, who had already taken his seat, saw the freshmen lining up and entering the auditorium worriedly.

Ginny's long red hair stood out in the group, while Luna, who was standing beside her, looked curiously at everything in the hall as she walked.

The teachers also sat down.

Old Deng Tou was still wearing the same robe as he had been last year, with a long silver-white beard and half-moon-shaped glasses shining in the candlelight.

I don't know if this old man didn't take a bath during the summer vacation, Li Jianguo always felt that his face was much rosier.

In addition, he also saw a familiar figure in the faculty seat.

Gilderoy Lockhart.

Not surprisingly, he became the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher this school year.

At this time, he was wearing an aqua-green robe, showing his bright teeth everywhere like a male peacock in heat.

At this moment, Snape suddenly rushed into the hall and whispered a few words in Dumbledore's ear.

From time to time, he glanced at Li Jianguo and Harry.

"'Professor Snape is not a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher this year!'

Cedric, who had risen to the fourth grade, came over and whispered:

"I'll have to see his long, smelly face in Potions class again this year."

"But I really envy you, you don't have to go to his class."

"To be precise, he always picked it out." Li Jianguo spread out his hands, "If you want to do the same, I can teach you how to refine pills." "

"Forget it." Seeing this, Cedric quickly shook his head and said, "If I do this, I will definitely be killed by my father." "

Between the two of them chatting privately, Snape also finished talking to Dumbledore.

But it was clear that he was not getting the results he wanted.

He could only sit indignantly back in his place.

When he saw Li Jianguo looking over, he glared at him incompetently and furiously.

This is followed by the sorting ceremony.

Not surprisingly, Ginny, who was called on stage first, was assigned to Gryffindor.

It's just that the little girl doesn't seem to be very satisfied with this result, and when she went to the Gryffindor area to take a seat, she kept looking at Li Jianguo's side.

And Luna, like the original, was sorted into Ravenclaw.

In this regard, her performance is much calmer.

The school start process continues.

But before Dumbledore's routine speech, Lockhart suddenly said that he wanted to introduce himself as a new member of Hogwarts.

Of course, the content of his speech was nothing more than about the honors he himself had received.

For example, the recipient of the Order of Sir Merlin of the Third Degree, an honorary member of the Anti-Dark Arts League, a five-time winner of the Most Charming Smile Award from Wizarding Weekly, and so on........

He also said that he would soon publish a book about his experience at Hogwarts.

Then give it to every student you ever teach.

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