After coming out of the notebook.

Li Jianguo estimated that in a short period of time, Tom would not find himself again.

After all, in the end, everyone is about to give themselves up.

After all, it's just an old Fu when he was young, and his heart is ~ a little fragile.

If you want to rely on the temper of the old Funa now, it is estimated that you will gnaw melons on yourself on the spot-.

Early the next morning, Li Jianguo, who was already accustomed to getting up at home, almost missed breakfast.

When I arrived at the auditorium for breakfast, I found that there were not many people in the hall.

Hermione was eating at the table while reading the book "Traveling with Vampires" by Lockhart.

"Would you also be interested in this boring book?"

Li Jianguo sat next to her and said curiously.

"We're going to his class today." Hermione pouted, "It's boring, but I guess he'll probably take the initiative to ask questions about the contents of the book he wrote." "

For this opportunity to show your knowledge.

Hermione never wanted to let it go.

Not to mention the fact that it can also add points to the academy.

However, for Lockhart himself, Hermione did not worship as much as in the original.

Only because Kassandra once pointed out more than a dozen errors in the details in the book to her face.

That's less than fifty pages of the book.

"Then you come on." Li Jianguo chuckled, "But our academy will take his class first, and when the time comes, we can give you a look." "

"You actually attended his class?"

This time it was Hermit's turn to be surprised.

In her mind, the boy in front of her was not very impressed with the new Defense Magic teacher.

And with his attainment in Defense Against the Dark Arts, it doesn't matter if this kind of class is not in class.

"The new teacher, you have to give people some face."

Li Jianguo drank the porridge in front of him and a few pieces of pickled herring at a very fast speed, and then got up and said:

"I'll go first, I'll have to be late."


Hermione suddenly stopped him, then closed the book "Traveling with Vampires", and said with a slight blush on her cheeks:

"I'll go with you, just in time for the herb class classroom to stop by."

Sure enough, it was as Hermione expected.

As soon as Li Jianguo entered the class, he saw Harlot standing at the lectern table with a stack of scrolls on the table.

"Now everyone is together."

Harlot first glanced at Li Jianguo with a smile, and then cleared his throat and said, "Everyone be quiet first." "

I saw him walk up to Jim, pick up a copy of "Walking with Trolls" and hold it up.

"It's a bit cliché, though." He bared a row of shining teeth towards the crowd, "But as your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, there are some things that need to be repeated. "

With that, Lockhart pointed to the photo on the book and continued.

"I, Gilderoy Lockhart..."

As a result, before he could continue to say something, someone spoke first:

"Sir Merlin's Order of the Third Degree, Honorary Member of Defense Against the Dark Arts Liang Meng, five-time winner of the Dark Wizards Weekly's Most Glamorous Smile Award."

Lockhart was stunned for a moment, and his smile became a little stiff.

Turning around, it was Jim who spoke.

He deliberately learned Lockhart's tone, which immediately attracted a burst of laughter from all his classmates.

"This student, your memory is very good."

Lockhart smiled awkwardly and said, "After all, I don't often talk about this kind of thing, nor do I use a smile to drive away Wanlun's female ghost." "

After he said what he thought was humorous, he tried to make everyone laugh again.

As a result, all the little badgers were almost uneventful.

The scene became embarrassing again.

"Ahem, I see you all bought my full set of books."

Lockhart was stunned for a few seconds, then turned around and picked up the test paper on the table:

"Very good, I think we will do a small experiment today, just to see how you read and how much you understand."

With that, he began to hair the curls.

"Limited to thirty minutes, start now!"

Li Jianguo looked down at the test paper.

It was found that the above problem is similar to the fan base herd test of the pigeons in later generations.

Basically, ask the guy what color he likes, what his dreams are, what day his birthday is and what birthday gift he wants.

In short, people don't even have the desire to write.

"Mr. Jianguo, why haven't you answered the questionnaire yet?"

Lockhart noticed that Li Jiaguo was holding his cheek with one hand, tapping the table with his index finger boredly, and did not mean to answer the question at all.

So he asked.

"I won't." Li Jianguo shrugged and said, "After all, I didn't come here to learn how to become a fan of an author. "

"That's right!" Jim shouted along. "These questions have nothing to do with how to deal with dark wizards." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And then, more and more little badgers also began to throw away the pens in their hands.

Looking at Lockhart calmly, some students whose family conditions were not very good, and even had a little anger on their faces.

You know, the biggest cost of their purchases this semester is the pile of books from the other party.

When I bought it, I found that the content inside was all used to boast about Lockhart, and some useless adventure stories.

It feels like a grinder when used as toilet paper!

Now that classes have officially started, they are still useless!

Seeing this, Lockhart's eyes suddenly became a little flustered.

This..... Isn't that right?

Doesn't it say that Hufflepuff students have the best tempers of the four houses?

Are you sure it's not someone from Slytherin who sat in the wrong uniform?

"Professor Lockhart, it looks like you should come up with some real material." Li Jianguo smiled and said, "Otherwise, we'd rather go to Professor Snape's potions class." "

Harlott's face instantly became ugly when he heard this.

He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Well, I wanted you to relax first." "

"After all, my mission is to teach you to resist the most evil things known to the wizarding world."

"It's easy to cast a deep shadow on you."

With that, he turned back to the podium, bent down and took out a large cage covered with a cloth from it and placed it on the table.

"Now, be careful."

"You will face the most terrifying things, but as long as I am here, you will not be harmed!"

As soon as the words fell, he lifted the black cloth on the cage, revealing what he called a terrible creature inside.

In the next second, there was a burst of laughter in the classroom.

"It's scary indeed, Professor Harlot." Jim covered his stomach and said, "Cornish elves, they... They're going to bite my ears, aren't they? "

Li Jianguo, who was sitting behind him, suddenly frowned.

According to common sense, the average pokemon should be iron cyan, about eight inches tall, with black eyes without the whites of the eyes.

But these that Lockhart took out were obviously a size larger, and their eyes flashed with a faint red light.

"Don't jump to such hasty conclusions."

Lockhart said in annoyance: "They can also be cunning saboteurs like the devil!" "

As if he wanted to prove his claim, he opened the cage door.

In an instant, those elves flew around like rockets.

The slender nails were like small scalpels, slashing towards the small badgers nearby.

I'm going to scratch them when I see it.

Everyone was shocked!

Even Lockhart, the goods hid directly under the table.

However, at this moment, several red lightning bolts directly hit the elves who were about to hurt people.

"Everyone go to the door first!"

Li Jianguo got up and shouted.

When the little badgers heard this, they immediately rushed to the door of the classroom in unison, trusting their safety to Li Jianguo.

"Don't panic, they're just some elves."

Lockhart saw Li Jianguo make a move, so he also stood up, brandished his wand and roared: "See how I deal with them!" "

"Pescchi Pixi Pestenomi!"

As a result, the gross use is not.

Instead, the elves besieged Lockhart even more furiously, slashing his robes in the blink of an eye.

"Shall we help him?" Jim asked a little unbearably.

At this time, all the badger academy students had already arrived outside the classroom.

"He's the mighty Lockhart." Li Jianguo scoffed, "This little thing should not bother him." "

With that, he closed the classroom door.

It was only at the moment when the teacher's door was completely closed that Li Jianguo keenly noticed that the magic wand in Lockhart's hand lit up with an imperceptible faint red light for a long time.

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