In the end, Lockhart was unable to fight off the elves.

Professor McGonagall, who came later, was sent to the infirmary.

It is said that his face, which is very maintenance-oriented on weekdays, was made like a pig's head by elves.

However, according to Snape's follow-up investigation.

Those pokemon were not true Cornish pokemon, but variants bred by a dark wizard.

Whether it is aggressive or destructive, it is more than twice as strong as ordinary pokemon.

But even so, there are doubts about Harlot's strength, and word has spread within the academy.

Inside Hagrid's cabin.

"It's good that I didn't believe his nonsense!"

Hagrid fiddled with the teapot and said indignantly:

"That guy had to come and teach me how to keep the water demon from getting into the well."

"Also bragged about how he drove away female ghosts."

"Zero Zero Zero" "In the end, he was dragged around by those long-legged pumpkins!" "

"Is it a pumpkin grown in the founding land?"

Harry held the teapot and asked with some surprise:

"I remember they weren't brought up again by Professor Sprout?"

"It grew out of the back." Hagrid sighed and said, "This summer vacation will make me suffer old sins." "

He glanced at the roof that had been patched countless times, resulting in a somewhat crumbling roof.

"During the period of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the plants in those fields were like crazy, making trouble everywhere."

"I swear, even the Forbidden Forest was not that scary at that time."

"Fortunately, now Jianguo is back."

"Did he go deal with those plants?" Ron looked up and asked with a pale face.

He was now holding a large basin full of slugs that had just spat out of his mouth.

"Yes." Hagrid nodded, "So he can deal with those naughty guys." "

"No, I have to let him keep a few to take revenge on Malfoy!"

Ron tried to stand up, but instead of holding out for more than a second, he sat back on the stool and vomited.

"Poor fellow."

Hagrid reached over his arm sympathetically and patted Ron's back gently.

"How did you get into conflict with Malfoy again?"

"The vest or scolding Hermione is the kind of very vicious words." Harry said.

"Very vicious." Ron hissed, "It's not the first time calling her a Mudblood." "

"Is this true?" Hagrid yelled angrily at Hermione.

"Yes." Hermione nodded, "He mentioned this word on the train before, and was taught a lesson on the spot by Jianguo. "

"That is, Jianguo is not there, otherwise, he would not dare to be so arrogant." Harry also said indignantly: "You must know that he does not even dare to breathe in front of the founding of the country!" "

"It's not that exaggerated."

At this time, a clear voice came from outside the door.

I saw Li Jianguo standing outside the door with a smile, and he was still carrying a ginseng doll that kept struggling.

Kassandra, on the other hand, followed behind her little unicorn with her arms.

"You've caught this little bastard." Hagrid glanced at the ginseng doll and laughed, "This thing caused me a lot of trouble during the holidays." "

"That's why I asked it to apologize to you."

Li Jianguo smiled and threw the ginseng doll to the ground.

As soon as the little one landed, he tried to slip into the soil.

As a result, Li Jianguo just gently pulled off the red rope tied to it and pulled it out of the dirt again.

"If you don't apologize obediently, I'll throw you into a crucible and stew it!" Li Jianguo threatened.

The little one sees that there is no hope of escape, and he doesn't want to really become a hot pot side dish.

So he walked up to Hagrid aggrievedly, bent over and bowed. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At the same time, two ginseng whiskers fell from the body.

"You kid is quite good at things." Seeing this, Li Jianguo scolded with a smile.

"Is this the last time you gave Professor Dumbledore food?"

Hagrid picked up the whiskers and placed them in his palm.

A strange fragrance reached the tip of his nose, making him feel refreshed.

"I heard that the professor almost frightened Madam Pomfrey by spraying nosebleeds for an hour."

"I originally wanted him to make wine." Li Jianguo scratched his head and said, "Who knew that the principal was so brave and directly ate it as a hot pot spice." "

"But this thing is a good baby."

"Is it because it's not the right way to use it?" Hagrid wondered.

"That's right." Li Jianguo nodded, "Normal people who eat it directly will definitely not be able to withstand its medicinal effects." "

"But if life is on the line, this thing can pull it back from death0..."

He wasn't bragging about it at all.

According to the yellow-skinned master, this ginseng doll has opened the spiritual intelligence, and the medicinal power contained in the body is no longer comparable to ordinary herbs.

Even if it is just a root ginseng whisker, it can have a medicinal effect that is close to resurrecting the dead.

"Then you have to put this away."

When Hagrid heard this, he quickly stretched out his palm and signaled Li Jianguo to put away his root whiskers.

Who knew that the latter shook it and said, "This is its reparation for you, why am I holding it." "

"But it's too precious." Hagrid still wouldn't want it.

"What a precious." Li Jianguo pouted and said, "This little guy is caught by me now, how much do you want in the future?" "

Hearing this, the ginseng doll suddenly became excited, and quickly hid behind Hagrid's thigh, stretching his feet and silently protesting at Li Jianguo.

"It looks like it likes you."

Seeing this, Li Jianguo chuckled.

For ginseng dolls, which are similar to the existence of grass and wood spirits, they can sense human malice.

And what he just said is actually just a joke.

If the little one doesn't agree, all he gets is a few weeds.

It can be seen that although it often causes trouble for Hagrid, it still likes each other.

"Okay then."

Hagrid no longer refused, carefully took a piece of paper and wrapped the ginseng whisker, and stuffed it into his pocket.

"By the way, I heard that Malfoy kid is in trouble again?"

Li 5.2 Jianguo walked up to Ron, who was still spitting slugs, and stuffed a pill into his mouth.

The latter immediately stopped vomiting.

"He paid to join the Slytherin Quidditch team."

At this time, a silent Kassandra spoke:

"Lucius bought every member of the Slytherin team a new Halo 2001."

"Isn't that the style we both used?"

"Hmm." Kassandra nodded, "But I've already customized the new style, and I'm already on my way to send it." "

"That guy's tail is almost up to the sky now." Ron, who had regained his bloody color, said hatefully.

"This way."

Li Jianguo touched his chin when he heard this, and suddenly said to Ron.

"I have a part-time job here, are you interested?"

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