Three days later.

On the pitch of a Quidditch training match.

Today it is supposed to be the Ravenclaw House Contracted Stadium.

However, at this time, a group of uninvited guests suddenly broke in.

They wore green robes and each held a brand new flying broomstick.

"Flint, do you want to take our stadium like you did that day?"

Ravenclaw Prefect Penelok Rivat, who came with the team to train, said with a serious expression:

"It's our training time."

She is a very sweet-looking girl, but she is still very shocking when she is angry.

"But it's big here, isn't it?" Marcus Flint smiled slyly: "I don't think the two sides will interfere with each other." "

"Besides, our new Seeker also needs to train harder."

"New Seeker?"

Penelope frowned when he heard this.

She clearly remembered that the Slytherin Seeker was a girl named Kassandra and had been doing very well in the game last year.

How could it suddenly be substituted?

"Yes." Flint laughed: "Miss Cassandra chose to quit because she didn't agree with our team's philosophy. "

Saying that, he glanced back.

The rest of the Slytherin members immediately leaned over to this side, and 07 stood shoulder to shoulder in a row, glancing at the Ravenclaw team with the exact same look.

Among them, the most contemptuous one was Malfoy.

"Let me introduce you, the new Seeker of the Slytherin team, Draco Malfoy."

"Is that him?"

Penelo looked up and down a few times at the boy in front of him who tilted his head like a rooster.

Compared to the tall stature of the other Slytherin team members.

Malfoy was much thinner, and always had an annoying smile on his pale, pointed face.

"It seems that the rumors are correct."

Penelope said with some disgust:

"Lucius Malfoy bought all of you a Halo 2001 at the cost of having his son join the Quidditch team."

"That only means that Mr. Lucius is a generous man, isn't it?" Flint smiled proudly.

"You're right." Malfoy said smugly, "My father's generosity was always timely. "

Speaking of this, he also glanced at Penelo specifically.

"I know you, and you're said to be in a relationship with Percy, the third son of the Weasleys, right?"

"No wonder it's still using the teacher's sweep series."

"I'm afraid it wasn't given to you by Percy after he ran out, their family has always had such a tradition."

"Shut your mouth!"

Penelo became angry when she paused, and the Ravenclaw players behind her immediately gathered around her.

It's just that compared to Slytherin, which is all boys, the Eagle House, which is mixed with a few female Quidditch players, is obviously much weaker.

"We have got approval to take this pitch."

At this time, a senior girl with long black silky hair and very delicate facial features spoke:

"So please leave the stadium immediately!"

"I'm sorry, Ms. Akibari." Flint's gaze lingered on Akibari's face for a moment, and then chuckled, "We also have a note specially signed by Professor Snape. "

After that, he also very conspicuously shook the note approved by Snape in front of everyone.

"If I were to say, how about we compete in one game." Malfoy suddenly spoke, "The loser obediently leaves the court." "

As he spoke, his eyes were also looking at Akibari.

For the girl with an Asian face in front of him, he immediately thought of Li Jianguo in his mind.

Thus instinctively produced disgust.

And the opponent is also a Seeker, and he can clean up the other party in the game for a while!

"I think that's a good offer." Flint, who had already been bought by the new broom, clapped his hands in agreement: "Since everyone has approval, let's use strength to speak." "

As soon as these words came out, all the members of the Slytherin team immediately raised their brooms in their hands, as if to display their new weapons.

The Ravenclaws, on the other hand, looked embarrassed.

Originally, the Quidditch team in the Snake Court was second only to Ravenclaw, who won the championship last year.

Now that there is the latest magic broom, the odds of winning this game are not great.

"I agree." Unexpectedly, Qiu Zhang was the first to speak.

Although she is usually a very quiet person, she does not want to show weakness easily in the face of such provocations.


On the contrary, Penelope, who was still strong before, seemed a little hesitant.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Does anyone want to rent a shared magic broom?"

"It's the latest Halo 2001!"

Everyone turned their heads curiously when they heard this.

I saw Ron standing in front of a wall, smiling and looking to this side.

Beside him, ten brand new smooth and shiny flying brooms are neatly arranged! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The beautiful lines of gold lettering, the light wheel 2001, stand out in the sunlight.

"Can you rent this broom?"

As Percy's girlfriend, Penelo is naturally no stranger to Ron.

As if she saw a savior, she walked quickly towards Ron and asked hurriedly.

"Of course, 5 West can be an hour, and a galleon can be contracted for one morning." Ron smiled.

At the same time, he glanced at Malfoy, who had a gloomy face, and deliberately raised his voice.

"People from other houses other than Slytherin can rent it."

"And now it's a soft opening stage, and you can rent it in a week without spending money."

As soon as these words came out, all the Slytherins were as dark as Malfoy.

Except for Slytherin?

Also free for a week?

You directly said that you came specifically to target us, and it was over!

"Where did you get these inferior imitations!" Malfoy roared, "How could your poor parents afford to buy so many Halo 2001s!" "

"I didn't say these brooms belonged to me." Ron shrugged: "Their owners are Ron and Kassandra, I'm just an errand-runner." "

"Oh yes, these brooms are still accidentally bought too much by the two of them, and they feel that it is useless to put them away, so it is better to take them out to earn some pocket money." 340 After these words, the only remaining luck in the hearts of everyone in Slytherin disappeared in an instant.

Li Jianguo's family situation is not very clear to them, but they are familiar with Kassandra who is in the snake courtyard!

The eldest lady of the Wolley family, the rich man in the wizarding world, has many times more assets than the Malfoy family!

Buying so many halo wheels 2001 is really not a thing!

The Ravenclaw, on the other hand, was completely relieved and cheered and ran over to rent a broom.

The price of 5 West Ke an hour may not be cheap, but the thought of experiencing the latest flying broom is quite cost-effective.

Not to mention it's free!

"Please express your gratitude to Mr. Li Jianguo on my behalf."

Akibari held the selected light wheel 2001 and smiled at Ron.

But immediately after that, it seemed that there was something wrong with his own words, so he added.

"And by Miss Kassandra."

Next, Snake Courtyard and Eagle Courtyard have a private duel on the court.

Ron watched the whole scene in its entirety.

Despite having the same latest flying broomstick, Slytherin is slightly stronger.

But I can't stop Malfoy, a rookie!

In the end, the match ended with Akibari snatching the Golden Snitch and winning.

Ma Erfu even damaged his light wheel 2001, which he had been carrying on his back these days, in the scramble.

Looking at the figure of the other party arguing with the team members because of anger.

Ron couldn't help but laugh.

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