Evening, inside the principal's office.

Old Deng Tou ushered in a rare leisurely time, lying on the chair and enjoying delicious spicy strips.

Busy with the start of school these days, it almost exhausted him.

As a result, the office door slammed again! was pushed away, and then Snape walked in furiously.

No, it's only been a few days?

Someone else is making trouble?

"Albus!" Snape scowled and roared, "I request that Li Jianguo be fired!" "


Dumbledore sat up from his chair with a bang.

"What about that kid in Jianguo?"

"That kid actually led students to do a side job!" Snape said in a deep voice, "What a shared magic broom!" "

"Now the whole Quidditch pitch is full of light wheels flying around 2001!"

"Isn't that nice?" Dumbledore was stunned for a moment, "Let the children who are not rich in the family experience the latest flying broomstick." "

"By the way, you can also earn some pocket money."

"This is challenging the authority of the school!"

Facing his own unobtrusive headmaster, Snape's blood pressure was high again.

"They're here to learn! Instead of researching how to make money! "

"Isn't this also a delay in my studies?"

"It's too late to delay your studies!"

Snape retorted urgently.

As for why he was in such a hurry, the reason was that he finally ran into a big man with a lot of stupid money and invested in updating equipment for the Quidditch team of the Snake Academy.

I thought this year's school Quidditch competition was a big deal!

Who knew that Li Jianguo's kid came out like this again!

When the time comes to play, other houses directly rent a team of Halo 2001, so what advantage do they have in Slytherin?

You know, for this batch of equipment, he let Malfoy's kid with average flying skills join the team!

Now he's a Seeker!

No, this matter must be spoiled for him!

However, Snape was just about to continue to argue when a timid voice came from the doorway.

"Professor Albus, your takeout has arrived..."

I saw a boy with a round face and a very kind expression sticking out half of his head from the door frame.

He was also carrying a lunch box packed in a bag.

It was the future Gryffindor Sword Saint, Neville.

"Did I order the spicy hot?"

Dumbledore instantly beamed and walked to the door in three or two steps.

Snape swore that he had known him for so long, and had never seen him so sharp.

"It's still hot, and the soup hasn't been spilled."

Dumbledore picked up the bag and said with satisfaction, then took ten nat from his pocket and handed them to Neville.

"Professor, you gave too much."

Seeing this, Neville quickly waved his hand.

"You deserve it, kid."

Dumbledore reached out and touched the other party's head and smiled:

"After all, there's nothing more enjoyable than being able to eat a freshly cooked meal when you're hungry."

"Thank you, Professor." Neville bowed to Dumbledore, "Thank you for using the Eat Service." "

Then he happily took the money and left.

"Professor Albus, shouldn't you explain?"

At this moment, Snape's suppressed anger suddenly came from behind Dumbledore.

Just as a battle was about to unfold in the principal's room.

A certain boy who was indulging in the venom of Xuelagog suddenly sounded a system prompt in his head.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully activating the target anger and getting the purple reward once! "

Is this someone angry again?

"If you continue like this, it is estimated that these eight-eyed giant spiders will have to leave the Forbidden Forest."

Kassandra looked at the old spider with a shriveled abdomen and limbs that kept swinging, and said speechlessly.

Two trips in three days, the Forbidden Forest is almost the back garden of the boy in front of him.

"Then we should squeeze more."

Li Jianguo got up and revealed the ugly face of a capitalist.

"Besides, I'm not a white, don't I give them a lot of livestock as rations?"

Today, the ecosystem in the ring is basically perfect.

Li Jianguo subsequently raised many cattle and sheep and other livestock in it.

Let the Sphinx guy graze in it when he is idle.

Now the scale is quite impressive. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Originally, he also wanted to fool this group of eight-eyed giant spiders into the ring.

Who knows what Aragog said and did not agree.

"If it weren't for Hagrid's face, I would have eaten you!"

The old spider shook the giant claw and said angrily.

It's just that its weak appearance, how to look how it is not threatening.

"You can lie down in peace first."

Li Jianguo rolled his eyes.

"'If it weren't for me, your descendants would have starved to death.'"

"This is only temporary!" Aragok retorted, "As long as that thing leaves the Forbidden Forest!" "

"Has something been running into the Forbidden Forest lately?"

Hearing this, Kassandra suddenly frowned.

It can make the eight-eyed giant spider group that is a 5X magical animal dare not go out to prey.

"That's a terrifying creature!"

Aragog trembled.

"It has venom that is even more violent than ours, and it is almost invulnerable!"

"Reminds me of the one back then..."

Speaking of this, Aragog seemed to realize that he almost said something wrong, so he immediately changed his words:

"Recently, the horse people are arresting it, but it seems that nothing has come of it."

"It's just a poor fellow."

Who knew that Li Jianguo sighed.

"Okay, I'll help you with this,"

"What do you know again?" Kassandra asked curiously.

"You'll find out later."

Li Jianguo pretended to smile mysteriously, but it turned out to be exchanged for a delicate white eye from Kassandra.

"I'm going to be involved too."

Kassandra snorted softly.

"Well-behaved, obedient, honestly sleep in the dormitory is not fragrant?" Li Jianguo was speechless: "A little girl's family drills into the Forbidden Forest with me every day, what is it like." "

"I don't care."

Kassandra had no intention of backing down.

I saw her staring at a pair of big eyes and threatening: "If you don't promise me, I will withdraw the investment from your what to eat!" "

"You have to get Mr. Warley's consent for this."

In the face of the girl's threat, Li Jianguo acted very calmly, and he smiled slightly:

"Your father and my uncle are already studying how to popularize it throughout the wizarding world."

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