Night fell quietly.

In the dense forest, a thick fog shrouded the entire forest like a gray veil.

The ravens began to howl, as if disturbed by some terrible creature, and flew in groups from the woods into the night sky.

"Will that thing come?"

Behind the low bushes, Kassandra bent over and whispered in Li Jianguo's ear.

The heat exhaled from his mouth made the latter's earlobes tingle.


Li Jianguo quickly turned his head and made a boo gesture.

But on second thought, the hearing of that thing does not seem to be very sensitive now.

So he spoke again:

"I have notified Ferencze and driven all the nearby beasts to the edge position."

"And also sprinkled a lot of milk on that guy."

Saying that, he pointed to a calf not far away who was nibbling on tender grass by the pool.


Kassandra was a little confused when she heard this.

What other animal besides humans would be interested in milk?

Could it be that it is also a cow?

But soon, the answer was in her sights.

Only listening to the sound of a gurgling rope ringing in her ears, 533 followed by a swaying bush not far away.

This scene made Kassandra feel a little familiar.

Could it be that Voldemort has lurked back to Hogwarts?

But before she could think more, a black shadow rushed out of the bush and crawled towards the cow at a very fast speed.

Immediately after that, he opened his blood basin and bit the neck of his prey.

It turned out to be a twelve-foot-long giant snake!

As a Slytherin student, Cassandra was certainly no stranger to snakes.

But she rarely saw such a large snake, and the poison was extremely violent!

The moment the cow was bitten, it completely lost its breath, twisted its body twice and fell to the ground.

"Finally appeared!"

Li Jianguo stood up, rushed out of the bushes, and raised the magic staff was a magic spell!

"All petrified!"

The red light hit the body of the big snake, but it had no effect.

Instead, he let go of the entangled cow's carcass and threw himself at Li Jianguo with a roar.

Seeing this, the latter immediately rolled on the spot and dodged the attack.

Ahbera, who was still standing in the bushes, immediately pulled out his staff and prepared to help.

"Don't shoot yet!"

Who knew that Li Jianguo suddenly stopped drinking.

Immediately after that, I saw a hissing sound from his mouth, as if a snake was swallowing a snake letter.

"Hiss..." (Hello, Nagini. )

"Hiss..." (Don't be nervous, we didn't mean anything, we just wanted to confirm your identity.) )

It turned out to be parseltongue!

Kassandra on the side was instantly surprised when she saw the giant snake stop and put on a listening posture.

Isn't this language mastered only by the descendants of Sachara?

Why would he also build a state?

Just when Kassandra was puzzled, Li Jianguo on the side was still guarded.

Although he had already determined that the giant snake in front of him was the poor woman, Nagini.

But after all, at this time, the other party has been eroded by the blood curse and has turned into a snake for many years, and it is difficult to determine how much humanity can be retained.

Even in the original book, it was only after 1994 that she killed Bertha Joggins because of Old Volt that she became one of Voldemort's Horcruxes

However, Li Jianguo's luck seems to be good.

Nagini, who turned into a giant snake, actually quieted down after hearing Li Jianguo's parseltongue language.

After a short silence, the low sound of snake language sounded in Li Jianguo's ears.

"Who are you?"

"How do you know my human identity?"

If you can communicate, it will be easy to do!

The corners of Li Jianguo's mouth instantly raised, and he continued to communicate in parseltongue:

"My name is Li Jianguo."

"As for how to know your identity, the name Tom Riddle, you should be familiar with it, right?"

Hearing this, Nagini instantly became a little restless, and his hiss became urgent.

"Where is he now?"

"That's not right! That man's current name should be Voldemort! "

"You're right." Li Jianguo chuckled, "But I didn't learn your information through his essence, but the soul that remained in this diary." "

He took out his diary and shook it in front of Nagini. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It turned out that Li Jianguo used his soul state to enter the diary to communicate with Tom Riddle.

Through the regurgitation, the news was obtained that Voldemort was regaining his strength somewhere.

And judging from the fact that the souls between the two have been able to reach a link, Lao Fu's strength has recovered quite smoothly.

Most likely, it was the ghost of the Dragon Kingdom monk named Mars.

In addition, Lao Fu also mentioned Nagini to Tom.

When Quirrell brought Voldemort out of the Albanian jungles, Nagini was already with the elder.

And has been lurking in the Forbidden Forest, fed regularly by Quirrell.

However, after Quirrell and Voldemort failed to steal the Philosopher's Stone, they did not have time to take Nagini because of their defeat and the fact that they fled too suddenly.

At this point, she lost contact with Voldemort, and began to frequently move in the dense forest to feed.

Wait for Voldemort to come back to her.

Since it has not yet become an old Fu Horcrux, this is the time of the entire summer vacation.

Until Li Jianguo got her news from Tom with the idea of regency.

"So, you are his enemy!"

As a follower of Voldemort, Nagini also knew more or less about Horcruxes.

One of the Horcruxes that now kills her current master is in the hands of the boy in front of her.

There is no doubt that the other side is on the opposite side.

"No, no, no." Li Jianguo shook his finger and said, "It's true that I am his enemy, but this does not mean that we are enemies. "

"Nagini, you don't want to live as a snake either."

"Voldemort should have promised to help you return to human form before you chose to be loyal to him."

"But after all these years, what progress have things made?"

"So do you want to consider changing people to follow?"

Li Jianguo's words seemed to have touched Nagini's anti-scales.

She immediately roared, "If he can't do it, why should I trust you!" "

After saying that, she opened her blood basin and pounced on Li Jianguo again.

However, at the moment of his attack, a powerful momentum suddenly spread from Li Jianguo's body!

I saw that his face was suddenly covered with scales

The originally brown eyes turned into golden snake pupils!

"Now what?" He said slowly.

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