Who is that woman!

Kassandra widened her beautiful eyes and looked at the scene in front of her.

Just now, the hideous-looking giant snake turned into a woman with long black hair and an Asian face after a squirm!

And Li Jianguo fell straight into the arms of others.

The head is still in that position!

He didn't mean it!

Thinking of this, a fierce vinegar intent drove Kassandra to quickly move forward and pull Li Jianguo away from Nagini's arms.

The latter looked at the girl in front of him a little ignorantly, glaring at his own girl with anger.

"What are you doing?" Li Jianguo was also a little confused.

I wasted so much energy, I haven't enjoyed the arms of my big sister yet...

"What you told me, keep you safe." Kassandra snorted coldly: "Just now I saw "One Three Zero" and you fainted. "

"Do you want to take you to the infirmary now?"

"It doesn't have to be." Li Jianguo scratched his head a little embarrassed.

The line of sight is difficult to remove from Nagini.

Due to living as a snake for a long time, her clothes have been severely damaged.

At the moment, it is in a state of near unobstructed view.......

However, the next second, a piece of clothing suddenly fell on Nagini's body.

Exactly Kassandra.

She didn't know where to conjure a piece of clothing.

"What's wrong with me?"

Nagini asked a little dazedly.

At this time, the memory in her head was a little confused, and many fragments became blurred.

"It was the blood curse that eroded your soul." Li Jianguo replied with a chuckle.

"Blood curse?"

Kassandra exclaimed, looking at Nagini again, with a little more sympathy in her eyes.

But she had heard how vicious the curse was.

It turned out that the snake just now was the result of her being eroded by the blood curse.

"You have completely turned into a snake before, and only retained a little human reason."

Li Jianguo continued:

"And also chose to follow Voldemort."

As soon as these words came out, Kassandra's gaze became vigilant again.

It turned out to be a follower of Voldemort!

"I had no choice." Nagini smiled bitterly: "Under the torture of the blood curse, my rationality is gradually disappearing. "

Then, she slowly told her experience back then.

When Nagini and Dumbledore and Newt Scamander returned to Hogwarts.

Dumbledore and Newt have been trying to help her resist the Blood Curse.

In the process, Nagini secretly hid in the Forbidden Forest in order not to expose the identity of the Blood Curse Orc.

However, the eradication of the blood curse was too difficult, and even Dumbledore could only suspend it and could not eradicate it.

And as time went on, the various methods of relieving the blood spell became ineffective.

Until one day, Nagini, who was tortured to the point of despair by the blood curse, met Tom Riddle.

The other party didn't know what method was used to help her relieve the pain caused by the blood curse again, and frankly confessed her method of completely curing the blood curse.

So Nagini, who did not want to be completely reduced to a beast that only knew how to kill, chose to follow the other party.

It turns out that Lao Fu, who has already begun to work on the Horcruxes, has deceived Nagini.

His fundamental purpose is simply to turn it into his own Horcrux.

After all, having a poisonous snake as a Horcrux can both highlight the family lineage of old Voslytherin and increase his mystery.

This is an irresistible temptation for Lao Fu, who is in a state of extreme paranoia about the theory of blood.

"So what now?" Li Jianguo suddenly smiled and said, "Have you ever felt the changes in your body?" "

Nagini was stunned when he heard this, and then looked down at his hands and other parts of his body.

Immediately after, two lines of tears slowly dripped down her soft cheeks.

Nagini cried with joy.

Because just now, she had completely lost the existence of the vicious curse in her own blood.

She has finally become a normal human!

Decades of painful experiences came to mind in this instant.

Those grievances and tortures finally came to an end today!

"Thank you!" Nagini hugged the boy in front of him and cried.

This time, although Kassandra was also filled with vinegar in her heart, she did not choose to pull the two apart.

She also sympathized with the tragic experience of this woman0.......

Judging from this brief contact, the other party is definitely a gentle and kind woman in essence.

"Well, it's okay... It's over. "

Li Jianguo patted the other party's smooth back a little stiffly.

Just now, Nagini moved too much, and the clothes that were originally covered on his body slipped down again. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Don't look at his current physical age is only twelve years old, but he can't hold the soul is a mature male!

On weekdays, there is some physical contact or ambiguous behavior with Cassandra and these little lolis.

After all, Li Jianguo is not a strange Shu Huang.

But Nagini is different, the other party is a real beautiful big sister, and the body is extremely sexy.

Where can he withstand this?

"So what's next for you?" Kassandra suddenly asked.

"I don't know."

Nagini let go of his embrace and shook his head a little blankly.

"My family has died from the blood curse, the words of my friend..."

She suddenly thought of Credence, and then her expression became a little dark.

He must be his only friend.

At that time, I heard that the other party eventually returned to live with his father, but because of the silence in his body, he passed away soon after.

Thinking of this, Nagini gently raised his head and looked at the boy in front of him.

From the moment she regained her rationality, she had an inexplicable closeness to Li Jianguo.

This sense of 2.1 seems to come from the depths of the soul.

For some reason, Nagini suddenly expected something.......

As a result, in the next second, this expectation was fulfilled.

"So would you like to live with us?"

I saw the boy laughing gently:

"I am willing to follow you." Nagini bowed without hesitation.

Who knew that Li Jianguo shook his head with a smile.

"Not to follow, but as a friend."

"From this moment on, you will not be alone."

As soon as these words came out, Nagini's eyes burst into tears again...

Yes, I found someone I could rely on.

Today is the best day of her life.

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